Empoleon MD vs Empoleon DP

Ah, but there is coin flip involved in each attack. For the DP, the coin flip is of a good thing, while for the MD one, it's for a bad thing.

Potential 90 > 80 and a potential 50 backslash
definitely depends on deck build. i run lucario with my empoleon and those are the only pokemon in my deck
4-3-1 lv x. lucario
4-3-3-1 (as of right now) empoleon lv. x
i plan on running a 4-2-2-3-1 (3 DP, 1 MD) because i'm not gauranteed a full bench ever. i run so few pokemon that it makes more sense for me to run only one MD empoleon. i'm also going to run 2 MD prinplups and 2 MD prinplups and leave my piplups DP.
^i meant 2 MD and 2 DP prinplups
shaymingiratina8717 said:
Ah, but there is coin flip involved in each attack. For the DP, the coin flip is of a good thing, while for the MD one, it's for a bad thing.

Potential 90 > 80 and a potential 50 backslash

Empoleon DP has a 50% chance to do decent damage, Empoleon MD has a 100% chance of doing a good amount of damage.
Yep, the Empo MD is BEAST, It will Defanitly be in MY Nats deck. But, Empo DP is Still really useful, in certain deck builds.
shaymingiratina8717 said:
Ah, but there is coin flip involved in each attack. For the DP, the coin flip is of a good thing, while for the MD one, it's for a bad thing.

Potential 90 > 80 and a potential 50 backslash
50 backlash? If its doing that much, its doing 100. So you need to switch those signs around. And a flip to do 20 to a bench pokemon is absolutely horrible. Lucario does 40-20 for 2. Glaceon lvl X does 70 and 20 to all pokes with a heads. 10 to my benched emps is nothing for a prize. People are talking about throwing electrode into decks to counter emp. They're giving up a prize for a prize. I think the backlash is worth the same gain.
Oh, my bad. I haven't taken a huge look at MD yet, so mind me if I make mistakes like that.

But still, I don't want people to completely throw this card aside and say its junk, cause it ain't. Sure, the MD Empoleon is better in most areas, but I think Empoleon DP is more solid.
cress lv.x and/or gyarados mt would be the best options. cress can move the backfire damage away and gyarados can soak up damage and do heaps. i think it is neat that it is water, destroying mag. then, cress can destroy G&G and pick up 2 prizes.
md is alot better.
Whichever is the better one, we'll have to wait. Considering the amount of benched pokemon you need to play in order to do the damage, more food for snipers...Flygon ex d +dusnoir tech=anti-empoleon MD. I just don't trust the 2nd attack, but the first one earns my respect.
It's downfall is easy, play it with Gyrados and Dawn Stadium to heal other pengiuns. :p
^Dawn stadium only works if you constantly attach energy to your pokemon but yeah, gyarados works good.
Just a question...

Do you think an Empoloen and Glaceon deck would be too slow? I haven't been too active in these areas lately, so I'm trying to catch up a little bit.
Isn't too slow neither is it too fast, moderate but more on the slow side. But I can't see why you should be playing both anyways. Empoleon+cessy=glaceon lv.x. They do exactly the same thing. Stop powers and hit bench.
Thou Shall Sleep said:
^Dawn stadium only works if you constantly attach energy to your pokemon but yeah, gyarados works good.

I know. :/

Empo+Glaceon takes too long to setup.
Hey shaymingiratina8717, I already made the Empo/Glacion deck. I posted it on here like a month ago. Check under Eeveepoleon, that is it!!!
