Teal said:
I dissaprove of this post. You are telling people to change what they are so they can get a girl(/boy)friend?
You will get the best girl(/boy)friend for you by being yourself. If you fake your life, you find someone who likes the fake you, not the real you. I see "hunting" girls in general as stupid.
Of course, if you want a new hobby and you like it, you can do stuff like this. But the "nerd cloak" alone does not sound like a good motive.
Hey hey hey, from personal experience, I didn't follow either of these 3 steps. I never had a girlfriend ever.
I know of my cousin who is a med student, plays ultimate frisbee, and works out to keep in shape. I heard that he gets the ladies that way. It isn't my fault that girls fall for these types of guys. You should probably blame them for not liking nerdly unhealthy guys who aren't in shape because they don't do sports. He also went into med school, kept in shape, and played ultimate frisbee because he likes to do these things, not because he is trying to get girls. Girls fawning over him is a secondary effect.
I know of another cousin who is in eng, and he can't get a girlfriend. Most engineers I know who do have a girlfriend are in engineering. It's true. He plays basketball, but I don't know if that really does anything, but basketball is a good sport.
I was sort of semi-serious about that post, but the one thing that I am serious about is staying in shape. That's the only thing everybody should change. My cousin, the med student, hates fat guys who are out of shape, because he has to deal with heart attack patients, because they don't work out and eat healthy.
Girls typically look for 3 things in men.
Rich, that is med student.
Healthy and strong, people who work out
Social, people who play co-ed team sports.
But if you want to be like me, who didn't follow these 3 steps, and not have a girlfriend ever, then be my guest.
There ARE rare exceptions of girls who are also into your hobby, or girls that you have known as a child. Those are other ways to get girlfriends, but those kinds of people are rare, and if you don't know a girl from childhood, or a girl who plays the same hobby, because trust me, there is 1 girl for every 5 guys, then chances are, if you are unhealthy and not a very rich man, girls aren't going to fall all over you.
Between Magic, Pokemon TCG, and Yugioh, luckily, more girls play Pokemon TCG, although they be out of your age range, unfortunately.
Girls are looking for people who are responsible. Playing Pokemon TCG as if it were your life won't net you any girls. But if you are a med student, because getting there is hard work, work out, because you are trying to stay in shape, and that you aren't sitting in the couch like a slob, and play team sports, because you are a team player, and can work well with other people, then you are going to get a girl, for sure. Take it from me, I didn't follow either of these 3 steps and I am a depressed miserable man who only has pieces of Magic, Pokemon, and Yugioh cardboard for comfort, who is also becoming fat, and will die at the age of 50 of a heart attack.
Then again, when I wrote that post, I wasn't totally serious about it.
As a backup plan, go to eharmony. Haha.
I have to add another thing. The BEST way to make sure that you don't feel embarrassed that you play a "kids game" like Pokemon TCG, or the Pokemon video games is to act as if nobody is around you. The side effect is that everybody would think that you are the anti-social loner type with no friends. But it doesn't matter right? You are the only one there, you don't care what other people think. You can play Pokemon TCG, and the video games all you want, when you want. Those insults of "ha ha, that loser old man is playing Pokemon" just fly past you, because those people aren't really there in your mind.
Just for the record, I am already faking my life by going to school, talking to people, real life people that is, and not eating tons and tons of potato chips. If I were to go with the flow, and let me go full automatic, then I would become very fat, and die a young age. I have a preference of staying at home, laying in bed, and looking at my computer all day, every day. That is my preference. That's the real me. I'm sure everybody has a fake part of their life, because they want to feel a sense of belonging. It isn't my fault society is so picky about people.
Back in high school, you have the typical jocks, nerds, beautiful girl group, goth people group, um, normal people group. Well me, I am proud to be in a group, the outcast group, where the only member is myself.