K kevkev77777 weird emo kid Member May 3, 2009 #1 are there any energy accelerators besides weavile and leafeon x
Ampha-pwn77 |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0| Member May 3, 2009 #4 Typhlosioin MT, Ninetails PT, Regirock LA+Stark mountain, and Raichu MT are some others.
A apophys This sentence is false. Member May 3, 2009 #7 Flintzong engine: Flint's Spirit + Bronzong G (both from RR)
vegitalian Aspiring Trainer Member May 3, 2009 #8 Weavile SW, Rotom MD, Blastoise PT, Rayquaza LA + Lucian's Appointment (RR)
T ThePokemonDude Won My BR With Blazetran! Member May 4, 2009 #9 Blastcatty works, it only adds water tho