BW/BW2 English Names For Revealed Pokemon

Zekrom and Reshirams names isn't confirmed. You do know that when we heard it on the english site, the Japanese site also showed them off. just used their Japanese names. Of cause I might be wrong, but I really don't think they're their names... :b
^they're names were officially confirmed by nintendo
@raz1337, you mean that squirtle, turtwig, and torchic arent puns?(or in a more correct term: portmentaeux or however you spell it)
Tsutarja: Slithervy (Slither+ivy)
Jaroda: Vinperdon (Vine+viper+don)
Pokabu: Emboar (ember+boar)
Chaobuu: Porklobber (Pork+clobber)
Enbuoo: Boarbeque (Boar+barbeque)
Mijumaru: Shelmurai (shell+samurai)
Futachimaru: Shelldos (Shell+dos, refers to its two shells)
Mijumaru3: Otterath (otter+wrath)
Mamepato: Poogeon (poop+pidgeon)
Hatoopoo: Birdrop (bird+droppings)
Tabunne: Hospituff (hospital/hospitality+tough)
Chiirami: Chintailla (chinchilla+tail)
Zoroark: Zoroark (confirmed)
Zorua: Zorua (moar than likely)
Reshiram: Reshiram (confirmed)
Zekrom: Zekrom (confirmed)
Darumakka: Emboon (Ember+Baboon)
Hihidaruma: Embrow (Ember+Eyebrows)
Meguroco: Sandile (sand+crocodile)
Munna: Sleeprey (sleep+prey. Also sounds similar to sleepy)
Musharna: Dreamunch (dream+munch)
Shimama: Zeebolt (zeeba+bolt)
Gear: Cogdos (cog+dos)
Gigear: Cogtrio (cog+trio)
Gigigear: Cogdon (Cog+don)
Moguryu: Drillby (drill+baby)
Doryuuzu: Drillpoon (drill+harpoon)
Kibago: Jawgon (jaw+dragon)
Ononokusu: Jawslash (jaw+slash)
Desukan: Tombdon (tomb+don)
Denchura: Electaran (electricity+tarantula)
Minezumi: Searchrat (search+rat)
Miruhoggu: Lytehog (light+hog)
Yanappu: Apelant (ape+plant)
Baoppu: Apeferno (ape+inferno)
Hiyappu: Apequa (ape+aqua)
Emonga: Emonga (follows the usual tradition of Pika-clones getting translated japanese names)
Victini: Victini (duh)
Basurao: Piranate (piranha+pirate)
Yorterrie: Yorterrie (a-duh)
Choroneko: Felonine (felon+feline. Also refers to the whole cats have nine lives deal)
Buffalon: Affrolo (afro+buffalo)
Dangoro: Gravelone (gravel+stone)
Gigiasu: Pressurock (pressure+rock)
Kurumiru: Krawleaf (crawl+leaf)
Shikijika: Yeerdeer (year+deer)
Mebukijika: Antlear (antler+year)
Monmen: Naughtton (naughty+cotton)
Churine: Plantuff (plant+tough)
Tamagetake: Mushrorb (mushroom+orb)
Wargle: Amerigle (America+eagle)
Rankurusu: Jellofloat (Jell-o+float)
Gochirizu: Shemo (she+emo)
Swana: Swanna (duh)
Mamanbou: Aqueart (Aqua+heart)
lol'd at amerigle.

I really think they'll keep wargle as the name, with 'war' deriving from 'warrior'.
Why would Gigear and Gigigear have the same names? I like Shellmurai, Poogeon? That wouldn't happen. Also Hihidaruma is a Ape and a Daruma doll. Also yeah Amerigle, don't think so my favourite ones of mine so far are, Samurtide, Bassiedon (For Basurao) and Swuana for Swana.
^They are made up.

Basurao: Basurahna (Bass+Piranha)

Bassiedon seems a bit girly to me. No offence to whoever made that name.
Bunch of other ideas I randomly had, for pokemon nobody seems to be naming:

Anteater > Helosa (heat + pilosa)
Gamarogue > Blotoad (blot + toad)
Iwaparesu > Sedimit (sediment + hermit)
Shinpora > Nazegle (nazca, hard to make it not seem like nazi)
Gear > Gear (gear)
Gigear > Giaer (gi-ear)
Gigigear > Gigagaier (gih-gah-gi-ear)
Basseidon doesn't sound girly i don't like Basurahna it seems like it is too many syllables. Volturture( For the volture Pokemon).
But the vulture is motherly i think. Love the name anyway.
Wargle grew on me. warglet for the baby
I love basseidon. Sounds like bass and poseidon the sea god to me. Bassurahana isnt a portamanteau or whatever. Shellmuride sounds silly. Samurtide is way better.
For the 3 nonroaming musketeers:
porthos- terracotion
(forgot)- viridion
Thats what their japanese names are based on, cobalt (color and metal), terracota, and viridian.
Tsutarja: Vileaf
Jyanobii: Palmbra
Jaroda: Forraconda
Pokabu: Pigma
Chaobuu: Warmhog
Embuo: Boarcano
Mijumaru: Wotter
Futachimaru: Surfott
Dendakeai: Sealshell
Kibago: Tuskgon
Yanappu: Monvine
Baoppu: Emape
Hiyappu: Monleak
At this point, all I'm really hoping for is them not romanizing Kerudio. It'll most likely be Keldeo in English, and I suppose I'm only against the idea because I'm too used to seeing "Kerudio" all the time...

Kyurem, Landros, Voltros, and Torneros will likely remain unchanged as well. Actually, now that I think of it, Meloetta and Genosect should also not get changed. Everything else... eh.
Kerudio is quite a hard name, I think. I much prefer Keldeo. Suits it better. Meloetta and Genosect - I find it hard to see how theres much Japanese origin in those...
Keldeo is just the romanized version, like Chillarmy, Landros, Voltros, Torneros, and Genosect. I'm not sure on Meloetta, though.
Jyanobii: Palmbra look at this again.
Melodette? As in melody and ette for females? Keldio sounds better IMO. I like torneros, voltros, etc.
These are good names for the early Pokemon.

Tsutaja - Snivy
Pokabu - Piglit
Mijumaru - Wotter
Yorterrie - Same
Minezumi - Buckmunk
Chillarmy - Same
Mamepato - Pigent
Shimama - Zebrolt
Momen - Seetton
Kurumiru - Catereaf

Can't think of any more.
I recall someone suggesting Zapra for the baby zebra. That was good one.