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Elephantine Orchids (Donphan/Vileplume)


Don't really to even syntax, good.
Pokémon : ( 21 )

4-4 Donphan Prime (HGSS)
3-2-2 Vileplume (Undaunted)
2 Zekrom (B/W)
1 Kyurem (N/V)
1 Tyrogue (HGSS)
1 Cleffa (HGSS)
1 Bouffalant (B/W)

Supporters / Goods / Stadiums : (25)

4 Pokémon Collector
3 Professor Juniper
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Sage's Training
2 Rare Candy
4 Pokémon Communication
3 Cheren
3 Judge

Energy : (14)

4 Rainbow Energy
6 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

The Strategy:

Although built as a Donphan list, Elephantine Orchids is a list that aims to play a long match. It plays a combination of Vileplume, to lock down the opponent after you have reached an agreeable set up, Zekrom to tackle Tornadus and Yanmega, Kyurem to fight Typhlosion, Reshiram, and their ilk, and Bouffalant for cheap prize grabs.

While it does run some trainers, it is mostly supporter dependent and has a fairly (from what I can perceive) consistent spread of the staples used in this format. I find that Cheren is a useful alternative to Sage's Training when you need only one specific card later on in a match. With such a large number of basics, getting donked won't be too high on this specific list's worries.

There isn't a lot of depth to playing a Donphan build, and after reading the latest article here on PokéBeach I've decided to give it a whirl for myself. I'm somewhat concerned with not running Professor Elm's New Theory, and maybe you the reader could find space for it.
If possible I'd like input from others, does anyone have the time to post?
hey! im relatively new to this competitive format of the game so im not sure if my advice would be very helpful... but i would
-3 Judge
-1 Ruins of Alph
-3 Sages Training

+3-2-2 Reuniclus (BW) (because then you could keep donphan free of most damage whilst powering up Zekrom and Kyurems Outrages...)

If you did this you may want to put in an extra Rare Candy and take out a communication so you have 3 of each or:
-2 Communication
+2 Rare Candy

Hope this is helpful
Isn't maintaining both Reuniclus and Vileplume set up too much?

I maybe should remove Ruins of of Alph though...
No because they will just sit there and soak up damage counters. And with trainer lock you dont need to worry about them being catcher either. You may want to try a 1-1 Blissey Prime with Seeker because then you would be able to heal all your damage but not lose energy because you move the damage counters to pokemon without energy.. Just a thought though! :)
With reuniclus it does slow it down, but it makes you pretty much invincible. Just look at google, he got second at worlds with this deck
Didn't he play KGL with that deck though?

What would I take out for a 3-2-2 Reuniclus line, or for that matter, Blissey...?
He played SEL, i dont know why everyone thiks its KGL, but you should try to get seeker in more then blissey, I play a google variant and more often then not i dont get Blissey out, plus once you get set up you wont be playing any supporters
What is the synergy behind that deck? If I make such large changes such as adding the Seeker, Reuniclus (and maybe even KGL/SEL) I'd like to know how the deck functions at the outset.

I decided Ruins of Alph is pointless if I play Zekrom.
I bumped up the Zekrom line.
Wheat said:
What is the synergy behind that deck? If I make such large changes such as adding the Seeker, Reuniclus (and maybe even KGL/SEL) I'd like to know how the deck functions at the outset.

I decided Ruins of Alph is pointless if I play Zekrom.
I bumped up the Zekrom line.

the synergy is to set up vileplume and reunilcus, and make yourself invincible. Do a little research to see how google ran his deck.
Steve: that statement is completely false. Once you get set up, you will be relying on supporters such as twins, seeker, sage's training, etc. Supporters are your only option once your set up.
Wheat said:
What is the synergy behind that deck? If I make such large changes such as adding the Seeker, Reuniclus (and maybe even KGL/SEL) I'd like to know how the deck functions at the outset.

I decided Ruins of Alph is pointless if I play Zekrom.
I bumped up the Zekrom line.

In google.dec or "The Truth" as it is commonly called, HP tanks such as Donphan Prime, SEL and Zekrom are made the Active Pokemon of choice. From here Vileplume acts as a means if trainer lock and reuniclus moves damage around your side of the field to fuel Zekrom's Outrage and keep damage off the active pokemon essentially making you "invincible." The deck does falter, however, in two major ways. The first being that it is very slow and something that must be played with a cool temperament as well as a great deal of patience. You could very well be down three or even four prizes before you take a single one. Things can also go bad if you play something which can one-hit KO your tanks. Some examples include Magnezone Prime, BadBoar (the Emboar from BLW capable of swinging for 150 damage for 2 fire energy and a DCE) and Lanturn Prime/Samurott (both capable of one-hitting Donphan with 2 energy - a DCE and either a lightning or another colorless). The deck allows for one to fall so far behind in prizes because in runs on a Twins and Pichu engine. Pichu is a baby from HGSS which allows you to fill your bench with as many basics as you desire (up to the max 5, of course =P) and Twins lets you search your deck for any two cards should you be down on prizes which, when running this deck, will be ridiculously often.

I use a variation and it's a tonne of fun to play and I'm sure you could tweak the list to your liking as well seeing as the original is pretty much everywhere. I don't know if this counts as advertising, but I know for a fact JWittz has an episode or two almost literally dedicated to the thing.

Cheers and have fun trolling your friends with what would initially be seen as a random assortment of cards =)

TehBrownSauce said:
In google.dec or "The Truth" as it is commonly called, HP tanks such as Donphan Prime, SEL and Zekrom are made the Active Pokemon of choice. From here Vileplume acts as a means if trainer lock and reuniclus moves damage around your side of the field to fuel Zekrom's Outrage and keep damage off the active pokemon essentially making you "invincible." The deck does falter, however, in two major ways. The first being that it is very slow and something that must be played with a cool temperament as well as a great deal of patience. You could very well be down three or even four prizes before you take a single one. Things can also go bad if you play something which can one-hit KO your tanks. Some examples include Magnezone Prime, BadBoar (the Emboar from BLW capable of swinging for 150 damage for 2 fire energy and a DCE) and Lanturn Prime/Samurott (both capable of one-hitting Donphan with 2 energy - a DCE and either a lightning or another colorless). The deck allows for one to fall so far behind in prizes because in runs on a Twins and Pichu engine. Pichu is a baby from HGSS which allows you to fill your bench with as many basics as you desire (up to the max 5, of course =P) and Twins lets you search your deck for any two cards should you be down on prizes which, when running this deck, will be ridiculously often.

I use a variation and it's a tonne of fun to play and I'm sure you could tweak the list to your liking as well seeing as the original is pretty much everywhere. I don't know if this counts as advertising, but I know for a fact JWittz has an episode or two almost literally dedicated to the thing.

Cheers and have fun trolling your friends with what would initially be seen as a random assortment of cards =)


You... You're so informative. I want to give you a hug.
I've heard a lot about google lately but I had no idea it was so looked after. I knew it did well at worlds but gosh.

I'll try a build of it now.

Though, I also want to try straight donphan/vileplume.