Ruling Electivire X ?


Don't blame me if it's too hot
Hey I was wondering about this. Say on my turn I used Pulse Barrier, and discarded my opponent's Stadium or whatever. So the effect is in play, and Electivire can't be affected by damage or any other effect from that attack.
SO, my opponent switches out something like Rampardos. Rampardos' attack, Hasty Headbutt, says it isn't affected by any affect on the defending poke.
So my question is, what would happen. Rampardos' attack in it self has an effect. So would Electivire null that. Or would it be the other way around, dealing 100 damage to Electivire x? Thx
Rampardos's hasty headbutt gets past Electivire lv.X pulse barrier.
It ignores all effects on the defending pokemon.
Read carefully:

Pulse Barrier (50)
Discard all of your opponent's Pokemon Tool cards and Stadium cards in play. If you do, prevent all effects, including damage, done to Electivire during your opponent's next turn.

Rampardos' effect isn't something done directly to Electivire, it's something Rampardos does to itself. So Pulse Barrier can't do anything about it. Then, when Rampardos actually goes to attack, its attack says to ignore all effects on Electivire. That includes Pulse Barrier, since it's an effect on Electivire. So the damage goes through.
I have question about electivire x too, what happens when I use pulse barrier and opponent tries to switch my electivire by using cards like warp point ? is effect of warp point is applied or not ?
He's not effected by affects by attacks, Warp points a trainer. It being not affected implies only to pokemon attacks.
Warp Point does work, as Pulse Barrier only prevents effects of attacks.

Additionally, Electivire loses its protective effect. All effects of attacks are removed when a Pokemon leaves the Active position. That would include the effect that Pulse Barrier granted.
Chairman Kaga said:
Warp Point does work, as Pulse Barrier only prevents effects of attacks.

Additionally, Electivire loses its protective effect. All effects of attacks are removed when a Pokemon leaves the Active position. That would include the effect that Pulse Barrier granted.

but there are no word like "attack" in his pulse barrier discription (LOL), there are few similar attacks to puls barrier in ptcg like "agility" but those attack has "prevent all effects of ATTACK, including damage" and pulse barrier has "prevent all effects, including damage, done to electivire during your opponent next turn", i think that warp point is still effect, trainer effect.
Chairman Kaga said:
Pulse Barrier has an errata associated with it. It should read "prevent all effects of attacks".

ohh, i see, now it make sense :3. thx maybe someone can help me, anybody knows card that say "your opponent cannot use trainer cards druing his next turn ?" ??
FreakyGaara said:
anybody knows card that say "your opponent cannot use trainer cards druing his next turn ?" ??

That's a pretty long list.

Vileplume LA
Kabutops MD
Exploud GE
Glalie MT
Bonsly DP

Walrein ex PK
Dragonite ex DF
Houndoom UF
Vileplume ex HL
Crobat DS
Electrike DX
Manectric ex DX
Lt. Surge's Jolteon
Psyduck Fossil

Did you have a specific question about that effect?