Episode N: Entirely Pointless?


Aspiring Trainer
Since Ash lost in the Unova League, is there really any point in continuing BW? I know N has finally been introduced, but IMO, it's too little too late.
I know some people say that it's how well one does, it's the Journey, but what's the reason for Ash to go on his Journey? It's to see new Pokémon and to Collect Badges for the League! But since he did badly in the League, then why continue traveling in Unova?
Just remember this: No matter how well Ash does from this point on, he probably won't use any of his Unova Pokémon to get Badges in 6th Gen.
Blob55 said:
Since Ash lost in the Unova League, is there really any point in continuing BW? I know N has finally been introduced, but IMO, it's too little too late.
I know some people say that it's how well one does, it's the Journey, but what's the reason for Ash to go on his Journey? It's to see new Pokémon and to Collect Badges for the League! But since he did badly in the League, then why continue traveling in Unova?
Just remember this: No matter how well Ash does from this point on, he probably won't use any of his Unova Pokémon to get Badges in 6th Gen.

I agree. The whole thing doesn't make any sense. Ash had fought in like, what--five leagues so far? And he still lost? Goodness me. And they finally introducing Team Plasma in the last arc? Why's that? The whole thing is so weird.
Didn't they do the Battle Frontier after the Hoenn league?

Ash will never ever win in any official league so there's really not point in complaining about him losing.
PMJ said:
Didn't they do the Battle Frontier after the Hoenn league?

Ash will never ever win in any official league so there's really not point in complaining about him losing.

Well, I wouldn't call it complaining. I really don't watch that show. I'm just saying it doesn't make any sense.... why can't they just let him win? What's so bad thing about winning? I sure had won in the past and it felt ridicuously good. ;P
They won't let him because if he did than he would become Champion, and if he becomes Champion he can't continue on his journey. Even if he declined the title, that would be a massive waist of time.
Equinox said:
They won't let him because if he did than he would become Champion, and if he becomes Champion he can't continue on his journey. Even if he declined the title, that would be a massive waist of time.

The last time I checked, Champions can travel. Alder, Cynthia, Steven, Wallace...do I need to add more?
Aquapulse said:
Equinox said:
They won't let him because if he did than he would become Champion, and if he becomes Champion he can't continue on his journey. Even if he declined the title, that would be a massive waist of time.

The last time I checked, Champions can travel. Alder, Cynthia, Steven, Wallace...do I need to add more?

They can, but they can't go on long journies. They get vacations.
I hate to be that guy, but trying to piece together the anime into a believable plot is what's really entirely pointless at this point. No offense.
Some Loser said:
I hate to be that guy, but trying to piece together the anime into a believable plot is what's really entirely pointless at this point. No offense.

I don't even like the anime anymore, the show got old after Battle Frontier; it's like Bakugan, it's way past the expiration date, but they keep airing it.
I don't mind Ash not winning the League, I just don't like him doing worse than the last League. At least in OI and BF he won against the Leaders.
Anyway, does everyone think Ash should just retire his Unova Pokémon? Most of them suck and the next time they'll get to fight in an Official League battle, is in 6th or 7th Gen land.
Aquapulse said:
Blob55 said:
Since Ash lost in the Unova League, is there really any point in continuing BW? I know N has finally been introduced, but IMO, it's too little too late.
I know some people say that it's how well one does, it's the Journey, but what's the reason for Ash to go on his Journey? It's to see new Pokémon and to Collect Badges for the League! But since he did badly in the League, then why continue traveling in Unova?
Just remember this: No matter how well Ash does from this point on, he probably won't use any of his Unova Pokémon to get Badges in 6th Gen.

I agree. The whole thing doesn't make any sense. Ash had fought in like, what--five leagues so far? And he still lost? Goodness me. And they finally introducing Team Plasma in the last arc? Why's that? The whole thing is so weird.

Ash should've won the Sinnoh League where he had a much better shot despite that his last opponent had Latios and Darkrai on his team. At the time, Ash had his Heracross which would've been able to beat both Pokemon with Megahorn due to being weak to Bug because of both Pokemon being Psychic and Dark Types.

Aside from that hearing that Ash lost in the Unova League doesn't surprise me considering that they want to keep the Anime going with him as the main protagonist instead of replacing him with someone like Richie who has his own Pikachu who would've been a good replacement for him to say the least.
Card Slinger J said:
Ash should've won the Sinnoh League where he had a much better shot despite that his last opponent had Latios and Darkrai on his team. At the time, Ash had his Heracross which would've been able to beat both Pokemon with Megahorn due to being weak to Bug because of both Pokemon being Psychic and Dark Types.
That's like saying a Piplup can defeat an Entei because Piplup is Water type, knows Bubble, and Water is super effective against Fire.

No matter how frail a Pokemon may be when it comes to defenses, that doesn't matter in the anime. Pikachu's taken hundreds of slams, chokes, slaps, and punches over the years. Despite the fact that Pikachu are about 1 foot in height and weigh a measly 13 pounds, it's gotten up time and time again from several of these blows in a row that would otherwise murder something that size. Considering that Ash's Pikachu is just a Pikachu and Darkrai is a legendary, I am not surprised that it was able to withstand a Megahorn and still have enough energy to put up more than a fight.
I'm afraid to say this, but after so many seasons, I think Ash should finally retire.

Wasn't Ash supposed to be based off Red from Generation 1 games? If little kids want to connect the current generation games with the anime, I don't think they could really do that if the anime uses Generation 1 main character, and we are at Generation 5 and about to go into 6.

It would be much better if an anime version of the male character takes the spotlight, rather than Ash hogging it all.

With Digimon, the second season is set a couple years later, so we see the main cast from the first season a lot older. For the third season, the show has nothing to do with the previous 2 seasons. Every subsequent season has nothing to do with the previous, as if a new story has started.

With Yugioh, the GX series is sort of a continuation of the original series, with a new cast, but the old cast is hinted at. 5d's is set way into the future, and the cast from previous series has been mentioned only in cameo roles. Now we are in Zexal, and it has nothing to do with the original, GX, and 5ds.

If I had to redo the anime, Ash should have been champion in the Indigo league, and the main character should have been Ethan for the Johto journeys. He meets up with Ash, and he doesn't know that Ash is champion, and they duke it out in the final episodes. Then the hoenn seasons will start fresh without referencing any of the characters in the previous season.

I basically want the anime to be faithful to the games more, which means, Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket needs to take a back seat.

If people weren't so attached to Pikachu, it would have been like this. Basically every generation has a Pikachu like pokemon, except Generation 2, unless you count Pichu.

Kanto season = Pikachu
Johto season = Pikachu from kanto given to the new main character, evolves into Raichu at some point. Another way would be to start out with Pichu.
Hoenn season = Plusle and MInun
Sinnoh season = Pachirisu
Unova season = Emolga

That's what I think the companions "would" have been if they retired Ash and Pikachu, well pikachu would have been given to the new guy and evolved into Raichu.
Dropping Ash from the Anime won't likely ever happen. Yugioh and Pokemon were the THING back in the late 90s. Everybody loved it. The anime for Yugioh died out a lot after Yugioh GX started. I actually watched some Yugioh GX and it wasn't bad, it just wasn't the same, especially since even though Yugi showed up occasionally, the Pharaoh was gone. Pokemon isn't the same as it was in the 90's popularity wise, but it has a much bigger fan base across the entire franchise than other things do.

If I were doing the anime, first I change the fact that the last 2 Gens had an incredibly annoying water Pokemon. I let people catch Pokemon they befriended more often as well. It pisses me off when they bond with a Pokemon and then end up having to part ways. Like Ash and Meloetta, or especially the episode with Carracosta. I was so mad after that episode. I also think they need to bring old pokemon back like Charizard and Snorlax as well as let Ash's Pokemon evolve more than 1 Stage 2 per Generation
exdarkrai01 said:
I also think they need to bring old pokemon back like Charizard and Snorlax
Charizard is coming back, but I think they need to bring back less popular Pokémon like Kingler and Totodile.

exdarkrai01 said:
as well as let Ash's Pokemon evolve more than 1 Stage 2 per Generation
Well, Ash really doesn't capture that many Pokémon that can evolve twice other than Starters and the regional bird. So far he has Palpitoad, Boldore and Gible as the only non-Starters that can evolve into a Stage 2.
Also, in DP he got 3 Pokémon to go to Stage 2.

signofzeta said:
I'm afraid to say this, but after so many seasons, I think Ash should finally retire.

Wasn't Ash supposed to be based off Red from Generation 1 games? If little kids want to connect the current generation games with the anime, I don't think they could really do that if the anime uses Generation 1 main character, and we are at Generation 5 and about to go into 6.

It would be much better if an anime version of the male character takes the spotlight, rather than Ash hogging it all.

If I had to redo the anime, Ash should have been champion in the Indigo league, and the main character should have been Ethan for the Johto journeys. He meets up with Ash, and he doesn't know that Ash is champion, and they duke it out in the final episodes. Then the hoenn seasons will start fresh without referencing any of the characters in the previous season.

Ash WAS originally supposed to win the Indigo League, but then the Porygon thing happened and by the time the Animé was back, info on Gold and Silver was out.
It's not all about the Pokemon league. Sure that's the main goal, but what the fans stay for is the story line and 'the journey', and I think the N arc is gearing up to be a wonderful side story. Mind you, it's just starting to air in the U.S. this week so don't spoil it, even if it's not good. Plus, I wasn't mentally prepared to say goodbye to Cilan and Iris yet, and this and Da! are going to provide us with that last stretch of episodes before they leave for good. You kinda build a connection with these characters when the shows go on for this long. And no, I don't think Cilan is annoying. Well.... sometimes, but overall he's great.
The problem is, Ash and co. don't really communicate properly other than Iris saying "You're such a kid" and her Pokémon not listening to her and the problem with Dent, is he KEEPS ON SAYING he's a connoisseur over and over, plus the "Evaluation time" thing.
Johto had the best character communication, as everyone was actually acting like people towards each other, instead of one-dimensional characters that say and do the same things over and over. Would it really be any different if Iris, Ash and Dent were still the main characters, but never spoke to/saw each other?
Everything got pointless after Misty left. It was good to have at least Brock, but they axed him too.
I agree with you completely Blob. One dimensional characters is a good way of describing them. I don't mind them, but they do have a lot of flaws. I'm getting sick and tired of the repetitiveness of some characters and although Misty/Brock/Ash will probably always be the best character chemistry, we can't deny that Brock and Misty also have 1 dimensional aspects as well. Just look at Brock... whenever there is a girl, which is basically every episode, he goes insane and Misty always pulls him away. Is this concept really any different than Cilan's constant kitchen lingo and connoisseur-ness?