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Empoleon Deck

Replace the Aerodactyl with the Terrakion, ZekEels may still not be your best match-up, but at least you have a chance.
I don't think you should replace all the aerodactyl. Maybe leave two and take out something else for the third trrkion. Aerodactyl can still be helpful, but I guess you could take them out.
Edit: terrakion, not trrkion
It is easy catcher bait having a 90HP with no protection, 11 deck spaces used up and 21 drawn cards with juniper.
For 40+ damage?
Aerodactyl doesn't attack, but it acts like a plus power for empoleon and terrakion. Plus it Won't matter too much because it can easily be set up with twist mountain. And plus eelektrik is also a 90 hp Pokemon that's catcher bait and it seems to be working fine.
You need Pichu. Pichu makes this deck SO much better by getting everybody's bench filled up ASAP.
+1 Pichu HGSS
How does aerodactyl use up 11 deck spaces? It's around three aerodactyl and maybe 3 or so twist mountain thats basically all that's needed (not counting ultra balls and such, which are needed anyways for empoleon.). It's really not that hard to get out plus it has been pretty beneficial in many empoleon/terrakion decks that I've seen (Ssuming he does add terrakion). Plus it has a very low retreat cost. And if it does get KOd, then terrakion can just go retaliate (once again assuming that he runs terrakion). I really do not find aerodactyl so bad in this deck. You don't have to run 4 aerodactyl in this deck. But if you did take them out, along with twist mountain, I think you should add 3 terrakion, 2 plus powers (could be helpful for terrakion against zekeels and could be helpful for other situations as well), and others.
sonicboom said:
well im now afraid of dark deck that much its swarm deck too
and if the zekrom has a full becnh and me too and i have one aerodactly on the bench
i can ohko zekrom with empoleon

im with the max potion will try that out
Zekrom/Eels can limit their bench. So you need more stuff to KO Zekrom with.
well because with dual spash can ohko baby pokemon and and tynamos and 2ko celebi prime mew prime and elektrik
It takes 3 turns to set-up, Tynamo's are easily evolved within 3 turns. also Thundurus + Pluspower or Zekrom kills it with ease.
sonicboom said:
well because with dual spash can ohko baby pokemon and and tynamos and 2ko celebi prime mew prime and elektrik

No Kyogre EX it is a itstant loss to ZekEels and is, even though it is water type, extremely unconsistant, the point of Empoleon is to have a lot of pokemon (you and your oppenents) in play, if your opponent's afraid to bench a pokemon, that defeats the purpose of the deck.
As soon as you reveal a Piplup they're going to stop loading their bench anyway, unless you have a bunch of Terrakion on your bench. Meaning your Empoleon is doing at most 80 damage per turn - which is great for one energy, but pretty poor compared to the EXs out there.

One Zekrom + any Grass type will absolutely ruin this deck. I really love the idea of it, but I think it does have that one glaring weakness.
Honestly, Terrakion is THE BEST play for Empoleon at the moment. After rotation and new sets, that can easily change to benefit Aerodactly more. But with Lightning being not just BDIF but also 90%+ of every metagame, not running a counter to it can be a death sentence. Not to mention you can get in situations where Raikou EX can just Snipe around your Empoleon, killing Aerodactyls while using Max Potion to remove the damage Empoleon does.

Is it competitive with Aerodactyl? Yes, you can easily get above .500 at tournaments.
Will you win any BRs or Top Cut Nats with it? Without some kind of tech that's a no.

So which cards go well with Empoleon/Aerodactyl?
-Leavanny NVI gets rid of that Lightning weakness, and is honestly your best hope. I would run a 2-0-1 line to protect Sewaddle from Catcher KOs. If running Empoleon/Aerodactyl, I would disregard any other choice and run this.
-Rescue Energy helps you stream Empoleon
-Adding Terrakion and Exp. Share, along with Aerodactyl, if you can find room.
-Black Belt can give you a KO on Raikou EX/Zekrom EX with just 1/2 Aerodactyl on the field and full benches on both sides.
-Pluspower can give you a KO on Raikou EX/Zekrom EX with any combination of 5/6 Pluspowers and Aerodactyl
-Tyrogue can make the most out of Aerodactyl, allowing KOs on Eels with a combination of 6 Pluspowers/Aerodactlys or a Black Belt and 2 Aerodactyl

Honestly, though, there's not much else you can put in that swings the matchup more to your favor. Beartic is great vs Zekrom EX, but is useless against Raikou EX and Thundurus. Carracosta is a fossil and isn't weak to Lightning so technically he'd be a good addition, but his energy costs are too high for a deck without acceleration. Same goes for Kyurem/Kyurem EX. The only other option, I believe, is running 4 DCE and Mewtwo and just going aggro Aerodactyl/Mewtwo, as 4 Aerodactyls on the field means Aerodactyl is only a Pluspower away from OHKOing a Lightning EX.
@ RogueListers, lol, 5-6 Plus Power aint happening. Think about it, drop 3/4 then use Junk Arm. 'Aint happening.
Blui129 said:
@ RogueListers, lol, 5-6 Plus Power aint happening. Think about it, drop 3/4 then use Junk Arm. 'Aint happening.

5-6 pluspowers and Aerodactyl. AKA 4 pluspowers/1-2 Aerodactyl, 4 Aerodactyl/1-2 +power or anything inbetween. I'm just trying not to be THAT GUY that tells somebody to change their deck at the core level.