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Aspiring Trainer
Been playing around with this on the online TCG, wanna take it to league play but need some tweaks.

(Edited 2-24-13)
3-0-3 Emboar (Inferno Fandango)
Mewtwo EX x3
Sigilyph x2
Reshiram BW x1

Computer Search x1
Energy Retrieval x2
Heavy Ball x2
Level Ball x1
Pokemon Catcher x4 (irl, I only have 3, so using one Escape Rope instead)
Pokemon Communication x2
Rare Candy x4
Switch x4
Random Receiver x1

Cheren x2
N x4
Professor Juniper x4
Skyla x3
Energy Search x1

Fire x8
Psychic x3
Double Colorless x2

I'd use Blastoise instead, but I simply don't have enough. Emboar is there for the energy acceleration, Sigilyph to lock up EX's and Mewtwo to overkill. Pretty simple, but I'm not winning as often as I'd like. It's not TERRIBLE in play, but I think it can be better. Any help?
For starters, you need more N's and Juniper's.

-4 Cheren (Juniper/N/Bianca is good enough)
+1 N (You don't want late game N's I believe)
+2 Juniper (7 new cards even though discarding your hand is quite good)
Extra Card: 1
You also need some sort of ACE SPEC and some Ultra Balls.

-2 EXP Share (It's good in some decks, but I don't feel as if this deck is one of those decks)
-2 Pokemon Communication
+1 Computer Search (Gets ANY card)
+3 Ultra Ball (Gets you Emboars more easily)

I would max out Rare Candy to max out the consistency.

-1 Heavy Ball (When I tested Emboar and Blastoise together a long time ago, I didn't really use Heavy Ball.)
+1 Rare Candy (You want Emboar in play.)

Emboar streams all of the Fire Energy you can possibly need, so I don't think you need DCE's. (You can have them for early game I guess.)

-4 DCE
+4 Fire (Easier to stream Fire)

Extra Card: 1

+1 Pokemon Catcher (It's become a staple of 4 in almost every deck, if not all)

Also, you don't really need Pignite, as you focus on evolving through Rare Candy.

-1 Pignite
+1 Keldeo EX (It can be good in getting out of status because Hypnotoxic Laser is going to be popular BW-PS)

That's all I can think of.
A card I'd try in here would be Keldeo EX. Not for Secret Sword, but for Rush In. It basically just decreases Emboar's retreat cost to 2. If that's to pricey for you, wait until the Keldeo EX tins come out.
I'd also get an Ace Spec for this deck (probably Computer Search, but Dowsing Machine would work too). Again, if that's too much, I understand.
The new supporter; Colress should work great in this deck, I'd probably take out the 2 Cheren's, and a Bianca for 3 of them.

I'd also take out some of the Double Colorless, since you're probably going to want to use your attachment for the turn on Psychic Energies. I'd put those into Energy Retrievals.
I think more search cards would also be a good idea. Maybe take out the EXP Shares (you already have energy acceleration, you shouldn't need anymore) for a Level Ball (good with Skyla) and another Communication.
I'd also take out the Pignite for another Rare Candy. It'll make your deck a bit faster.
So here are all the changes I'd make:

Here's a summery of the changes I'd make:
-2 Cheren
-1 Bianca
-2 Double Colorless
-2 EXP Share
-1 Pignite

+3 Colress
+2 Energy Retrieval
+1 Level Ball
+1 Pokemon Communication
+1 Rare Candy

And if you to go through the trouble of getting them:
-1 Fire Energy for +1 Keldeo EX
-1 Pokemon Communication (assuming you put in the 3rd Communication) for +1 Computer Search

Hope I could help. And Welcome to Pokebeach!
Thanks for the quick replies! And thanks for welcoming me! Yea, getting Ace Specs is going to be tough.. usually if I get a rare card like that, I put away for collection and would never dream of using it unless I found another. Since this IS league play, proxy's are an option.. anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I'll try these out online in the meantime.
So I attended a prerelease yesterday, and surprise surprise.. I pulled a Dowsing Machine. ^_^ Been testing it out with the one Colress I pulled at my league, and so far there's a big improvement. Can't wait till Wednesday where I'll get many more Plasma cards and I'll be able to further test this.
Alright, so I managed to get a Computer Search via trade at my league, so I put that in, and updated my list to reflect the changes I've made through suggestions. I was thinking of putting 4 Skyla, and instead of the heavy balls and level balls, I'd use 3-4 Ultra Balls, and discard energy and use Energy Retrieval to get them back. Other then that, I'm not sure how else to improve this. Any suggestions?
I would difnately take out the Psychic energies and put in Blend PGDF. It will allow you to attach them freely via Inferno Fandango. Also, since this blend has grass in its type I would add in a Shaymin.
-2 Heavy Ball - only 1 pokemon can be searched
-1 Poke Com. - I personally am not a fan
-2 Colress - This is more of a 1 of card
-2 DCE - too suceptipal to enhanced hammers
-1 Bianca - You have to much draw support (Wow can't believe I said that)
-1 Sigilyph
-4 Psychic

+2 N
+4 Fire Energy - Cilan Bait
+2 Blend
+2 Ultra Ball - Much better than heavy
+2 Juniper - better than colress
+1 Shaymin EX - Late game attacker
Hope I helped :D
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
I would difnately take out the Psychic energies and put in Blend PGDF. It will allow you to attach them freely via Inferno Fandango. Also, since this blend has grass in its type I would add in a Shaymin.
-2 Heavy Ball - only 1 pokemon can be searched
-1 Poke Com. - I personally am not a fan
-2 Colress - This is more of a 1 of card
-2 DCE - too suceptipal to enhanced hammers
-1 Bianca - You have to much draw support (Wow can't believe I said that)
-1 Sigilyph
-4 Psychic

+2 N
+4 Fire Energy - Cilan Bait
+2 Blend
+2 Ultra Ball - Much better than heavy
+2 Juniper - better than colress
+1 Shaymin EX - Late game attacker
Hope I helped :D

Thanks for the suggestions, but I just tried this out online, and Inferno Fandango would not pick up the Blend energy. Dunno if it's a glitch, but I suppose I can ask a professor. I do have other concerns, like why so many N's? I can see maybe using it to screw my opponent, but it seems to me that N cripples Emboar/Blastoise. And if Blend is supposed to work with Inferno Fandago, why only 2? You wanted me to take out the DCE because it's susceptible to Hammers, but it's replaced by something that is also susceptible to hammers. Why not use both, or more Blend? Everything else I agree with, though I haven't had much experience with Shaymin, it does seem like a decent revenge killer. I'll keep at it, and find out about that Blend energy. Thanks for the help!

Actually, upon closer inspection, I figured why it wouldn't work myself. The card specifically states that it provides colorless energy and will only give PGDF when attached to a Pokemon.. so as long as it is in my hand, and not on a Pokemon, it's colorless, thus Inferno Fandango won't pick it up.. it was a nice thought though. o_o
PGDF is a speciel energy not a fire energy card, which Inferno Fandango says it has to be. :p
I have some changes that I would make if I were you:

-2 Energy Retrieval (2 Is enough, DCE will be very useful)
-3 Colress (You won't be benching much, and is unreliable)
-1 Psychic Energy (Can be searched out very easily)
-1 Cilan (Not a very good use of your Supporter per turn)
-2 Bianca (You won't want to burn cards too fast in any deck, it makes you fizzle out later)

+1 Skyla (Need to be able to search out Rare Candies and such)
+1 Energy Search (Searches out Energy, doesn't use Supporter per turn)
+1 Reshiram BW (Need a Non-EX attacker besides Sigilyph)
+1 Pokemon Catcher (4 in practically every deck, this deck is no exception)
+2 N (Need 4 in every deck)
+2 Professor Juniper (Need explosive start)
+1 Random Receiver (Fishes your Supporters out)

These are the suggestions I would make is this were my own deck. I understand if you can't get another Catcher, but it would help a lot.
SirkOnivaric said:
You wanted me to take out the DCE because it's susceptible to Hammers, but it's replaced by something that is also susceptible to hammers.

Yeah, I wrote that kinda late at night and was pretty tired. So I guess I wasn't really thinking
take out the 2 sig and the psychic energies and put in 2 regular reshiram & more fire energies

they are OP. plus they will easily combat cobalion ex and kinklang decks. :)

i will guarantee reshiboar is still viable.
I agree with keeping the sig.. and so far I'm liking the addition of Reshiram. My deck was a focused Reshiboar deck when I started playing again two months ago (I was behind on the times..) and I quickly found that Keldeo was trouncing me. However, I added one in as per SheNinja's suggestion, and it doesn't seem so bad now.. probably because I'm not as reliant on it, so if Keldo pops out, I can rely on something else. As for the sig, I like having a little insurance in case a scary EX pops out. Gonna continue to test this..
So I've updated my deck list again, and played it at league. It's much better now, especially with the addition of Reshiram. We had a mini tournament, 4 rounds. I won 2, lost 2. Lost against a Darkrai deck.. I would have won, but an early N gave my opponent the advantage. I also lost against a Tornadus.. I was donked in the first round. I only had a Tepig out (couldn't bench anything else), the opponent went first.. played Tornadus with one energy, a lazer, and a virbank gym. It was.. humiliating to say the least. The other two decks weren't metagame, and not much of a challenge. There's my progress so far, any thoughts?

I noticed something interesting.. one of the other players showed me his deck, a Gallade/Gardevoir that did pretty well, and I noticed he ran 1 Battle City. I asked him why, and he said it's pretty much there to take out a Virbank City Gym.. I thought that was an interesting idea, don't you?
If there is anyway, you could add an Entei ex, it could be a buffer for your metwo's and reshiram. Add that to the Emboar, that would equal a very powerful deck.
Mewtwo, Reshiram, and Entei seems kinda clunky, but it seems like a great counter to PlasmaKlang too. You should play Virizion/Virizion/Sigilyph with this deck too to counter Keldeo.