Electric+Water Deck. Help?


Arceus Freak
I need help making a electric water deck.
Any suggestions?
I have tons of water energy and a few electric.
Please help!

You could try Magnegatr, which is Magnezone Prime and Feraligatr Prime. You attach with Feraligatr Prime, then use Lost Burn for lots of damage.
You should try and build a deck around pokemon and their synergy, not what types of pokemon you have. If your looking to make a water/electric deck, try to build a FeraLiturn. Feraligatr Prime and Lanturn Prime
Magnegatr would be great. Try a 2-2-2 Gatr Prime and a 3-2-3 Magnezone. Spiritomb for set-up.
If your going with a Magnegatr, try and get some Magnezone LVL X. I actually don't see why plain old Magnezone dosen't see much play. At cities, i happened to play against a Magnezone deck and just barely won (prize count was tied at 1. Got the extra 20 with a Belt on my TTAR prime. Just enough damamge).
This belongs in the Player's Sandbox Forum.


dmaster out.
^In what? If you're playing MagneGatr, it all depends on how many Interviewer's Questions you play, if you use any Warp/Rescue Energy, etc. 4 Lightning Energy, 14 Water Energy, 2 Warp Energy, and 2 Rescue Energy is what I used in mine (keep in mind, Call Energy and even Cyclone Energy can be very useful as well). You'll need 4 Spiritomb, 3-2-3 Magnezone Prime (the LV.X if you have trouble with fighting-types in your area), 2-2-2 Feraligatr, 1 Azelf LA, and maybe 1 Uxie LA. Apart from that, the T/S/S line should include some Judge, Interviewer's Questions, and Pokémon Collector, but the amounts and other cards are up to you.