This guy is one the exclusive Pokémon which got the amazing Ancient Trait: Omega Barrage. Which let you attack twice. Although it isn't featured in a serious competitive deck since it release, the new set Ancient Origins has some nice toys for it.
And I am talking about Jolteon with its ability: Electric Effect. This ability gives Excadrill the Electric type and let it hit a lot for Weakness (Rayquaza for example). Another toy is Flareon with the same effect, but with the fire type advantage (For Sceptile).

So my question is, will this duo work? With Bronzong on the bench you can power up Excadrill quite fast. With Muscle Band and hitting for weakness it hits 240 fairly easy. Or will it be more an anti-meta deck, or won't work at all (too many stage 1 Pokémon)?