RE: EminentFate Trades
Riend code is at my thread. CMT. I'll be able to trade around 11:00 am British time tommorow.
Riend code is at my thread. CMT. I'll be able to trade around 11:00 am British time tommorow.
Castformfan said:I can get you an umbreon by tomorrow,if you want.
zwelgbelg said:I see you put my kingdra up for trade I see, you might want to add some details since it has been IV bred and EV bred
it's worth more than just some ordinary kingdra..
Bold nature IV's: 12/x/31/31/31/12 EV's:44 HP 102Def 252 SpA 106 SpD
sniper ability
Castformfan said:Not sure,Im looking at the shaymin,na,Im Ill need to evolve the eevee after I breed one.
Sounds good, no need to clone, thanks though!legendhunter32 said:Can I offer my UT shiny biddof for your shiny starly.
I can clone it too if needed.
sounds good. PM me your FC and when you want to trade.grapplepie said:ill give you a yamega and a kabutops for your shiny bedew?
Mine will be cloned too, just not the AR way.legendhunter32 said:Ok just remembber biddof will bve cloned.
Sounds good, PM with time to trade and FCChiraami said:I'll trade a Shroomish and a Yanmega for Hacked Shaymin.