Wi-Fi Trades Elflord's "my player" Thread (I have Arceus and  other Legends)(Training Available)

I am desprate for an espeon, plz i will give you anything for it.

If it is hacked it is fine, I just want to accomplish my goal of having alll of the eeveelutions
You would have to whait eather like 4 hours, or tell to marow cause I all ready transferd my six pokemon for the day. But what will you trade me I like shiney, if if you don't have any then we can work something out.
Elflord said:
You would have to whait eather like 4 hours, or tell to marow cause I all ready transferd my six pokemon for the day. But what will you trade me I like shiney, if if you don't have any then we can work something out.

I am afraid do not have any shinies, think we can work something else out please.

Take an look at my player thread

What do u want for shiny Rayquaza and/or Mewtwo. I have quite a few shinies what else do u want apart from shinies?
Zaroco said:
What do u want for shiny Rayquaza and/or Mewtwo. I have  quite a few shinies what else do u want apart from shinies?
Make me an offer All I whant are shineys
Shiny Dusknoir? Shiny Aipom? And if you don't mind gamesharked ones I can get those (from my friend)