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Rating: Positive (+1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Very good communication! Told me when he sent/received.
Description of Cards: Great condition!!!
Shipping: Very fast and quick shipping!
Overall: Great trader! I recommend this trader!!!

(Reference .. 100 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative – omahanime)
NEGATIVE Approved by omahanime on 12/18/11

Rating: Negative (-1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Slow communication while confirming the trade, and then he didn't reply to my emails afterward.
Descriptions of Cards: Never got it
Shipping: Never got it.
Overall/Additional Comments: Ripped me off for about $30 worth of cards. I had confirmation to prove mine were delivered. Did he wait till 100 feedback to go AWOL? Filed mail fraud. You should too if you got ripped off by him.
NEGATIVE Approved by omahanime on 12/13/11

Rating: Positive (-1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Said he didn't receive my end, Delivery confirmation puts it at his home three days after I sent out.
Description of Cards: Never Received.
Shipping: Never Received.
Overall: Bad trader. I want the cards I am owed, or my cards back.

(Reference .. 100 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative – omahanime)
NEGATIVE Approved by omahanime on Dec 30,2011

Rating: Positive (-1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Confirmed reception of my end, did not ship his end. Said that he had been busy and that he would ship within the week. Did not ship.
Description of Cards: Never Received.
Shipping: Never Received.
Overall: Bad trader. If his wife had a baby, fine, but at least send me my original cards back or some sort of communication

(Reference .. 100 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative – omahanime)
NEGATIVE Approved by omahanime on 1/3/12

Rating: Negative (-1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: I sent out my end, and he claims he sent out twice, but I never received.
Description of Cards: Never received.
Shipping: Never received.
Overall: Bad trader. I've traded fine with him once, but I guess I can't blame him for the mail system being out of whack. I have no idea how to file mail fraud, though lol.

(Reference .. 100 positive, 0 neutral, 4 negative – omahanime)
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