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eevee's trade thread H World Pikachu Plush W Donphan Prime

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RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

I meant what else would you do other than the erl peice for the victory medal.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

No, I just need the ERL piece from you.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

would like the alph and victory medal.look at my trade place.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

Can I get a link to your trade thread, please?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

CML for the following

1x Uxie (LP)
2x Rare Candy (UL)
1x Spiritomb (AR)
1x Luxray GL
4x Gastly (SF)
2x Machop (SF)(RH)
1x Blastoise Unleashed Prerelease
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

I am interested in your 1x Entei/Raikou Legend (TOP), 1x Steelix (PRIME), 1x Pokemon Communication and 1x Broken Time-Space. Do you happen to have 2x Cyrus Conspiracy?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

please respond to me about my offer???
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

eevee said:
I am interested in your 1x Entei/Raikou Legend (TOP), 1x Steelix (PRIME), 1x Pokemon Communication and 1x Broken Time-Space. Do you happen to have 2x Cyrus Conspiracy?

Sorry I dont have any extra cyrus's, what would it take to get these from u

1x Uxie (LP)
1x Spiritomb (AR)
1x Luxray GL
4x Gastly (SF)
2x Machop (SF)(RH)
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

I really want Entei/Raikou Legend (TOP) from you. Would you do my Luxray GL, 4x Gastly (SF) and 2x Machop (SF) for your Entei/Raikou Legend (TOP)?

@Binx345 I would like to keep the victory medal for now. Sorry.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

cml for blastoise pre-release
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

Do you have anything off my wants list?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

My: Cyrus's Conspiracy
Your: 3x Electrode SF #36 (1 RH)
Nidorina RR x2
SP Energy

RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

Can you add in another Cyrus's Conspiracy?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

I only have one... I would if I could trade another. Literally, I'm trading you a staple worth $3-5 for three Uncommons that no one uses plus two Commons and an SP Energy. It seems fair the way it is. Are there any really small wants you have? Eevee MD? Nice avatar.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

Could you add in the JPN Gliscor LA and you can choose another card off my list to add onto the trade?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

Sorry, but I no longer have that Gliscor...my thread's really outdated, so...can we just do that trade above?
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

ok, so my, MD-RH (one of each)
skull fossil
fossil excavator

for your
luxray gl

if you have a second luxray gl I'm willing to part with my power keeper's ninetails for it ( >.< ) . cya
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

EspeonROX said:
Sorry, but I no longer have that Gliscor...my thread's really outdated, so...can we just do that trade above?
I can do the trade if I can take out the RH Electrode.
varit said:
ok, so my, MD-RH (one of each)
skull fossil
fossil excavator

for your
luxray gl

if you have a second luxray gl I'm willing to part with my power keeper's ninetails for it ( >.< ) . cya
No thanks.
RE: eevee's trade thread H Victory Medal W 2 DCE 2 Cyrus Garchomp National Promo

OK! That's fine with me. :] PM me for the details, and let's get this moving. Thank you! Just make sure EVERYTHING is in perfect condition, English, and those Trode have the Body. Just tell me they are to clarify.
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