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Elechu (Masters, Cities)


Aspiring Trainer
x1 Raichu Lv. X
x3-3 Promochu (HGSS03) and Raichu Prime
x3-3 Electivire (TR)
x2-2-1 Magnezone Prime
x1-1 Dodrio (Undaunted)
x2 Spiritomb (AR)
x1-1 Manectric (Platinum)
x1 Uxie

25 Pokemon

x3 Bebe
x2 Interviewer
x2 Pokemon Collector
x2 Seeker
x2 Fisherman
x1 Twins
x1 Judge
x1 Flower Shop Girl

15 Supporters

x2 SSU
x2 Pokemon Communication
x2 E-Belts
x2 Sunny Shore Gym

6 Trainers 2 Stadiums

x12 {L} Energy

Okay, the idea is to start with Promochu or Spiritomb, either is fine. If I start with Spiritomb I will try to set up with a Collector getting Magnezone out ASAP with a Raichu to follow and hopefully a Dodrio (for free retreat for all but Electivire who will have 1 retreat).

If I start with Promochu I'll use his first attack Recharge to hopefully get an energy attached, evolve next turn attach an energy and Raichu things up for a prize at turn two.

By then I'd hope to get out Dodrio to retreat for free to Electabuzz who will hopefully then be an Electivire. Attach an energy and use Plasma (With an E-Belt and one energy it's 50 damage and bringing some of that energy back). I'll do this twice, retreat to the bench for Raichu, add an energy and attack again.


Play Seeker
Play Raichu X.
KO Active
KO Bench

With Seeker in this deck I can (Ideally) take out an opponent who has 3 pokemon in play. I can also use Seeker to get Raichu X back to the hand to repeat the process with a different Raichu a turn or two later.

I can sometimes use Electivire's Thunder Shot attack to do some amazing spread damage a little after using Raichu Prime's attack.

Decks not perfect and I'm thinking about dropping Manectric for a 1-1 Lanturn Prime line up or maybe 2 MD Rotoms for quick energy retrieval, but his 40 HP bothers me.

Tips to make the flow nicer?
I did not see seeker anywhere on the list. also I have used raichu prime and raichu lv.x so IMO

-1 on magnemite and magneton
-1 SSU
-1 communication and E-belt
+ 1 conductive qaurey (sorry if I spelt that wrong)
+ 2 BTS
+ 1 uxie lv.x (I hear it works well in deck thats main evo lines are stage ones)
Uxie lv.X works very well...
It allows you to look at the top 2 and choose one and put it in your hand and other goes on bottom of your deck. Draw the card that you need, and if you need the other card as well, you use underground expedition.(I would recommend getting underground expedition if you are getting uxie lv.x)
BTW, your supporter line is going to be inconsistent. You should probably have something to retrieve/fetch specific supporters(Cyrus' Conspiracy or VS Seeker)
I already will have more than enough draw power with one Uxie and Magnezone X. Seeker and SSU will allow me to re-use the Uxie as well.

Also, I did have Seeker in there, two in fact, I simply forgot to list it but counted it in the Supporter count.

I also dropped the Black-Belt for another Fisherman.

I also wish to avoid using another Lv. X. Gengar X has a LOT of play in my metagame. It's a good thing when they Level Down my Raichu, then I can just Bebe and BAM Raichu X again next turn.

I also don't need to worry about conductive quarry since I have fisherman and I'd prefer not to have a weakness or resistance to my attacks.

However I may take out the Magnamite and Magnaton extra (only there in case the magnamite dies early on as a starter or is prized) for a BTS.
Donphan would destroy this deck. Putting in a 1-1 of Lanturn Prime could help with that.