Alright, so ever since I heard about Hydreigon in the new release, I knew it would be almost be paired exclusively with Darkrai because of type. Now, what if we started to use it to power up our other Pokemon as well? This is what I came up with. Bear with me, it is still raw so any and all suggestions are welcome. The basic objective in this deck is to set up a Hydreigon on the bench and use it to help power up your main attackers like Entei and Reshiram.
2 Reshiram EX ND 95
3 Entei-EX DE 103
3 Hydreigon DR 97
2 Zweilous DR 95
4 Deino DR 93
1 Sigilyph DR 52
1 Darkrai EX DE 63
16 cards
1 Pokemon Communication BW 99
2 PlusPower BW 96
3 Max Potion EP 94
4 N NV 101
1 Super Rod NV 95
4 Eviolite NV 91
2 Pokemon Catcher DE 111
1 Rare Candy DE 100
3 Cheren DE 91
2 Ultra Ball DE 102
2 Random Receiver DE 99
3 Professor Juniper DE 98
1 Enhanced Hammer DE 94
29 cards
8 Fire Energy BW 106
3 Prism Energy ND 93
4 Blend Energy GRPD DR 117
15 cards
I was thinking of taking out a Reshiram for a Darkrai to add more consistency since I usually wind up with Blends and Prisms in my opening hand or by T2. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
2 Reshiram EX ND 95
3 Entei-EX DE 103
3 Hydreigon DR 97
2 Zweilous DR 95
4 Deino DR 93
1 Sigilyph DR 52
1 Darkrai EX DE 63
16 cards
1 Pokemon Communication BW 99
2 PlusPower BW 96
3 Max Potion EP 94
4 N NV 101
1 Super Rod NV 95
4 Eviolite NV 91
2 Pokemon Catcher DE 111
1 Rare Candy DE 100
3 Cheren DE 91
2 Ultra Ball DE 102
2 Random Receiver DE 99
3 Professor Juniper DE 98
1 Enhanced Hammer DE 94
29 cards
8 Fire Energy BW 106
3 Prism Energy ND 93
4 Blend Energy GRPD DR 117
15 cards
I was thinking of taking out a Reshiram for a Darkrai to add more consistency since I usually wind up with Blends and Prisms in my opening hand or by T2. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!