Enchanted Echo Theme Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys!

I bought an 'Enchanted Echo' theme deck the other day and entered a tournament. I knew I was going to get demolished (which I did), but it was fun and go to meet some awesome people!

There's another tournament next month, and I was hoping to buy some new cards to make my deck better! After reading a few articles, I know why my deck is poor (too much energy, not much damage output, not enough trainers), but I was hoping for suggestions on making it better!

Thank's in advance,

RE: Help make my theme deck decent? [Enchanted Echo]

I'm not a pro at the TCG or anything, but I can give some general tips:
-Analyse which cards did work well you and which didn't. Take out every card that you felt didn't pull its weight during the matches. Then keep the cards that did well or that you really like.

-Depending on how much you took out:
Re-inforce the evolution lines of the Pokémon that you kept in. Like if you want to build something around Victreebel's evolution line, get more Victreebel in your deck since the theme deck only has 1 (you'll probably want 3 or 4). Look for Pokémon and trainer cards that could support the cards you kept in.
Sticking to the Victreebel example, you'll want some Rare Candies to make getting Victreebel out easier and faster. Also, since Victreebel has an easy way of poisoning your opponent, getting some Virbank Gyms in the deck would work well. Using Victreebel's ability comes at the cost of discarding an energy, so a card like Energy Retrieval could be useful to put in.

-Other cards that are generally good to have: Professor's Letter, Juniper/Sycamore, N/Shauna, Ultra Ball, Lysandre/Pokémon Catcher, Muscle Band.
RE: Help make my theme deck decent? [Enchanted Echo]

In which case, I'll be keeping Sylveon and Leafeon, as well as the Shelmet and Accelgor line. Everything else seemed poor!

I was thinking of using a training center stadium card to buff up the health of my Eeveelutions and using hard charms to give them durability as they seemed squishy. No idea if this is a good tactic or not!

In terms of numbers, how many Ultra Balls, Shaunas etc... would you recommend? I don't wanna end up with loads of trainers compared to Pokemon etc...
RE: Help make my theme deck decent? [Enchanted Echo]

For general card draw, usually like 3-4x Juniper/Sycamore (best card draw at the cost of discarding) + 3-4x N/Shauna (soft hand resets) + 3-4x Skyla (excellent search tool).

For search tools it depends a lot on the deck. Since Eevee can evolve on itself with an energy, it doesn't need its evolutions to be in the hand. If you play with a 1-stage evolution deck, just getting Pokémon Fan Club + Evosoda (like 2 of each) would be good enough.

But it takes a lot of playing and testing to finetune your deck to perfection. So maybe you find out you may need 1 more or less of a card later on.
RE: Help Make My Theme Deck Decent? [Enchanted Echo]

You could make an Eeveelution deck.

I would suggest looking at Leafeon, Jolteon, and Flareon all from Plasma Freeze. Just try and work your way up. Practice makes perfect.
RE: Help Make My Theme Deck Decent? [Enchanted Echo]

Maybe try buying one more of that deck, and take out the useless cards.
Then combine the decks into one deck to make it stronger.

Maybe use the other cards to try to trade with?

Does your league have a trading box?
Basically it's a box with mostly commons/uncommons in it that people donate.
You put a card in the box and take a card out of the box.

It's a good idea, though it's a pain to keep it orginized.
Just as an update to this thread, I've since bought a tin, some singles off the web, and got given some cards to boost the deck! I'll be adding

- Chesnaught EX
- Shauna
- Pokemon Fan Club
- Training Center
- Another Leafeon (to boost the Eevee line)
- Hard Charm
- Ultra Ball

Any thoughts on Cassius (XY Base) for prize denial?

Now just to get some Double Colorless Energies! Damn them being so expensive!
Cassius is pretty annoying to use.
Just make sure you have something to bring up from the bench that won't get KOed.
Dan__ said:
Any thoughts on Cassius (XY Base) for prize denial?

I don't really like the effect of Cassius, but I guess it could be used well on something with high HP (most notably EXes) before it gets KO'd. The problem is that it requires you to have a second Pokémon on your bench and preferably something that has enough energy to do something, or else you'll lose a turn.