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Electric Lock (Ampharos/Raichu) all advice appreciated!


Begone Lost World...
I need to make this deck as awesome as possible for my sister because she is joining the TCG so all advice needed! Please Comment! Thanks

Pokemon- 21
3-3-1 Raichu LV. X (Main Attacker) (2 HGSS Raichu, 1 Raichu Prime, Raichu Lv. X)
2-2-2 Ampharos (Tech) (1 Ampharos PL, 1 mpharos Prime HGSS)
1 Zapdos MD (Tech) Not sure if I should use 1 or 2 pf these please comment
2 Uxie LA (Tech)
1-1 Manectric (Tech) I'm not sure if I would only need a 1-1 line or a 2-2 line of this? Please comment about this
1 Azelf LA
1 Solrock TR
1 Lunatone SV

Trainers, Suppertors and Stadiums-24
3 Bebes
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy (Don't really need BTS but I will try to get them if I really need to. I think rare candy are fine for now)
2 Emcee Chatter
1 Luxery Ball
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker
2 Sunyshore Gym
2 Energy Exchanger

NRG- 15
3 {P}

Get out Manetric, Ampharos and Raichu ASAP. Then use searching card to find Zapdos put him on bench, flip, hopefully get heads if not ssu and try again so no body can use Poke-Powers on there side and not allow them to take off the damage counters but i dont know know if I should keep lunation and solrock because no one really use blissey or nidoqueen in my area and close to no one uses potions i use amphys poke-body and manetric so start hitting with raichu doing major damage win

Simplified strategy
So really the point of this deck is to lock (I think) them from using any Poke-Powers and using low energy cost pokemon to KO pokemon quickly
tell me what you think.
RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. A lot of help needed!

Just an idea for your raichu
Have you thought of Electivire FB X ?

His power, E-recycle. Although your turn ends when you do it. It lets you pull 3 energys (not just basic energys)from discard an attach them to any pokemon when you do pull them out. Just as an eneygy recycle idea
RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. A lot of help needed!

Hmmm Smart.. What should i take out for it though?? and i guess it's alright my turn ends because i am protecting most my pokemon so there shouldn't be a problem. But i need more advice so anyone please help!
RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. Pretty please help.

Well I would take out both your emcee chatter, quite a wasted supporter, and flippy
If you wanted a supporter with draw power you could use Engineers adjustments

Discard 1 basic energy to draw 4 cards, and if you have something recycling the energys from the discard you don't have to much to worry about.

Could always try a couple of games without lunatone and solrock and add in the electivire and see how it plays out?
RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. Pretty please help.

No I will just get rid of 2 Emcees because i need Solrock and Lunatone so that the damage counters stay on the pokemon.
RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. Pretty please help.

please help i would really like to help my sister with this deck.
RE: Electric Lock (Ampharos/Raichu) all advice needed

I know this deck needs MAJOR help! So any advice given will be appreciated
First, replace Zapdos for Spiritomb LA or Pachirisu CoL, Spiritomb is much better for the purpose you are trying to use Zapdos for, and Pachirisu can just be a plain lifesaver in this deck. And I would cut down the Raichu line, because you actually have a 2-2-3 line of Ampharos in there. And to aid in the Spread thing, I would add 3 Absol Prime (because that is what kills Uxie in this type of deck, and its a good starter for this), and take out the 3 Psycic energy for 3 SP dark energy. Get rid of Sunnyshore Gym for BTS (you need BTS more). And I would also take out 1 Rare Candy, because you don't need it that much. And also add in 1 Mareep, because 3-2-3 is more consistant. And 2 Crobat G with 4 Poketurns would be good. If you find room for it. I would also see if you could fit 1 more BTS, but I can't think of what to take out. Also, 2 Fisherman could help, because if you find a way to Lv. Up your Raichu, and get it powered up in time, you could double spam Raichu Lv.X's attack.

-1 Zapdos
-1-1 Raichu
-3 Psycic (why do you have this in there?)
-2 Sunnyshore Gym
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Bebe's (you have more than enough Pokemon Communication to float 2 Bebe's)
-2 Either the Lunatone/Sunrock or 1-1 Manectric (MAYBE!!!) for Fisherman
= 12

+1 Spiritomb Or Pachirisu
+3 Absol Prime
+3 SP Dark
+2 BTS
+1 Mareep
+2 Fisherman
= 12

Hope this helps!!!
Sorry the 2-2-3 amphy was my fault. Also what does Pachirisu does thats sp great. I looked at it a couple of times and it doesn't seem very good. Also Spiritomb locks trainers. I don't understand the purpose of that. And the whole point of this deck is to not allow them to use poke-powers so that they can't flash-bite or Set up. I will get rid of the 1 Lunatone and Solrock because there is really no reason for it because no one uses potions anymore and why would i want to pokemon in the lost zone with Absol and the once attached cards to Pachirisu to the lost zone? (Because i am seriously scared of Lostgar) I will get rid of psychic (It was for all the pokemon that had psychic type attacks) and the Sunnyshore gym. and i don't think i will get rid of Raichu because it is the main purpose of this deck.
So this is what i will do
-1 Lunatone
-1 Sulrock
-2 Sunnyshore
-3 Psychic
= 7

2+ Fisherman
2+ BTS
I'm not sure waht else to put in. And i'm not sure about those cards. It will take some convincing because i am entering regionals and I don't want to be paired with LostGar (Well my sister) anyway Thanks for the Advice though!
The reason I say Absol is because an auto 2 damage on cards helps you with the spread. And Pachirisu? You play it down, and then you can attach 2 energy onto it. With Raichu Lv.X, you just do that trans thing (to raichu) and attack, or something. And if the point of this deck is to stop drop powers, then you need to place Damage on their Pokemon right away, hence Absol Prime. There might be other stuff that does what Absol can do, but I'm not sure.

Without a decent way to recover energy turn after turn, Raichu Prime will not make for a realiable attacker as it wil just burn through your energy resources faster than you can recover them, so that will have to go. Considering how this deck focuses on locking powers you're going to need something that can stop Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and another hand-to-bench powers, so like Venusour X said, Absol Prime would be good plus its a pretty decent-ish attacker as long as your sister doesn't come up against any LostGar deck, so really the pokemon line should look something like

4 Absol Prime
2-1-2 Ampharos PL
1-1 Manectric PL
1 Zapdos MD
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q

It's a bit sketchy but you can tell from the general outline how this deck is supposed to function.

Though if anything, as long as Ampharos PL hits the field before your opponent can use any of their Uxie's they most likely will not play it as long as Absol Prime is active, so in essence it's slowing them down which leads me to believe that this combo seems like a waste, as apart from Uxie and Mesprit (which won't hit the field as long as Ampharos is out) there aren't many powers Ampharos would be locking apart from maybe Nintales HGSS, Sunflora HGSS and Smeargle UD the only common one being Smeargle UD somewhat but most of those techs are pretty Meta specific (if the deck isn't common in your area and such) at most, this deck would help in taking down Vilegar by negating Fainting Spell. If anything it would be better to switch the Ampharos PL to Amphy Prime to increase the spreading damage which would pile up mid/late-game.

But that's just my opinion.
This deck needs some raw power, so I suggest Magnezone. Just tech in 2-2-2 line of it (both of the SF). Replaceing the Raichu. Its a tiny bit slower, but much more consistent. That would probably be the best card for this combo.