Attention please! @Everyone, but especially
@JL_muserwolves @TokenDuelist @JakeTheGearHeart @orthusaku @Zeatap @Javi Blizz
- Always ask if you are okay losing to the deck you love playing.
- There can be more than one kind of "toxic" deck.
I used to
love locking down my opponent and seeing them helpless turn after turn... until someone pointed out my hypocrisy as I
hate facing such a deck. XD Honestly, its kind of sadistic.
But wait! I also love powering through my opponent with Pokémon that are either so big, durable
or disposable that it doesn't matter what my opponent does...
except once again, I
hate facing such decks.
Solitaire in a 2-player game is lame. It all comes down to issues with game balance and pacing; the powers that be made a bunch of cards that would have been fine
except they can be used T1.
Well, fine relative to the rest of the metagame and commonly accepted "balance" of the TCG, but that's a rant for another day.

Now, if y'all wish to continue debating each other... okay, go ahead. My stance happens to be a blend of your own stances, but that doesn't mean any of you will agree with me. XD Just to clarify though: solitaire decks are boring to face whether it is one-sided because I cannot play any cards or because the actions I can take won't make any difference, or require absurd amounts of luck to make a difference. Even then, the issue is also a deck achieving such a state both quickly and reliably; if you have to play a stellar game
but I have a fair chance to disrupt the strategy's set up before it gets going, then it goes back to being a "me" problem for not recognizing I had my chance. XD