Haha, happens to anyoneAccident lol. I almost missed three of the Deoxys as well, but caught it early
Also @starg09 you may want to check this thread out if you want to discuss the setlist exclusively!
Haha, happens to anyoneAccident lol. I almost missed three of the Deoxys as well, but caught it early
Oh, hadn't seen this. Thanks!Haha, happens to anyone
Also @starg09 you may want to check this thread out if you want to discuss the setlist exclusively!![]()
Hate to be *that guy*, but if you take a look at the three prospective lists on this thread, all of them end in 184 total cards in Celestial Storm (including Secret Rares). Unfortunately, this would put it at just two cards shy of the actual largest set in TCG history, Aquapolis, at 186 cards. Still easily takes 2nd place, though!Welp, we already saw this coming; but largest set in Pokemon TCG history. It has a whopping 168 and we haven't gotten to the numerous secret rares. Ultra Prism was very large but gold Solgaleo was 173...only 5 places ahead of the last non-secret rare in this set. It's also definitely going to surpass Burning Shadows for the most amount of Ultra rares.
I simply switched Tate & Liza to Liza & Tate. As this is how they're referred to in ORAS. And this would make it so that no trainers got cut.So, now that Mr. Mime, Metagross and Steven's Resolve have been revealed, I've made some more changes to my list. Assuming all TV Reporter, Underground Expedition and Tate and Liza aren't removed, it appears as if Switch and Super Scoop Up aren't in the set, which could mean that they could be pushed to Dragon Majesty (or two of the Supporters). I've also removed Dedenne, but added some more random promos (Mareanie, Hiker and Return Label) to fit the missing spots. The only revealed card that didn't create any issues was Metagross, since that basically just confirmed Registeel haha![]()
That is definitely also a possibility. How do you think they would release the FA Lady then, out of curiousity?I simply switched Tate & Liza to Liza & Tate. As this is how they're referred to in ORAS. And this would make it so that no trainers got cut.
I always assumed she would be in Dragon Majesty.That is definitely also a possibility. How do you think they would release the FA Lady then, out of curiousity?
It is definitely an interesting observation! If Mr. Mime (Odds) isn't in the set, I would hope it would be the promo Alolan Rattata/Raticate GX, since there definitely is room for them (for example removing Weavile and Mr. Mime GX (Odds) from my list). One can hope hahaI think the case of Mime-GX is kinda perplexing - if it’s supposed to mirror the original FRLG, the Magic Odds version is supposed to come before the Magic Evens version. I guess they might put the Evens one first since it has the Full Art/Rainbow Rare, and there are no good cuts between Electrode and the first Mime. Just something interesting to consider
Have they been confirmed to be in the set? If not, the predictions aren't wrong, they're just predictionsOne thing wrong with the predictions: They are all missing Dunsparce and Ho-Oh of Champion Road.
To add-on SM8 appears to be based off Gen 2. So it would make sense that these 2 would get saved for that setHave they been confirmed to be in the set? If not, the predictions aren't wrong, they're just predictions
Based on the placement of Stakataka and Beast Ball, some cards would've had to have been cut and saved for later. For me at least, it seemed more plausible that they would keep the Slakoth line instead of Ho-Oh, Kangaskhan and Dunsparce since the Slakoth line can be found in Hoenn and the other's can't![]()
We know Acro Bike and Apricorn Maker will be in the set, which would both come before Beast Ball as trainers are sorted alphabetically, meaning 2 mons in-between in-between Stakataka-GX and Beast Ball. Also you put Stakataka at #100 when we know he's 102. Which would mean 2 more cards in-between Stakataka and Beast Ball will have to be cut.I've done a prediction myself. Although I haven't put it up yet, I can tell you that with Electrode GX confirmed as the 48th card, and with ALL Pokémon from both Celestial Storm and Champion Road confirmed, through process of elimination, we're set to lose one Treecko card, one Seedot card, two Torchic cards, one Combusken card, one Mudkip card, one Bagon card, one Shelgon card and Salamence GX (the latter which was confirmed to be removed and be included in Dragon Majesty instead). From the prediction. I can see the addition of the Magic Odds version of Mr. Mime GX, the Jirachi promo (Psychic Version), the Normal Forme version of Deoxys.
Here's my prediction list up to 124 so you can see what I mean (I can't predict the Trainers and the Ultra Rares, but I can predict the first 124 going by the confirmations so far):
1. Bellsprout
2. Weepinbell
3. Victreebel
4. Scyther
5. Spinarak
6. Ariados
7. Treecko
8. Grovyle
9. Sceptile
10. Seedot
11. Nuzleaf
12. Shiftry GX
13. Surskit
14. Masquerain
15. Volbeat
16. Illumise
17. Cacnea
18. Cacturne
19. Tropius
20. Dhelmise
21. Slugma
22. Magcargo
23. Torchic
24. Combusken
25. Blaziken
26. Blaziken GX
27. Torkoal
28. Oricorio
29. Articuno GX
30. Totodile
31. Croconaw
32. Feraligatr
33. Mudkip
34. Marshtomp
35. Swampert
36. Lotad
37. Lombre
38. Ludicolo
39. Wailmer
40. Wailord
41. Clamperl
42. Huntail
43. Gorebyss
44. Luvdisc
45. Regice
46. Kyogre
47. Voltorb
48. Electrode GX
49. Chinchou
50. Lanturn
51. Electrike
52. Manectric
53. Plusle
54. Minun
55. Oricorio
56. Mr. Mime GX
57. Mr. Mime GX
58. Gulpin
59. Swalot
60. Spoink
61. Grumpig
62. Lunatone
63. Solrock
64. Shuppet
65. Shuppet
66. Banette
67. Banette GX
68. Jirachi
69. Deoxys
70. Deoxys
71. Deoxys
72. Deoxys
73. Onix
74. Phanpy
75. Donphan
76. Larvitar
77. Pupitar
78. Tyranitar
79. Meditite
80. Medicham
81. Baltoy
82. Claydol
83. Regirock
84. Groudon
85. Minior
86. Sneasel
87. Tyranitar
88. Sableye
89. Steelix
90. Scizor GX
91. Mawile
92. Beldum
93. Beldum
94. Metang
95. Metagross
96. Registeel
97. Jirachi Prism
98. Celesteela
99. Kartana
100. Stakataka GX
101. Altaria GX
102. Bagon
103. Bagon
104. Shelgon
105. Salamence
106. Latias Prism
107. Latios Prism
108. Rayquaza GX
109. Kangaskhan
110. Dunsparce
111. Ho-Oh
112. Wingull
113. Pelipper
114. Slakoth
115. Vigoroth
116. Slaking
117. Whismur
118. Whismur
119. Loudred
120. Exploud
121. Skitty
122. Delcatty
123. Swablu
124. Kecleon
I don't think it's on purpose you have two Tyranitar cards in there, right (one Fighting, on Dark)? Also, how do you think those eliminated cards would be released in the future? Also just fyi, I'm not trying to read you, I just want to know you thought process regarding thisI've done a prediction myself. Although I haven't put it up yet, I can tell you that with Electrode GX confirmed as the 48th card, and with ALL Pokémon from both Celestial Storm and Champion Road confirmed, through process of elimination, we're set to lose one Treecko card, one Seedot card, two Torchic cards, one Combusken card, one Mudkip card, one Bagon card, one Shelgon card and Salamence GX (the latter which was confirmed to be removed and be included in Dragon Majesty instead). From the prediction. I can see the addition of the Magic Odds version of Mr. Mime GX, the Jirachi promo (Psychic Version), the Normal Forme version of Deoxys.
Here's my prediction list up to 124 so you can see what I mean (I can't predict the Trainers and the Ultra Rares, but I can predict the first 124 going by the confirmations so far):
1. Bellsprout
2. Weepinbell
3. Victreebel
4. Scyther
5. Spinarak
6. Ariados
7. Treecko
8. Grovyle
9. Sceptile
10. Seedot
11. Nuzleaf
12. Shiftry GX
13. Surskit
14. Masquerain
15. Volbeat
16. Illumise
17. Cacnea
18. Cacturne
19. Tropius
20. Dhelmise
21. Slugma
22. Magcargo
23. Torchic
24. Combusken
25. Blaziken
26. Blaziken GX
27. Torkoal
28. Oricorio
29. Articuno GX
30. Totodile
31. Croconaw
32. Feraligatr
33. Mudkip
34. Marshtomp
35. Swampert
36. Lotad
37. Lombre
38. Ludicolo
39. Wailmer
40. Wailord
41. Clamperl
42. Huntail
43. Gorebyss
44. Luvdisc
45. Regice
46. Kyogre
47. Voltorb
48. Electrode GX
49. Chinchou
50. Lanturn
51. Electrike
52. Manectric
53. Plusle
54. Minun
55. Oricorio
56. Mr. Mime GX
57. Mr. Mime GX
58. Gulpin
59. Swalot
60. Spoink
61. Grumpig
62. Lunatone
63. Solrock
64. Shuppet
65. Shuppet
66. Banette
67. Banette GX
68. Jirachi
69. Deoxys
70. Deoxys
71. Deoxys
72. Deoxys
73. Onix
74. Phanpy
75. Donphan
76. Larvitar
77. Pupitar
78. Tyranitar
79. Meditite
80. Medicham
81. Baltoy
82. Claydol
83. Regirock
84. Groudon
85. Minior
86. Sneasel
87. Tyranitar
88. Sableye
89. Steelix
90. Scizor GX
91. Mawile
92. Beldum
93. Beldum
94. Metang
95. Metagross
96. Registeel
97. Jirachi Prism
98. Celesteela
99. Kartana
100. Stakataka GX
101. Altaria GX
102. Bagon
103. Bagon
104. Shelgon
105. Salamence
106. Latias Prism
107. Latios Prism
108. Rayquaza GX
109. Kangaskhan
110. Dunsparce
111. Ho-Oh
112. Wingull
113. Pelipper
114. Slakoth
115. Vigoroth
116. Slaking
117. Whismur
118. Whismur
119. Loudred
120. Exploud
121. Skitty
122. Delcatty
123. Swablu
124. Kecleon
Wait. What??!Can anyone make-out what the Blaziken-GX’s set number is? https://twitter.com/pokemonnewsuk/status/1013041243482357760?s=21
what?Wait. What??!