Wi-Fi Trades Ensiger's Adoption Agency!

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Since Shadelon & I share a Wi-Fi page. I'll tell you.
It's a special Pichu that get's you the spikey-ear'd Pichu in HGSS.
Well, now that Light has cleared it up for me, sounds like we have a deal then =)
I saw that your looking for a cloner right.
I can clone....all I ask if for the Japanese Pearl cloning codes (as that's the only game I've got space on...until HGSS comes out to Australia...or if NoUSA/NoAust. gives us the Ranch upgrade).
May I ask what Japanese Pearl cloning codes are? I'm not exactly knowledgeable to cloning, so I'm lost right now =)
Ensiger said:
May I ask what Japanese Pearl cloning codes are? I'm not exactly knowledgeable to cloning, so I'm lost right now =)

It's for an AR.
It what I use to clone events/Shinys/Lv.100's/EV'd Pokémon for people.
Okay, since this thread hasn't been bumped in a while...BUMP!

(Don't remember if double posting is allowed though, so, if it's not, my bad)
Gah, I've been gone for awhile, mostly cause I lost my Pearl and my Diamond game. Now it's found, and I can trade again. I'll also be updating a my first post to show some new goodies.
Please CML for the jirachi if it is timid, jolly, or adamant.
@ Grizzly, sorry, but I didn't find anything of interest. And like I said in the beginning of my thread, some of these pokemon may indeed have been hacked (well, to be caught anyway.)

@lovebunny, didn't know there was a larvitar in Pokémon XD, but sure.

@Juliacoolo, I'll have the Jirachi in a few days time. I'll PM you if I get any of those natures.
What natures are your:
Uxie [PKRS]

Is your Shiny Jirachi hacked via AR [this includes if you caught it normally, then hacked it being shiny]

Let me know, and I'll tell you if I'm interested. :)
Well, it's definitely caught with an AR, like, encounter codes and such. The shiny mighta been just lucky, although, I'm not really sure. And it's from Hoenn, so that's where it says it came from.
OK, I am just interested in Uxie then.
I can offer Shinies from my trade thread for it. CML and Len me know if there is anything in it that you want.
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