Energy tech for Meganium/tangrowth

Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
I'm building a meganium prime/tangrowth col deck and I saw this card in a pack I picked up. Apparently I have 3 of them, so I was thinking it would be a decent starter for the deck with trash burst (doing damage while getting extra energy on the field), then just use tangrowth lvX's big growth to get all the energy discarded back in play, building up a Tangrowth set to tank for days.

Would be ran with ~20 energy and 3-4 IQ to ensure having enough energy in your hand to make it worth the trouble. Losing this much space to energy is not as terrible since sunflora somewhat reduces the amount of search power I need.

Thoughts? Keep in mind this would just be for a league deck, nothing serious.

*EDIT* clarifying the intent of the post.
RE: Meganium/tangrowth tech

Well your thread name is a tad deciving, leading me to believe that it was Tangrowth who was the tech, in which case I would have explained why he should be the Main attacker. Its an okay tech, but the better idea would be Emboar when B/W comes out OR either Meganium (Like you have already) or Ferraligatr Prime (Rain Dance Power).

For searching (since there is no deck list here) Use Sunflora HGSS + Bebes Search and Spiritomb AR.
RE: Meganium/tangrowth tech

Interesting idea. I generally use engineers adjustments to ditch energy, but this could be quite good. It could be used as a fire deck counter and also deal big damage to garchomp. The only problem I see is that you have to have quite a few energies in your hand for it to work well and of course it is weak to garchomp itself. Also you should be running pokemon like shaymin or sunflora so there might not be space. I'd like to see if it could work though.
RE: Meganium/tangrowth tech

^first big growth doesnt deal damage... second...its very easy to get energies in your hand with interviewers questions. i would say run about 20+ energies and 4 IQ and you should be good. its a good idea but might be kind of hard to do but if it works it would pay off.
RE: Meganium/tangrowth tech

Sorry, I guess I was misleading. I fully understand the strategy of tangrowth (and grass tanks in general for that matter). I know how to play the grass engine and I understand gatr/emboar will power him up if I want to do that, but I don't, I want a pure grass deck. I'm putting the finishing touches on a meganium/tangrowth deck with blissey prime/seeker for healing along with all the other grass staples (shaymin lvX, sunflora, metashield (fire is rampant in my meta)), but am currently unsure of a good starter. I'm just using Tangela CoL as my starter, which is decent but I would still like something better.

I'm just looking for the best way to get energies out. With as many techs as I am using I am having to run several 1-1 lines, so Sage's training is extremely risky to use. Engineer's Adjustments is a good card, but it only gets 1 more energy out there. Tangela CoL is a flat extra energy every turn, which is nice, but it is somewhat fragile. Junk Arm is good, but trainer lock makes it less good, and I don't run that many trainers besides PComm and switch. Rayquaza could get out a bulk of energies if played with IQ, which was the plan, but it is still risky.

Just for the record, the current build I'm using is:
4-2/1-1 Tangrowth lvX (CoL/ar-swallow up)
2-1-2 Meganium Prime
2-2 Sunflora hgss
1-1 Shaymin lvX
1-1 Metapod hgss
1-1 Blissey Prime
~20 energies (2 DCE for meganium/tangrowth AR)
Just an idea as I have seen a few peopple run it with tangrowth around my ways

But Celebi prime starter ? Lets you attach energy with its poker power
Has to be energy from your hand though. But that will have you attaching 2 energys a turn. So by turn two, you could have tangrowth with 4 energys attached ( 80 dmg ) And if you engineers adjustment a few away as well that could possibly be another 2 energys and then level x them back when tangrowth goes active on turn two which to my understanding from this thread lets you grap energys back from discard and attach them ?
^meh he could just do his original play (why meganium?...) you have the rigth idea for tangrowth. do a 2-2 line of metapod. i like tangrowth. i run it with leafeon x so that i can big growth after leafeon dies and then i run roserade UL to do a confusion drop and then next turn OHKO with grind (you would ahve a good 2 energies on) rayquaza would work really well but you would have to do more energy becasue first you can OHKO T1 if you have 5 energy and just use IQ to easily do that. and then you have 5 energies already in the discard which is a free 100 damage later and that is just because of one attack :p
@cole'a I know about Celebi, but I'm not a big fan on the idea. A low HP basic that serves the same function as the new tangela that I won't ever be able to attack with.

@catutie Meganium allows me to tech Blissey Prime in without missing a beat. I move all the energy attached to my damaged pokemon to an undamaged pokemon, drop blissey, heal everything, and move it back. Otherwise I would have to discard all that energy and big growth it back out, wasting a turn.
healing growth should cover that. sure you dont always get heads but hey it works. your way is fine too but then you have to run seeker. are you using BTS too?
I will be running seekers regardless, and no I am not running BTS.

But before this thread gets derailed, are there any more thoughts on rayquaza C? Adding it onto my list will be even more pokemon in a deck that is already heavy on pokemon, and having ~20 energies will put me even lower on the T/S/St count. What should I drop, or is it even worth it?
With those pokemon lines I don't think you have the space. I think any space would be better for an azelf and an uxie if you were to add pokemon.
2-2-2 tangrowth
1-1-1 meganium prime
2-2 sunflora
2-2 metapod
1-1 blissey prime
4 rayquaza c

you wont need to many bebe maybe 2 because you have sunflora. it leaves alot of room for what ever...its not that bad of a deck