Electivire FB Lv. X

I actually made a deck with Electivire FB and well take a look http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=58062
A thought. There may be a way to get their attention off of the "vile vire". Run it with Dialga Lv.X. Not Dialga G Lv.X. It screws over the power spray strategy if successful. Even if they don't let it go off it screws it over. Time Skip can be annoying if successful.

Also thought of Running Hippowdon with it. Lunatone(I think) with Discard power as well. Might add Solrock for draws. 4 Felicity's Drawing. 2 Level Max. Hippowdon Lv.X. It seems so easy to build a good enough deck around the "vile vire". How is it power spray is the only excuse for not running it?
Bad card coming into the season at a terrible time.

Even without weakness to fighting(Terrible!), power hate is just too big.
This card is not bad by any means. Sure, the power sucks if it's Sprayed, but as I said before, DO NOT FOCUS ON THE POWER. Use more reliable Powers or attacks that won't screw you over if the are Sprayed. Some examples of good energy accelerators for Electivire FB are Weavile SW, Electivire SW, and Leafeon LV. X MD. Weavile allows for even more damage courtesy of Special Darkness Energies, and Leafeon provides as a solid back-up attacker to Electivire. If you think outside of Electivire, you can build yourself a pretty solid deck. I personally think this deck will do decent at BRs if people use the right combo with Electivire.
The card really isn't bad. After all cards that spam energy damage are often the most powerful *coughgardevoirexSScough* The power came to the table at the wrong time but the attacks are good.

I've been thinking of playing Vire with Magnezone. After all Zone can search for it, attach from discard, give it free retreat, or move energy.
I think this card is awesome. And no your turn will not end if the power gets sparyed. It's an effect of the power. And Power Spary stops it.
Wrong, an errata from a while back stated that if a power says to end your turn your turn ends even if power sprayed.

I'd post a link, but I can't find an article.
Blue Thunder said:
This card is not bad by any means. Sure, the power sucks if it's Sprayed, but as I said before, DO NOT FOCUS ON THE POWER. Use more reliable Powers or attacks that won't screw you over if the are Sprayed. Some examples of good energy accelerators for Electivire FB are Weavile SW, Electivire SW, and Leafeon LV. X MD. Weavile allows for even more damage courtesy of Special Darkness Energies, and Leafeon provides as a solid back-up attacker to Electivire. If you think outside of Electivire, you can build yourself a pretty solid deck. I personally think this deck will do decent at BRs if people use the right combo with Electivire.

Leafeon is too slow and gives you even worse of a matchup against things like Luxrape/Blaziken.

Everything you've listed besides Weavile can be sprayed or binded with Mesprit.

And, that reference to Gardy SS is completely irrelevant. If that same card was released now, it would be terrible. And I don't know if you've paid any attention to the patterns in the last few seasons but energy spamming has never been the play.

Things that take two or three turns to even do moderate damage will not succeed now or for probably most of next season(unless some amazing accelerator comes out). Sorry, but when I can on my second turn, bring up any Pokemon I want and then put in OHKO range next turn, that makes anything that takes time to setup and relies HEAVILY on powers completely obsolete.
Why is everyone worried about the power? If you are against SP decks just don't use it. If not then if you think that you need to use it then you can.
While I do admit Leafeon is slow, once it gets set-up, it's going to dealing heavy damage turn after turn...

OH NOEZ, I GOT SPRAYED!!one! WHAT WILL EVER DO?!? Sheesh, one Spray does NOT screw you over. Good luck spraying Multiple Vires...and the only deck that commonly uses Mesprit is Palkia, which can be crushed by Vire without the use of Powers thanks to Weakness. Don't say I need Powers, because 3 energies OHKOs a Palkia X. Not too hard to get against Palkia...who takes at least 2 turns to deal decent damage.

I didn't even reference Gardy SS. =/ If I did, it was unintentional....and yes, Gardy SS would be bad know. I never said Vire would be BDIF, either. Besides, since when is it a big deal if you play a deck below Tier 1 at a BR? Yeah, BRs screws over your rating, yeah. >.>

Two turns is too slow? Heh, decks like Luxape and Legos must be bad. They deal out moderate damage out T2 as well, so they must be bad. >.> As for "bringing up any Pokemon", did you ever think I might run Power-Spray? Oops, there goes your plan. Now you'll have to waste a Poke-Turn in order to try again, if you have one. (Though you probably will between 4 Poke-Turns and 4 Cyrus.)

Two turns isn't really that long. T2 Vire X isn't that hard to get...and yes, it doesn't start out as a heavy hitter, but my damage output will only be going up after T2...(the damage output might down slightly after a KO, but with techs and assuming you didn't pile all of your energy on one Poke, I can recover easily). If you run a Weavile variant, you aren't too reliant on Powers...and Power Spray isn't all that effective against Vire SW, seeing as I could have 2 in play. And again, Power Spray is not the end of the world....
Blue Thunder said:
While I do admit Leafeon is slow, once it gets set-up, it's going to dealing heavy damage turn after turn...

OH NOEZ, I GOT SPRAYED!!one! WHAT WILL EVER DO?!? Sheesh, one Spray does NOT screw you over. Good luck spraying Multiple Vires...and the only deck that commonly uses Mesprit is Palkia, which can be crushed by Vire without the use of Powers thanks to Weakness. Don't say I need Powers, because 3 energies OHKOs a Palkia X. Not too hard to get against Palkia...who takes at least 2 turns to deal decent damage.

I didn't even reference Gardy SS. =/ If I did, it was unintentional...and yes, Gardy SS would be bad know. I never said Vire would be BDIF, either. Besides, since when is it a big deal if you play a deck below Tier 1 at a BR? Yeah, BRs screws over your rating, yeah. >.>

Two turns is too slow? Heh, decks like Luxape and Legos must be bad. They deal out moderate damage out T2 as well, so they must be bad. >.> As for "bringing up any Pokemon", did you ever think I might run Power-Spray? Oops, there goes your plan. Now you'll have to waste a Poke-Turn in order to try again, if you have one. (Though you probably will between 4 Poke-Turns and 4 Cyrus.)

Two turns isn't really that long. T2 Vire X isn't that hard to get...and yes, it doesn't start out as a heavy hitter, but my damage output will only be going up after T2...(the damage output might down slightly after a KO, but with techs and assuming you didn't pile all of your energy on one Poke, I can recover easily). If you run a Weavile variant, you aren't too reliant on Powers...and Power Spray isn't all that effective against Vire SW, seeing as I could have 2 in play. And again, Power Spray is not the end of the world....

The Gardry reference was to the guy above ya.

Palkia's matchup with Vire is about 65/35 in Palkia's favor imo. Croak OHKO's you. :/ And most Palkia run backup attackers like Lux or Dialga.

Yes, things that take several turns to deal moderate damage(40-50) are bad. Luxray, Ape, and Palkia however make up for that with their amazing recovery abilities and disruption of your field. Palkia locks you down completely, Croak OHKO's you.

You say being Sprayed once doesn't hurt, but it does. It's the first few turns that really kill decks like these. If you don't straight draw into every card you need, you'll lose. And please don't try to act like you know what you're saying, because you don't.

Decks like these are always the same. As soon as your draw support or powers are hindered in the least bit, the whole deck crumbles. It needs stability and excessive draw, especially if you want to get out more than one level X, claydol, and continuous energy.

Let's stop for a minute and just look at the deck without any of these factors, even then it wouldn't be playable in the least bit. Grass and Lightning are terrible terrible terrible types, especially considering what's coming out. You lose to Champ, Blaziken, Luxape, Croak, Relicanth, Blaziken PT, Gallade, etc. So in this perfect world where you somehow avoid every power spray, every Mesprit, the deck is still too inconsistent and bulky to even be considered. This is a fact, not an opinion.
...? What the? Even though I referenced Gardy doesn't mean I said it would be good now only that the card reminds me of it slightly.

Second off how does Croak OHKO it if Electivire can't be poisoned by Skuntank, and the fighting one is avoidable.Also

What great effect on Luxray? The attack hurts it. The one time use power? Well Electivire has Dump and Draw. Also Electivire's damage goes up with more energy which can then be put to other uses later.

Also you aren't always going to have a power spray at the beginning of the game much less will I have too many energy in my discard yet, plus I can swarm with powers.

Lastly the card really could become a triumphant force, just as Blaziken FB may be dumped in favor of something else.

Over and out for now. (Also don't say stuff like people don't know what they're talking about before something has come out. You know just as much as we do and you're just being arrogant.)
Mew the source of all said:
...? What the? Even though I referenced Gardy doesn't mean I said it would be good now only that the card reminds me of it slightly.

Second off how does Croak OHKO it if Electivire can't be poisoned by Skuntank, and the fighting one is avoidable.Also

What great effect on Luxray? The attack hurts it. The one time use power? Well Electivire has Dump and Draw. Also Electivire's damage goes up with more energy which can then be put to other uses later.

Also you aren't always going to have a power spray at the beginning of the game much less will I have too many energy in my discard yet, plus I can swarm with powers.

Lastly the card really could become a triumphant force, just as Blaziken FB may be dumped in favor of something else.

Over and out for now. (Also don't say stuff like people don't know what they're talking about before something has come out. You know just as much as we do and you're just being arrogant.)

For the last two and a half months I've been in Shinjuku, where the metagame has already shifted. So no, I'm not being arrogant.

As for the Croak, no, it's not avoidable. At all. Unless you know someone's list inside and out, it's never avoidable. Especially when they can just keep it in their hand until it actually needs to go to work. :/ Unless you play Looker's or your opponent starts with it, I doubt you'd see it coming.

Blaziken doesn't need several(power endulged) turns in order to setup. It can easily bring up anything useful burn it, and then OHKO it next turn with 1 energy. 1 not 4 or 5.

I'm aware that Vire's energy is directly related to its damage output, but what exactly happens when those energy get discarded? Hmmm, I think your damage goes back down. And I highly doubt your opponent will sit by defenseless and just let you re-power everything all over again.
Amaterasu said:
Mew the source of all said:
...? What the? Even though I referenced Gardy doesn't mean I said it would be good now only that the card reminds me of it slightly.

Second off how does Croak OHKO it if Electivire can't be poisoned by Skuntank, and the fighting one is avoidable.Also

What great effect on Luxray? The attack hurts it. The one time use power? Well Electivire has Dump and Draw. Also Electivire's damage goes up with more energy which can then be put to other uses later.

Also you aren't always going to have a power spray at the beginning of the game much less will I have too many energy in my discard yet, plus I can swarm with powers.

Lastly the card really could become a triumphant force, just as Blaziken FB may be dumped in favor of something else.

Over and out for now. (Also don't say stuff like people don't know what they're talking about before something has come out. You know just as much as we do and you're just being arrogant.)

For the last two and a half months I've been in Shinjuku, where the metagame has already shifted. So no, I'm not being arrogant.

As for the Croak, no, it's not avoidable. At all. Unless you know someone's list inside and out, it's never avoidable. Especially when they can just keep it in their hand until it actually needs to go to work. :/ Unless you play Looker's or your opponent starts with it, I doubt you'd see it coming.

Blaziken doesn't need several(power endulged) turns in order to setup. It can easily bring up anything useful burn it, and then OHKO it next turn with 1 energy. 1 not 4 or 5.

I'm aware that Vire's energy is directly related to its damage output, but what exactly happens when those energy get discarded? Hmmm, I think your damage goes back down. And I highly doubt your opponent will sit by defenseless and just let you re-power everything all over again.

First off how in the world am I supposed to know that you were somewhere that the set has been released. Plus they probably have a different meta than we do.

The lists I keep seeing of Blaze are of Blazetran which does need time to power up. Also Blaze was just an example, I'm not saying anything bad about it.

Also when you lose energy you get them back via Electivire SV, Mag SF, Pikachu MT, Conductive Quarryy, Aaron's, etc. The first two of which attach directly.

Last but not least, there is a reason Toxicroak is avoidable. Its name is Sunnyshore city gym. Not a sure fire way. Also it isn't that common from what I see any way.
Mew the source of all said:
Amaterasu said:
Mew the source of all said:
...? What the? Even though I referenced Gardy doesn't mean I said it would be good now only that the card reminds me of it slightly.

Second off how does Croak OHKO it if Electivire can't be poisoned by Skuntank, and the fighting one is avoidable.Also

What great effect on Luxray? The attack hurts it. The one time use power? Well Electivire has Dump and Draw. Also Electivire's damage goes up with more energy which can then be put to other uses later.

Also you aren't always going to have a power spray at the beginning of the game much less will I have too many energy in my discard yet, plus I can swarm with powers.

Lastly the card really could become a triumphant force, just as Blaziken FB may be dumped in favor of something else.

Over and out for now. (Also don't say stuff like people don't know what they're talking about before something has come out. You know just as much as we do and you're just being arrogant.)

For the last two and a half months I've been in Shinjuku, where the metagame has already shifted. So no, I'm not being arrogant.

As for the Croak, no, it's not avoidable. At all. Unless you know someone's list inside and out, it's never avoidable. Especially when they can just keep it in their hand until it actually needs to go to work. :/ Unless you play Looker's or your opponent starts with it, I doubt you'd see it coming.

Blaziken doesn't need several(power endulged) turns in order to setup. It can easily bring up anything useful burn it, and then OHKO it next turn with 1 energy. 1 not 4 or 5.

I'm aware that Vire's energy is directly related to its damage output, but what exactly happens when those energy get discarded? Hmmm, I think your damage goes back down. And I highly doubt your opponent will sit by defenseless and just let you re-power everything all over again.

First off how in the world am I supposed to know that you were somewhere that the set has been released. Plus they probably have a different meta than we do.

The lists I keep seeing of Blaze are of Blazetran which does need time to power up. Also Blaze was just an example, I'm not saying anything bad about it.

Also when you lose energy you get them back via Electivire SV, Mag SF, Pikachu MT, Conductive Quarryy, Aaron's, etc. The first two of which attach directly.

Last but not least, there is a reason Toxicroak is avoidable. Its name is Sunnyshore city gym. Not a sure fire way. Also it isn't that common from what I see any way.

If you had 'no idea' wouldn't that make you arrogant for making a rather poor assumption of me?

The metagames are different(now), but Japan has always had a very heavy influence on American and the rest of the World's metagames. I think of Japan as the future(in more cases than just Pokemon, lol), what wins there usually wins later on in a different country.

Like I said in my last post, I doubt your opponent is going to let you have your way with energy drops, so I can easily counter your statement with Mesprit, Power Spray, Blaziken(burns ya/shuts off power), Alakazam, etc. Or they could just KO it before you can reuse the power.

Sunnyshore is a way to get around it, though the fact that your opponent can get rid of it whenever they wish, if they have the resources makes it a counter I would never rely on.
Amaterasu said:
Mew the source of all said:
Amaterasu said:
Mew the source of all said:
...? What the? Even though I referenced Gardy doesn't mean I said it would be good now only that the card reminds me of it slightly.

Second off how does Croak OHKO it if Electivire can't be poisoned by Skuntank, and the fighting one is avoidable.Also

What great effect on Luxray? The attack hurts it. The one time use power? Well Electivire has Dump and Draw. Also Electivire's damage goes up with more energy which can then be put to other uses later.

Also you aren't always going to have a power spray at the beginning of the game much less will I have too many energy in my discard yet, plus I can swarm with powers.

Lastly the card really could become a triumphant force, just as Blaziken FB may be dumped in favor of something else.

Over and out for now. (Also don't say stuff like people don't know what they're talking about before something has come out. You know just as much as we do and you're just being arrogant.)

For the last two and a half months I've been in Shinjuku, where the metagame has already shifted. So no, I'm not being arrogant.

As for the Croak, no, it's not avoidable. At all. Unless you know someone's list inside and out, it's never avoidable. Especially when they can just keep it in their hand until it actually needs to go to work. :/ Unless you play Looker's or your opponent starts with it, I doubt you'd see it coming.

Blaziken doesn't need several(power endulged) turns in order to setup. It can easily bring up anything useful burn it, and then OHKO it next turn with 1 energy. 1 not 4 or 5.

I'm aware that Vire's energy is directly related to its damage output, but what exactly happens when those energy get discarded? Hmmm, I think your damage goes back down. And I highly doubt your opponent will sit by defenseless and just let you re-power everything all over again.

First off how in the world am I supposed to know that you were somewhere that the set has been released. Plus they probably have a different meta than we do.

The lists I keep seeing of Blaze are of Blazetran which does need time to power up. Also Blaze was just an example, I'm not saying anything bad about it.

Also when you lose energy you get them back via Electivire SV, Mag SF, Pikachu MT, Conductive Quarryy, Aaron's, etc. The first two of which attach directly.

Last but not least, there is a reason Toxicroak is avoidable. Its name is Sunnyshore city gym. Not a sure fire way. Also it isn't that common from what I see any way.

If you had 'no idea' wouldn't that make you arrogant for making a rather poor assumption of me?

The metagames are different(now), but Japan has always had a very heavy influence on American and the rest of the World's metagames. I think of Japan as the future(in more cases than just Pokemon, lol), what wins there usually wins later on in a different country.

Like I said in my last post, I doubt your opponent is going to let you have your way with energy drops, so I can easily counter your statement with Mesprit, Power Spray, Blaziken(burns ya/shuts off power), Alakazam, etc. Or they could just KO it before you can reuse the power.

Sunnyshore is a way to get around it, though the fact that your opponent can get rid of it whenever they wish, if they have the resources makes it a counter I would never rely on.

First off, most people on here are in places that do not have SV yet. Also Japan doesn't always have the you seem to think it does. Players don't always pay attention to Japan, but to their own meta, or experiment.

If I have 2 Vire SW, or 2 Mag SF in play then I can easily get two energy from my discard in a turn, and as Blue Thunder said only Palkia heavily plays Mespirit. Also your limited to 4 Power Spray a game, which if I again have 2 Vire or Mag will only last you two turns, which I may be able to stall for.

Lastly, yes, Sunnyshore isn't a very consistent card if you play Electivire MT lv X, you may not be so quick to jump to that idea.