Eevolution. :)


BEWARE! Sharp Claws!!!:)
I just started back again, not really sure if I had the right ratio-mindframe but here I am.
Well basically fast hitters and revolve around eevolutions.
And opponent hand-control cards as well.


Poke's : 11
4 Eev's
3 Flareon (devo)
2 Vaporeon (devo)
2 Jolteon (devo)

Trainer ; 22
3 Cyrus Initiative
3 Team Galactic' Mars/Team Rocket's trickery
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 bebe's
2 Looker's Investigation
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Volkner's Philosophy
1 cynthia's Feelings (draw 8)
1 Pokemon Circulator (opponent switcher)
1 switch
1 luxury ball
2 Expert belt
2 Life Herb

Energy: 16
4 Fire
4 Water
4 Lightning
4 Multi Energy

optional :
3 pluspower
2 leftovers
For pokemon you will want to include the umbreon from undaunted as it is good for stalling.
Espeon prime lets you use any attack of an eeveelution that you have in play and you want to use 2 call for family eevee and 2 of another type. You also might want to consider umberon prime too for evoblast.

You will want some pokemon collector in here and maybe include some judge for hand disprution.
Which jolteon, vaporeon and flareon wre you planning on using?
I would say the ones which let you unevolve it are the best.

Also i would add in another pokemon other than eevee, maybe sableye or smeargle. Having only 4 basics in a deck just isn't enough.
thanks for your advice.
indeed i thought so of playing 2 call4family eevee and the 2 normal ones.
but i rather not play judge since i prefer to control discarding/disrupting withoout disrupting mine.

thanks for your input!
You need 3 or 4 Broken-Time Space. You can't use Undevelop and then evolve again in the same turn. I also suggest two Uxie LA for some instant draw power.