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esp. [W] Basic Dark

RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

would u consider 2 Gyarados SF (1 RH) and Alph 4 for your mew prime?
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Just got rid of the Mew Prime, and I don't like that trade on my part for the Gengar, sorry to both.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Azelf LA
RH Judge
Espeon EX N/M

Gengar Prime
Players Reward Energy Sealed

RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

No thanks. I'd do the Player Reward Energy for the Espeon ex straight up though.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

What if I were to take off the energy off the deal? Would you do it? Energy is just to have...don't need it as much.

LMK. =)
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

No, I still don't value Espeon very high and the other 2 things I already have, they're just trade bait. Sorry.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, Mew Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Bump 2.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Please CML for Rare Candies and UL Kingdra
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Darkvoid - nothing really, you can check my wants and tell me if you have any of them though.

Javier - I'd do it for full Lugia Legend JPN 1st Ed.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Could you throw in something from my wants?
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Umm, nothing on your wants is small enough to qualify as a throw in.
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Could you throw in a holo Venusaur from SV?
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

CML for
Manaphy Deckbox,
Gengar Prime,
3 Floatzel GL,
and MiniBinder with sampling back(I value minibinder at $2.50)
RE: esp. [H] Gengar Prime, DCL Bottom, Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

do you have any physcic energy x2 poketurns or pokemon rescue?

RE: esp. [H] Mini-Binder [W] Seeker

Flaming Driscoll - Nothing I really see, but still check my wants for anything you have.

k1ll3d - I have lots of Psychic Energy, but neither of the other 2. Check my list for something, we can work out a trade and the Psychic can be a throw in.
RE: esp. [H] Lots, just updated. Mini-Binder [W] Gengar Prime, Umbreon UD

4x RH Junk Arm
2x Seeker
1x RH Rescue Energy
1x RH Twins
1x RH Rare Candy UL
4x Poketurn 2x RH
1x E-gain RH/Or non holo, your choice

Interested in any Broken Time Space (either) Pokemon Collector (either) or any Machamp SF (either, perfer RH though) Jumpluff HGSS (either)