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eevee's trade thread H World Pikachu Plush W Donphan Prime

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RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Tangrowth LV X W: Uxie X

Would you be willing to do my Tang X for your Electrive FB LV X, Starly MD and 2 Expert Belts?
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Tangrowth LV X W: Uxie X

eevee said:
Would you be willing to do my Tang X for your Electrive FB LV X, Starly MD and 2 Expert Belts?

yes of course pm me
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Tangrowth LV X W: Uxie X

I didn't know you had a Garchomp(NOT C) Lv.X for trade.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X W: Uxie X

BUMPing up the party now.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X W: Uxie X

I posted this on my thread too.

Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted
8)Dark Porygon2
9)Dark Scizor
17)Dark Ariados
18)Dark Magcargo
22)Light Dragonair
25)Light Machamp
26)Light Piloswine
29)Unown W
92)Broken Ground Gym
94)Impostor Professor Oak's Invention
95)Radio Tower

PA Salamenace LvX
PA Salamenace holo x 2
SV Electrivire fb LvX
PA Water Arceus x 2
PA Kabutops holo
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Am I allowed to get Promo Uxie as my DOTW?
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Shakespeare said:
I posted this on my thread too.

Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted
8)Dark Porygon2
9)Dark Scizor
17)Dark Ariados
18)Dark Magcargo
22)Light Dragonair
25)Light Machamp
26)Light Piloswine
29)Unown W
92)Broken Ground Gym
94)Impostor Professor Oak's Invention
95)Radio Tower

PA Salamenace LvX
PA Salamenace holo x 2
SV Electrivire fb LvX
PA Water Arceus x 2
PA Kabutops holo
If you can take out one of the LV Xs, you have yourself a deal.

SrSpoony said:
How many Pokehealer+ do you have?
I don't have any Poke Healers+ for trade.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Take out of the LvXs?
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Ooops. It supposed to say take out one of the LV Xs.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

How about
Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted
8)Dark Porygon2
9)Dark Scizor
17)Dark Ariados
18)Dark Magcargo
22)Light Dragonair
25)Light Machamp
26)Light Piloswine
29)Unown W
92)Broken Ground Gym
94)Impostor Professor Oak's Invention
95)Radio Tower

PA Salamenace LvX
PA Salamenace holo x 2
SV Electrivire fb LvX
PA Water Arceus
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted
8)Dark Porygon2
9)Dark Scizor
17)Dark Ariados
18)Dark Magcargo
22)Light Dragonair
25)Light Machamp
26)Light Piloswine
29)Unown W
92)Broken Ground Gym
94)Impostor Professor Oak's Invention
95)Radio Tower

PA Salamenace LvX
PA Salamenace holo x 2
PA Water Arceus x 2
PA Kabutops holo
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

I can't trade the shinings and all those 1st edition cards for that, sorry.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Would you be willing to do Your:
Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted

SV Electrivire fb LvX
PA Water Arceus x 2
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted
Dark Porygon2 1st edition
Dark Scizor 1st edition

SV Electrivire fb LvX
Salamenance LvX
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

I really don't want to trade 2 LV Xs for two Shinings. How about your
Shining Magikarp 1st edition
Shining Gyrados unlimted

SV Electrivire fb LvX
PA Water Arceus x 2
PA Kabutops holo
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

It appears we have a insurmountable barrier here!
I can't do 2 shinings for anythings less than 2 lvxs, and you can't do that.
I tried to sweeten it up for you by adding a couple 1st edition holos.

Sometimes these things just don't work out, maybe next time!
No hard feelings here, I hope you feel the same!
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

Bump. New Deal of the week.
RE: eevee's trade thread H: Salamence LV X, Deal of the Week W: Uxie X

I have:
2x Charmeleon SF
1x Magmar ex (e-reader)
1x Delcatty ex
1xea. Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos ex promo
1x Claydol ex
1x Armaldo ex
1x Shining Magikarp
1x Kricketune MT RH
1x Cyndaquil MT RH
1x Gabite MT RH
1x Sheildon MT RH
1x Electrike MT RH
1x Darkrai MD RH
1x Phione MD Holo
1x Bronzong MD RH
1x Eevee #63 MD RH

Make me an offer.
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