Embarrassing ...or not?

Does Pokemon seem embarrassing to your friends?

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I know a foolproof way to make a "nerd cloak", something that makes people look past your nerdly hobbies, or the fact that you don't own your own place to live, well mostly for dudes trying to get the ladies.

1. Be a med student. Don't go engineer.

2. Work out a lot. You have to be jacked. Not too jacked that you look like a meathead.

3. Play ultimate frisbee. Ultimate is a co-ed sport. You meet a lot of girls this way. That way, you are into sports without looking like a jock.
I lucked out and have a girlfriend who enjoys Pokemon and other "nerdy" activities as well :). Real friends won't judge you based on your hobbies. If they do judge you, do you really want to be associated with them?

signofzeta said:
I know a foolproof way to make a "nerd cloak", something that makes people look past your nerdly hobbies, or the fact that you don't own your own place to live, well mostly for dudes trying to get the ladies.

1. Be a med student. Don't go engineer.

2. Work out a lot. You have to be jacked. Not too jacked that you look like a meathead.

3. Play ultimate frisbee. Ultimate is a co-ed sport. You meet a lot of girls this way. That way, you are into sports without looking like a jock.

This is a great post!
I am fifteen years old (first year Master), and I make a point of being very open about playing Pokemon. Of course some people joke about it, but in general, I get positive reactions. It also helps that most of my classmates, other than my friends, found out when I told them I made second place at Nats (that was still in Seniors, btw). People tend to accept it more easily if you already accomplished something in the game.
Dude I am almost 21 and I am the oldest person at my league who isnt a pokeprof. My prof is technically the oldest I think he's late 30's pushin 40's and he loooves pokemon. I really really dont care if people know I love pokemon. Pokemon has helped me through very very tough childhood times including a series of my mom getting divorced or boyfriend leaving...several times some of them not official, getting psychically and emotionally abused by my parents, frequent moving into different houses/apts every year in my childhood, and tons of other drama. Pokemon also made my childhood awesome going to the first pokemon events, playing the games with my friends, collecting the toys, everything pokemon in my childhood is memorized perfectly and bound in gold. I will never forget anything about that. I can tell you all kinds of stuff pokemon did, all the pokeswag or other merchandise, its all sealed in my head. At work-in front of all my co-workers who are older than me- I buy pokemon cards at lunch. I LOVE pokemon and it makes me a part of who I am, and I dont care what other ppl think. Like really, screw negative unwanted verbal conduct. Not worth my time. I walk around walmart, target, WHEREVER with a pikachu plush back-pack. I even wear pikachu shirts out in public I actually get a LOT of pleasant comments! ^-^ Sometimes its cheers up a crying kid at the grocery store their mom will say "hey, look, its Pikachu!" ^-^ At least I am ME and not afraid to be me! There are like... so many fake ppl out there who pretend to like stuff to be cool but will be chicken to show it off in public. I started playing pokemon when I was in 1st grade-NOT STOPPING EVER. I bring my cards and my ds to work lol I dont care :p I think others who truley love something souldnt be afraid to show it otherwise you dont really love it as much as you think you do. If people can not accept me for what I have loved almost my whole life then they can just get over not being a true friend and screw off. Like really. They arnt worthy of me and they are missing out. Pokemon can be used as an "escape" from stressful situations and make you feel at home. Pokemon is so darned fun and can teach you all kinds of skills, dont be ashamed, k? ;*)
signofzeta said:
I know a foolproof way to make a "nerd cloak", something that makes people look past your nerdly hobbies, or the fact that you don't own your own place to live, well mostly for dudes trying to get the ladies.

1. Be a med student. Don't go engineer.

2. Work out a lot. You have to be jacked. Not too jacked that you look like a meathead.

3. Play ultimate frisbee. Ultimate is a co-ed sport. You meet a lot of girls this way. That way, you are into sports without looking like a jock.

And with this post, I can go talk to girls =3 jks, but this post is great! *I search for the like button*

I feel odd about it, I am open, but when haters come onto me, I feel like I should stop (but I don't :D). But yea, I'm rather proud of my hobby that keeps me sane
signofzeta said:
I know a foolproof way to make a "nerd cloak", something that makes people look past your nerdly hobbies, or the fact that you don't own your own place to live, well mostly for dudes trying to get the ladies.

1. Be a med student. Don't go engineer.

2. Work out a lot. You have to be jacked. Not too jacked that you look like a meathead.

3. Play ultimate frisbee. Ultimate is a co-ed sport. You meet a lot of girls this way. That way, you are into sports without looking like a jock.
I dissaprove of this post. You are telling people to change what they are so they can get a girl(/boy)friend?

You will get the best girl(/boy)friend for you by being yourself. If you fake your life, you find someone who likes the fake you, not the real you. I see "hunting" girls in general as stupid.

Of course, if you want a new hobby and you like it, you can do stuff like this. But the "nerd cloak" alone does not sound like a good motive.
Teal said:
I dissaprove of this post. You are telling people to change what they are so they can get a girl(/boy)friend?

You will get the best girl(/boy)friend for you by being yourself. If you fake your life, you find someone who likes the fake you, not the real you. I see "hunting" girls in general as stupid.

Of course, if you want a new hobby and you like it, you can do stuff like this. But the "nerd cloak" alone does not sound like a good motive.

Hey hey hey, from personal experience, I didn't follow either of these 3 steps. I never had a girlfriend ever.

I know of my cousin who is a med student, plays ultimate frisbee, and works out to keep in shape. I heard that he gets the ladies that way. It isn't my fault that girls fall for these types of guys. You should probably blame them for not liking nerdly unhealthy guys who aren't in shape because they don't do sports. He also went into med school, kept in shape, and played ultimate frisbee because he likes to do these things, not because he is trying to get girls. Girls fawning over him is a secondary effect.

I know of another cousin who is in eng, and he can't get a girlfriend. Most engineers I know who do have a girlfriend are in engineering. It's true. He plays basketball, but I don't know if that really does anything, but basketball is a good sport.

I was sort of semi-serious about that post, but the one thing that I am serious about is staying in shape. That's the only thing everybody should change. My cousin, the med student, hates fat guys who are out of shape, because he has to deal with heart attack patients, because they don't work out and eat healthy.

Girls typically look for 3 things in men.

Rich, that is med student.
Healthy and strong, people who work out
Social, people who play co-ed team sports.

But if you want to be like me, who didn't follow these 3 steps, and not have a girlfriend ever, then be my guest.

There ARE rare exceptions of girls who are also into your hobby, or girls that you have known as a child. Those are other ways to get girlfriends, but those kinds of people are rare, and if you don't know a girl from childhood, or a girl who plays the same hobby, because trust me, there is 1 girl for every 5 guys, then chances are, if you are unhealthy and not a very rich man, girls aren't going to fall all over you.

Between Magic, Pokemon TCG, and Yugioh, luckily, more girls play Pokemon TCG, although they be out of your age range, unfortunately.

Girls are looking for people who are responsible. Playing Pokemon TCG as if it were your life won't net you any girls. But if you are a med student, because getting there is hard work, work out, because you are trying to stay in shape, and that you aren't sitting in the couch like a slob, and play team sports, because you are a team player, and can work well with other people, then you are going to get a girl, for sure. Take it from me, I didn't follow either of these 3 steps and I am a depressed miserable man who only has pieces of Magic, Pokemon, and Yugioh cardboard for comfort, who is also becoming fat, and will die at the age of 50 of a heart attack.

Then again, when I wrote that post, I wasn't totally serious about it.

As a backup plan, go to eharmony. Haha.

I have to add another thing. The BEST way to make sure that you don't feel embarrassed that you play a "kids game" like Pokemon TCG, or the Pokemon video games is to act as if nobody is around you. The side effect is that everybody would think that you are the anti-social loner type with no friends. But it doesn't matter right? You are the only one there, you don't care what other people think. You can play Pokemon TCG, and the video games all you want, when you want. Those insults of "ha ha, that loser old man is playing Pokemon" just fly past you, because those people aren't really there in your mind.

Just for the record, I am already faking my life by going to school, talking to people, real life people that is, and not eating tons and tons of potato chips. If I were to go with the flow, and let me go full automatic, then I would become very fat, and die a young age. I have a preference of staying at home, laying in bed, and looking at my computer all day, every day. That is my preference. That's the real me. I'm sure everybody has a fake part of their life, because they want to feel a sense of belonging. It isn't my fault society is so picky about people.

Back in high school, you have the typical jocks, nerds, beautiful girl group, goth people group, um, normal people group. Well me, I am proud to be in a group, the outcast group, where the only member is myself.
Agreeing with Teal on that one. I hate ultimate frisbee and I'm not into medicine. I'm not planning on changing that...

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get a girlfriend without playing coed team sports. :S
Celebi23 said:
Agreeing with Teal on that one. I hate ultimate frisbee and I'm not into medicine. I'm not planning on changing that...

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get a girlfriend without playing coed team sports. :S

The post I made was an example of what my cousin did.

Basically, girls look for 3 things.

1. High and stable income.
2. Partners who are healthy and fit.
3. Partners who aren't anti-social loners.

The post I made was semi-serious. If you are playing Pokemon TCG all day every day, not caring about what other people think, then you are leading an unhealthy lifestyle, and things should change, because you aren't getting a stable income, you are not working out, and since you are in your own little world, you are therefore an anti-social loner.

My post also wasn't jokingly about how to get a girlfriend. My post is jokingly trying to make someone a chick (girl) magnet.

Then as a side effect, guys will see you with all the ladies, and see you playing Pokemon TCG, then they think Pokemon TCG gets them all the ladies, and then BOOM, Pokemon TCG product sells, and it becomes a first place TCG, rather than a third place TCG behind Magic and Yugioh. Then these guys will laugh at Magic and Yugioh players for not playing something cool, like I don't know, Pokemon TCG... Until the fad is replaced by something else. Like I don't know, model toy airplanes.
I don't understand how not liking ultimate Frisbee or medicine makes it so I play Pokémon all day every day, which makes it so I'm an antisocial loser.

First of all, Pokémon is a very social game for most people. I test with friends on a regular basis.

Also, the vast majority of people on this site are 14 or younger. It's kind of hard to have a high and stable income when you're too young to be legally employed and/or don't have a college degree. So while that's definitely a good thing to have, it isn't relevant to anybody who hasn't graduated high school, nor should it be.

Plus, people who play Pokémon aren't automatically fat and lazy. I have a friend who plays Pokémon, Magic, Vanguard, and Yu-Gi-Oh (or however you spell it) and playtests pretty much daily, but is also going to college next year with a full scholarship from baseball. I play soccer in the spring and fall, run cross country in the summer and fall, and lift weights on top of that. Pokémon is still a big part of my life.

I'm glad your post wasn't made in a serious fashion, though. You'd have to be incredibly narrow-minded to actually think that playing ultimate Frisbee makes you a chick magnet.
Celebi23 said:
I don't understand how not liking ultimate Frisbee or medicine makes it so I play Pokémon all day every day, which makes it so I'm an antisocial loser.

First of all, Pokémon is a very social game for most people. I test with friends on a regular basis.

Also, the vast majority of people on this site are 14 or younger. It's kind of hard to have a high and stable income when you're too young to be legally employed and/or don't have a college degree. So while that's definitely a good thing to have, it isn't relevant to anybody who hasn't graduated high school, nor should it be.

Plus, people who play Pokémon aren't automatically fat and lazy. I have a friend who plays Pokémon, Magic, Vanguard, and Yu-Gi-Oh (or however you spell it) and playtests pretty much daily, but is also going to college next year with a full scholarship from baseball. I play soccer in the spring and fall, run cross country in the summer and fall, and lift weights on top of that. Pokémon is still a big part of my life.

I'm glad your post wasn't made in a serious fashion, though. You'd have to be incredibly narrow-minded to actually think that playing ultimate Frisbee makes you a chick magnet.

Ok, if you are still in high school, I don't think anybody should be embarassed for playing Pokemon TCG. It is when you are in college already, and are in your twenties or thirties.

Playing ultimate frisbee does not make you a chick magnet. Med students who are jacked and play ultimate frisbee makes you a chick magnet. Lol.

Ok, true fact here. My med cousin probably isn't a chick magnet. My eng cousin, brother and I saw his facebook page, and it had a bunch of girls in it, and at one point, my med cousin had a hot girlfriend. Then we jokingly said, OMG, being a med student, being jacked, and playing ultimate get him all the girls, maybe it could happen to us. In fact, it doesn't. It isn't guaranteed. My med cousin broke up with her because he doesn't like stupid girls, and would prefer more competent ones. If anything, being those 3 would get you the dumb irresponsible girls who are after your money, and nobody would want that right? Unless you are trying to promote the Pokemon TCG as something cool, nod nod wink wink.

It is true FACT that co-ed sports like ultimate frisbee is a good way to meet girls and interact with them. You aren't interacting with any girls playing baseball while the girls are in the sidelines watching. It isn't a surefire way to make you a chick magnet, but at least you don't have to be drunk at a club to do so.

So as long as you have girls who are friends, and not girlfriends, to others, they would see you as being a chick magnet.

The most surefire way for a person in his 20's or 30's who loves to play Pokemon, is to cut himself and his crew from the outside world. That way, you won't care what others thing, because you and your crew are in your own little world. The problem with this is that you aren't making any contact with people who view pokemon as a kids game, so to rectify that, join up in some group activities your age, like sports, group work, etc. I especially recommend ultimate frisbee. It gets you all the ladies hahahahahahaha. No. Some of your teammates are ladies. You put them in your facebook as friends. Therefore, people who view your facebook profile think that you are a chick magnet, but really, they are only your teammates.

The only reason why my cousin is seen to be a chick magnet, is because he is in med school. A lot of girls are in med school. A lot of girls from that med school are on his facebook page as friends. He plays ultimate. His female ultimate teammates are on his facebook as friends. He works out. He is jacked. His facebook image profile shows him as jacked. Therefore for anyone viewing his page, you will see a jacked person who has a lot of girls as friends, therefore a chick magnet. My brother and my eng cousin tease him because of it.

Also back in highschool, he played magic, DBA, full thrust, and those table top board games where you roll dice and use tape measure to measure the distance your little tiny figurines of soldiers travel.
I think being embarrassed about Pokemon only leads to trouble. If you think that your friends wouldn't like you if they knew you played Pokemon, then how are they good friends? As you have probably guessed, I am an individual who takes pride in my passion. I'm happy with what I do, and I can say straight up that I don't hide. Now, thanks to this, I always tell people I like Pokemon with a smile on my face. I wait for that moment to share my hobby.

"Oh, I won't be here next week."
"Going to Wisconsin, huge Pokemon tournament I'm attending."

That's the conversation I had with my photography teacher before heading out to Wisconsin Regionals. In front of the entire class. Nobody really laughed, or made fun of me afterward. Maybe they thought ill of me and didn't say anything. But the teacher was interested in how I compete, and we had a little conversation about it. To be fair, I probably would've had more friends if I pretended I didn't play Pokemon. But what matters is that the few friends I have are the best I could ask for. And guess what? Most of them I met through Pokemon.

So no, Pokemon is not embarrassing to me. But that's because I chose to man up and be proud of what I like, even if it meant scaring away potential friends.
My friends don't mind, and they're actually kinda interested. I dressed up as Ash Ketchum, full-on, and went to school as him on Halloween in my school...of three thousand students. I think everyone got a kick out of it. I don't mind if people know I play, because I don't care. I'm not obsessed with Pokemon, but it's a nice hobby to have. I call it nostalgia. (That's a nice excuse by the way.) Regardless, your friends shouldn't care if they're really your friends.
Your story closely relates to mine. I used to think the same way that you did. However, me and about two friends got into it at the same time so it made things easier for me. As a kid I collected the cards because I was obsessed with the show and I thought the cards were cool looking. Now that I took the time to learn to play recently (November 2011) I really enjoy the Pokemon franchise. I play the video games, watch the show, play the tcg, listen to the music, research it... everything, and I'm 21.

Is it going to be embarrassing the first few times bringing it up? Yup. You get used to it. In fact, you like bringing it up sometimes. It's almost like embracing the inner nerd. My friends think it's funny and awesome when I bring it up now. Before it was like, "Pokemon, that's hilarious, really?" but they thought it was just funny and respected me for doing something that I was in to. Now, I blast Pokemon albums at my work and talk about it openly anywhere. If people are concerned or try and give you crap, you just let them know that you are serious about liking it, don't pretend you were just joking or anything.

Anyone can seem "perfectly normal" and have some nerdy or taboo hobby, including Pokemon players. If you met me, you would never think I would love Pokemon. However, I do and I'm not ashamed to admit it because it is something that I enjoy. Just be yourself. Don't play if you feel pressured to not play or feel like you constantly have to hide something. There are plenty of closet Pokemon players out there (video games, tcg, etc.) or people that would be open and willing to hear about it or try it.

As for this regarding signofzeta's guidelines...
Teal said:
I dissaprove of this post. You are telling people to change what they are so they can get a girl(/boy)friend?

You will get the best girl(/boy)friend for you by being yourself. If you fake your life, you find someone who likes the fake you, not the real you. I see "hunting" girls in general as stupid.

I could not have said it any better myself. I'm the the best relationship I could ask for and by no means did it come from following any guidelines. In fact, she thinks Pokemon is fun and "adorable."
Ekklesia said:
Your story closely relates to mine. I used to think the same way that you did. However, me and about two friends got into it at the same time so it made things easier for me. As a kid I collected the cards because I was obsessed with the show and I thought the cards were cool looking. Now that I took the time to learn to play recently (November 2011) I really enjoy the Pokemon franchise. I play the video games, watch the show, play the tcg, listen to the music, research it... everything, and I'm 21.

Is it going to be embarrassing the first few times bringing it up? Yup. You get used to it. In fact, you like bringing it up sometimes. It's almost like embracing the inner nerd. My friends think it's funny and awesome when I bring it up now. Before it was like, "Pokemon, that's hilarious, really?" but they thought it was just funny and respected me for doing something that I was in to. Now, I blast Pokemon albums at my work and talk about it openly anywhere. If people are concerned or try and give you crap, you just let them know that you are serious about liking it, don't pretend you were just joking or anything.

Anyone can seem "perfectly normal" and have some nerdy or taboo hobby, including Pokemon players. If you met me, you would never think I would love Pokemon. However, I do and I'm not ashamed to admit it because it is something that I enjoy. Just be yourself. Don't play if you feel pressured to not play or feel like you constantly have to hide something. There are plenty of closet Pokemon players out there (video games, tcg, etc.) or people that would be open and willing to hear about it or try it.

As for this regarding signofzeta's guidelines...

I could not have said it any better myself. I'm the the best relationship I could ask for and by no means did it come from following any guidelines. In fact, she thinks Pokemon is fun and "adorable."

I understand that some people don't get a joke post that has a lot of truth of how society sees other people. Besides, it was based all off my cousin who is a med student, works out a lot, and plays Ultimate Frisbee, and has a lot of girls as friends in his Facebook page, that is, he knows a lot of real life girls from Ultimate and med school. My other cousin and my brother make fun of him for being a chick magnet, despite him not being one.

But I understand, you only need your girlfriend right? Who cares about getting to know even more girls. They probably laugh at you for playing Pokemon. You don't deserve their friendship. They are mean weenies. They don't deserve to be in your clubhouse.

So long as you are hiding the fact that you are playing Pokemon to some random stranger, then you are indeed feeling embarrassed about being with the Pokemon crew. In true fact, there is no way to never feel embarrassed about playing Pokemon, and even my 3 guidelines won't even work. As long as there is someone out there who laughs at people for playing something that they are too old to play, then the best you could do is "stay in the closet".

If you did follow my 3 guidelines, provided you are a dude, and somebody laughs at you for playing pokemon, then you can say "I'm rich, I'm jacked, and I know tons of ladies", then followed by a "Ohhhhh burn", then followed by the non-pokmeon believer saying "I'll get you next time".

I'm not saying that anybody should change the way they are, I'm only providing 3 guidelines on how society views a cool person. If you are cool enough for these people, then they don't care if you openly play Pokemon TCG in public.

This only really applies to people in their 20's. At this point, you are technically too old to play the game. It doesn't mean that you can't play it. I can assure you that most people in these forums, when they reach the age of 25, or somewhere around that age, they will abandon Pokemon altogether. I'm technically being generous by saying 25. Most pokefans I know abandon Pokemon at the age of 20, because they couldn't take any more embarrassment. Show to others you are successful, that is become a med student, and ultimately a medical doctor, or any high paying profession, work out, and be fit, and join up in any club activities, whether it be Ultimate or Dancing, and actually be open to girls, and not just the one, will others see past your Pokemon hobby. I know tons of nerds who knows a lot of ladies because they play Ultimate or join up in co-ed clubs like swing dancing, rather than being in a hobby dominated by males, and they STILL play games like Magic, or DnD.
As a woman in her upper twenties, I got a laugh out of everything signofzeta has said in this thread. Even if I disagree with most of it, I know it's something a lot of guys believe. The only true part about any of it is that working out is good if you're out of shape, but that's true for, well, everything, and doesn't really have anything to do with Pokémon.

To be actually on topic for a bit, I've never been embarrassed to play or like Pokémon, and it hasn't effected me negatively in a social way. I haven't gotten to play a whole lot, but I do plan on joining a league after my move and participating in tournaments.
My friends know I do they comment on my youtube videos sometimes, usually only to tell me to answer my phone lol. They come round open packs with me and hell I don't know a person who doesn't want to open packs. It's fun so at the end of the day it's up to whether you have the balls or not

My school found out and I was very suprised no one cares about it, my friends like me for me whether I like pokemon or not. Hobby is just an extention to someone's personality not the full story.
signofzeta said:
I understand that some people don't get a joke post that has a lot of truth of how society sees other people. Besides, it was based all off my cousin who is a med student, works out a lot, and plays Ultimate Frisbee, and has a lot of girls as friends in his Facebook page, that is, he knows a lot of real life girls from Ultimate and med school. My other cousin and my brother make fun of him for being a chick magnet, despite him not being one.
We don't know your cousin, so we had no way of knowing that was what your post was about. And you keep saying it was a joke, but defending everything you say as though you don't think it actually is.
Artemis said:
As a woman in her upper twenties, I got a laugh out of everything signofzeta has said in this thread. Even if I disagree with most of it, I know it's something a lot of guys believe. The only true part about any of it is that working out is good if you're out of shape, but that's true for, well, everything, and doesn't really have anything to do with Pokémon.

To be actually on topic for a bit, I've never been embarrassed to play or like Pokémon, and it hasn't effected me negatively in a social way. I haven't gotten to play a whole lot, but I do plan on joining a league after my move and participating in tournaments.
Thank you for this post.
Celebi23 said:
We don't know your cousin, so we had no way of knowing that was what your post was about. And you keep saying it was a joke, but defending everything you say as though you don't think it actually is.
Thank you for this post.

I forgot to add the fact, in my original post, that you have to put a photo of you diving to catch a frisbee on your facebook profile page, but the upcoming part is the serious part.

The fact that you HAVE to be a med student, you HAVE to work out, and you HAVE to play ultimate frisbee in order for others to look past your Pokemon hobby is the joke part. That was all based off my cousin's facebook profile page where he knows a lot of girls, be it from med school or Ultimate. Then my brother and my other cousin tease him for being a chick magnet, because he has so many girls as friends on his facebook page. The following 3 steps is the serious part. Being a med student, working out, and playing Ultimate Frisbee is only a subset of the following 3 guidelines respectively.

1. Get a high paying professional job. I said stay away from eng, because people have the stereotype that Engineering students are typically nerds. I mean, do you know how hard it is to pass a certain math course? (Engineering is a good field, and if you like it, then go for it). Also, even if you don't know this, there are tons and tons of girls in Medicine, and I heard we have a shortage of medical doctors. This step shows that your mind is maturing, and that you aren't a person with a 12 year old mind stuck in a 27 year old body. "Hey, this guy has a professional job, therefore, he must be mature".

2. Stay healthy, be it from working out, running, or doing manual labor. It is true for everybody, but if people see you as a fat slob, and sees you playing Pokemon rather than working out, guess what they are going to blame for the fact that you aren't working out? Perhaps it may be that you play too much Pokemon?

3. Be more social. Hanging out with your pokemon crew means that all you care about is pokemon. Joining other clubs, be it Ultimate Frisbee, swing dancing, or any co-ed club, means that you are an approachable person, and you can easily talk about your Pokemon hobby. Perhaps that in these "clubs", that you find a like minded person, or maybe you are playing Pokemon with your Pokemon pals, and your Ultimate teammate walks by, and sees you playing. Then maybe that person would feel curious as to what you are playing, and maybe that person may or may not join the Pokemon fanclub.

Step one represents maturity
Step two represents health
Step three represents social skills, and no, being in a tight secret society does not make you social.

If you are content with having a low wage job, not working out, and not trying to socialize with people outside of the Pokemon group, then to outsiders, they will view you as being obsessed over a kids game.

If you don't follow these 3 guidelines, then the only way to never feel embarassed is to isolate yourself from the outside world, and only care about what people in your Pokemon fanclub thinks. But this only means that people in the outside world would view you as being obsessed over a kids game, rather than doing more "adult" things.

I'm going to tell you a bit about myself. I did NOT follow the 3 guidelines I made. Guess what friends and family blame for my downfall? That's right. Magic, Pokemon, Yugioh, and video games. So long as you follow these 3 guidelines, everybody would look past your kiddy hobby.

You are only embarrassed because of your thoughts on what other people think about you. The 2 ways to combat this is to not care what they think, that is, seclude yourself into a tight secret society, or find other hobbies and be more approachable to non-believers, so they view you as a nice person who also plays a kids game, and know that you can handle more adult activities, because not only are you in the Pokemon group, but also in the other group as well. Unfortunately for me, I elected to pick seclusion, as I am a huge introvert.

Following the 3 steps also is secretly saying "don't turn into what I have become." Trust me. The life I am living sucks, and trading cards and video games is my way of masking the fact that in the future, I am totally screwed. I mean, would you want to be 40 year olds playing Pokemon TCG in the basement with your 40 year old pokemon buddies? Would you want to be that lone 40 year old playing a kids game with 12 year olds? In the future, the embarrassment will increase as you get older, so following steps ensure you that people look past your side hobbies, so they don't blame that hobby for you being an immature, unhealthy, anti-social person, and that Pokemon isn't your security blanket for all the woes in your life.

Disclaimer: These steps work for any nerdy hobby. These steps do not work with people in their 20's who are fans of Teletubbies or Barney the Purple Dinosaur.
Okay, I really don't think that you have to be rich, or play co-ed sports to get girls to like you. You CAN be an engineer, that's fine, noone's going to think of you as a nerd if you are. If you don't want to be a med student, you CAN still get girls to like you. The main thing that matters is confidence, and being a happy, fun to be around person. If you're well likeable, you don't need to be rich, although being healthy and in shape is always a good idea, regardless.