XY Enemy Team and their motivation?

It will be a poison type user team with Koga as their leader! And Team Rocket will be their subordinates!
Here's my thoughts on this. The Team will be a pokemon group bent on taking over the region at first, then of course the world, but no one will know at first, except well after the first time you meet them. The team will be the research center in the region dealing with DNA, researching pokemon like Deoxys, Mew, Arceus, and so on and so forth. Their focus that is clear is that they want to find out what makes a legendary pokemon, legendary, so they focus on those, and try to deduce the Legendary Pokemon Gene. Now their hidden ideals, is where they are planning to use the gene to create legendary pokemon out of non-legends, Absol, Volcarona, Zoroark, and so on and so forth. Well you first figure this out when you visit their town at the third or fourth Gym leader, since they are always the one to have a major town with their gym lately. Anyways after you meet them the first time, your impression is probably going to be alright they aren't a bad team, finally no annoying battles. However they have another Alias, or Name they go by when stealing pokemon, depending on the game the names will switch, either way, they are both evil. So you actually met this team before under that alias, but they always talk about the False Team in a negative way, this is meant to be done, due to them trying to hide. Well at about your fifth or Six badge depending when you meet them, they start up their true plans, and you end up having to go stop them from going after the Mascot Legendary pokemon. They head for the pokemon that could be related to summon the legendary pokemon from their slumber, create them from nothing, or other ideas. After catching said pokemon, they say they have gotten enough data to summon the pokemon, and then they head to the "Legend Area", but you can't get there yet. After your seventh badge they will have summoned, but not successfully tamed said Legendary pokemon, but you finally have your access to it, however you have to go fight their boss in the main HQ, because he hasn't moved through out the game, of course you've met him before, him just acting like everything's normal. Anyways after you finally beat him, there's his speech on how he's going to make this world in his own image or the speech about what they are planning, you know normal Team leader stuff. After this, now you can head to the legendary area, due to the Leader heading that way. Now like every Legend Area, you can fight pokemon and train there, and probably should since the leader will be stronger then when you fought him at the HQ. You'll fight him then at the end of it, you'll finally get the prize of the game, Pokemon X or Pokemon Y.
Their team needs to start with S so that the enemy teams in the mainstream games spell out what the rival in 1st gen called Professor Oak.
Then at the end Professor Oak comes out and reveals that he's the mastermind of evil all along.
Something like that.
Using the Pokedex holders to collect information on Pokemon to combine their traits into one super-Pokemon...if Professor Oak really was an evil mastermind, I don't see that being very far off.
But this is just wishful thinking.
I'd really just like a crime syndacite (spelling) like Team Rocket. It would seem like a decent threat and the character eventually finds out they are doing research on dna or trying to find the legend of something like that.
In light of a recent thread, I'll bump this one.

I don't have any ideas at this point, but it would be pretty cool if someone from a past game heralded this game's team.
don()shinobi said:
Their team needs to start with S so that the enemy teams in the mainstream games spell out what the rival in 1st gen called Professor Oak.
Then at the end Professor Oak comes out and reveals that he's the mastermind of evil all along.
Something like that.
Using the Pokedex holders to collect information on Pokemon to combine their traits into one super-Pokemon...if Professor Oak really was an evil mastermind, I don't see that being very far off.
But this is just wishful thinking.

Oak's first name is Sam. Sam. It starts with an S. Oh god.
I want a team that has belivable goals. Team Rocket's goals were plain and simple, use Pokemon to take over the world. Magma&Aqua's goals weren't that believable-why do something so catastrophic on Earth?. Galactic's were too over the top. If it was something like using Dialga/Palkia to remove all spirit from existence, rather than make a whole new universe.
Plasma brought it down a notch, which I liked. They had a simple plan, which took a twist at the end what with Ghetsis' revelation and all.

A team of clever scientists that are doing DNA testing/other DNA related stuffs that have intelligence as opposed to most of the other teams would be a nice route to go. For this team I could actually see it being made up of 4-6 members, all of which play a vital role in how the team works.

Another nice thing would be a Crime Syndicate which had believable goals, eg damaging the Gym system. So, unlike other games, instead of beating Gyms, you have to go through tasks such as infiltrating the base of the evil team to steal a badge, etc.
They keep surprising me every generation to the point it feels more creepy every gen.

I didn't think much about the name "Rocket", but hey, I loved rockets as a kid more than a random other kid. (but I only actually realized this when they started giving the execs rocket names for HGSS so this one doesnt count)

Then came Magma/Aqua, which gave me a goldensun vibe (my fav rpg) which I totally loved! Golden sun plays huge on the classical greek elements and has people who have powers based on them, and every now and then you would come across specific groups/tribes/towns/clans who are associated to one specific element, many times living close to a big dungeon with puzzles and sources of that element (one of those are "ayers rock"-like mountains, two of them being Magma and Aqua Rock).

As a big fan of astronomy, I quite liked Galactic too, especially the members having names of planets! And then in Pt the new guy even being named by the nick I use everywhere I need one: Charon (I know he's Pluto in Japanese, but still..).

And then a few years ago, I find myself browsing about the fourth state of matter, plasma, for months and being fascinated about that subject... a bit later Team Plasma is revealed....

From what we have so far, my guess is as good as anyones, which seems to be mostly that the focus will be genetics (another subject I like a lot lol).

But if I had to make up a team of villains Id make them nature-fanatics and call them Team Gaia.
I'd add a version exclusive twist (boy this was so cool in RS), by making them both times about "saving nature", but having different extreme approaches about bringing nature back into society:
A- using a "life" legendary to turn cities into wildly overgrown places
B- using a "force" legendary to destroy cities making people migrate to nature
A2/B2- awakening a "pollution" legendary to "purge" the world and let it regenerate (in this case youd catch the life and force legendary with your rival and use those to stop the pollution one in a 2vs1 battle.)
King Arceus said:
SheNinja said:
Where does what say that Oak's name is Sam?

One of the episodes of the Anime.

Yes, it was in the movie with Celebi in it, a long time ago.

My personal hope for the team is that they have just something different from the villains we've seen in the past. Make it a complete shocker when they're revealed, like maybe someone close to the main character joins them as a leader. I'm all for a storyline with lots of twists.
TwistedTurtwig said:
King Arceus said:
One of the episodes of the Anime.

Yes, it was in the movie with Celebi in it, a long time ago.

My personal hope for the team is that they have just something different from the villains we've seen in the past. Make it a complete shocker when they're revealed, like maybe someone close to the main character joins them as a leader. I'm all for a storyline with lots of twists.

Imagine if it turns out that the players mom is the team leader, that would be a shock.
Or your mom says something like "Your dad left on a journey like you ages ago. I've no clue where he is now, though". It would turn out your dad formed the new team, and doesn't actually recognise his own son/daughter. In the end he'd actually realise that it was his own flesh and blood that foiled his own plans. He's mad that his dreams have been crumpled, but at the same time he still loves his son/daughter.