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Empolerade for Battle Roads


Aspiring Trainer
4-1-4 Empoleon DEX
3-3 Roserade DRX
4 Emolga DRX

9 Water

4 Juniper
4 N
2 Cheren

4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Level Ball
4 Rare Candy
3 Max Potion
3 Switch
2 Super Rod
2 Pokemon Communication

Strategy: Using Roserade's Le Parfum, you are able to get Empoleon out on turn 2 extremely consistently. From there just use Empoleon's Diving Draw to go through your deck at blazing speeds and overwhelm your opponent.
Something tells me this deck would have issues with taking down Eelektrik-variants, no matter how fast or consistently you set up Empoleon. I recommend taking out 2 Juniper (After T2, it's dead draw/Diving Draw fodder) and adding in 2 Terrakion. Replace 2-3 of your water energies with the Blend Energy with Water, not only to be able to power up Terrakion on the bench when they start setting up, and it also allows Emolga to get that Donk on Swablu Hope talked about. I prefer a straight TerraEmp deck, but I personally think this deck has potential. If possible, I'd find a way to add Giant Cape onto your list: it prevents Hydreigon from OHKOing you and Dark Claw Darkrai from OHKOing you after Night Spear Residual (And not having to waste a max potion on 30 Damage), as well as preventing Garchomp from OHKOing you with a full setup (Not that it happens a lot). You can also attach it to Roserade against Eelektrik to prevent Raikou from taking cheap prizes from them
If you play Terrakion, you have to play Energy Switch. It can surprise your opponent and easily take out Zekeels threats.
I'm really not sold on Terrakion, it's just a terrible starter and while it does help certain matchups, it hurts my consistency. I know you guys say that I don't need 4 Emolga and 4 Juniper, but the point of having them is not so I can play all four, but so I can play them on the first or second turn.
Looking again at this list with fresh eyes, I must say this deck is a lot better than I first took it to be. Getting a powerful Draw engine AND powerful energy-efficient attacker out T2 is a feat if anything, and you maximized the consistency of the deck with your decisions. I still think 4 Juniper is quite excessive, but you seem to be sold on its effectiveness. I can't exactly give a counter argument for running anything else (Like Pluspowers for Zekroms, for example) as Juniper is just that good of a card T1.

Nice Deck!
Thanks man! :)

I'm considering trying to fit a Mew EX as well as PlusPowers and/or Tool Scrappers in this deck to bolster some matchups. Any idea on what I can take out?
You could probably replace one Emolga for Mew EX. Three copies of Emolga still gives you a decent chance of starting with it, and even if you end up starting with Mew EX rather than an Emolga, chances are you'll be able to draw into either Level Ball or Emolga T1, slap it on the bench, attach an energy to Mew and use Call for Family for Piplup and Roselia anyway. Then on T2 if you've got your Empoleon set up, you can either start attacking with Mew EX or retreat and save it for later and begin your attack with Empoleon.

I wouldn't know what to take out for PlusPowers or Tool Scrappers without reducing the consistency levels of any other trainers.
I say you could take out one water energy for a Pluspower...but one-of cards just aren't worth it anymore now that Junk Arm's gone, and you're running dangerously low Energy counts if you run only 7 (I run 8 total energy in my TerraEmp Deck). If you think you could manage the 7 energy, then take out 2 for 2 pluspowers or 2 Tool Scrappers. I'd personally get the scrappers to take out Eviolite (actually 2KO conservative HydreiMax decks), Garbador (Your power is in Diving Draw/Le Parfum, it'd be hard to function w/o it), and Giant Cape (See: Eviolite).

Also, you've inspired me to run a EmpoRade Deck, as they're 2 of my favorite pokemon. Never saw the synergy between them, it's quite cool how you made them work. Maybe after I've played with the deck for a while, I can give more advice xD
Whilst I really like the deck idea, I've also found after testing that this deck gets hit really hard by most Zekrom variants. I know Terrakion takes away the consistency factor, but I really can't think of an alternative other than just hoping that you don't get paired against one.
PokecastXVII: I thought the same thing at first, but there's something you're overlooking, mainly 3 things that make Empoleon strong enough to take on Zekrom Variants:

1. Their reliance on the bench: They need at least 2 Eelektriks on the bench to reliably set up attackers. Pair this with something on the bench to actually gear up and something on the active spot, you are most likely hitting the magic 90 needed to KO Eelektrik...taking away their threat.
2. The low HP of their engine: Eelektrik is easily OHKO'd by Empoleon. With the high speed of the deck and high Catcher count, Eelektrik will struggle to reliably set up.
3. Sluggishness after the Eels are gone: As you're setting up remarkably fast to attack with an efficient attacker, you will most likely take out their Eels as soon as they hit the field. Without Eels, Zekrom and other electric attackers are much slower and much costlier to attack with.

I think it's these factors that make Empoleon/Zekrom at least not an auto-loss, but somewhere around 40/60 in Zekeels favor in matchup...Definately not something worth ruining consistency for with adding Terrakion.

(Maybe when Landorus-EX comes out...)
I do take into consideration what you're saying, however I just feel the odds aren't really in your favor. Most Zekrom decks will feature alternative attackers such as Mewtwo and Terrakion, so I don't really feel Eelektrik is a too much of a problem if they do get knocked out not forgetting they're relatively easy to set up. With Empoleon being a Stage 2, I just find myself questioning how quickly it can keep up. Recycling resources is another issue when you only have a maximum four copies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Zekrom in the slightest so I'm all for Empoleon, but that doesn't mean I can ignore the playability of Zekrom.
Thanks for all your input guys :) I do realize that Zekeels is an unfavorable matchup, if you don't get a turn 2 Empoleon you basically lose the game. However it is a risk I'm willing to take as Eels are pretty easy to take out and Zekeels' attackers are just about as hard to set up after their Eels are gone since you have to manually attach energy (remember, no more Shaymin).

That being said, I am thinking of the following changes:

-1 Water
-1 Juniper

+2 Tool Scrapper

This card is vital, as Deoxysmatter said, to take out tools that make KOs more difficult for Empoleon, as well as giving you a turn to use your Abilities vs Garbodor (I don't anticipate my opponent not having another Tool ready immediately). Do these changes look okay?
i think u need to put 1 more cheren and maybe a 1-0-1 leveanny (leaf taylor) to play vs elektrick variants. and cut 2 emolga and 2/3 water energy and put 2 random receiver. 9 {W} its too much for a pokemon that uses 1 only.
Excaliblarg said:
Thanks for all your input guys :) I do realize that Zekeels is an unfavorable matchup, if you don't get a turn 2 Empoleon you basically lose the game. However it is a risk I'm willing to take as Eels are pretty easy to take out and Zekeels' attackers are just about as hard to set up after their Eels are gone since you have to manually attach energy (remember, no more Shaymin).

That being said, I am thinking of the following changes:

-1 Water
-1 Juniper

+2 Tool Scrapper

This card is vital, as Deoxysmatter said, to take out tools that make KOs more difficult for Empoleon, as well as giving you a turn to use your Abilities vs Garbodor (I don't anticipate my opponent not having another Tool ready immediately). Do these changes look okay?

You can not forget that the main decks that are going to be played are Darkrai/Hydreigon and Eel variants. Terrakion/Empoleon IMO is the better choice. Yes with Le Parfum you can get a quick Empoleon and you can go through your deck in blazing speeds, but for what? To setup more Empoleons? Empoleon is already fast as is, and with Roserade you will more likely come very close to decking yourself out. If I were playing Zekeels against this deck, I would just play Zekrom w/ Eviolite. You can not OHKO him, so he just KO's you after you attack him. The great thing about adding Terrakion is the prize exchange b/w EX's. Terrakion OHKO's all Electric EX's and Darkrai (with out eviolite, but this is why you run Tool Scrapper). But like you said, it is a risk willing to take, so I hope you do well at BR.

Oh yea, a Great name for this deck would be Empoleon Raid. With Attack Command and quick setup it pretty much is an Empoleon Raid or Rade... =P