Espathra, Flittle from Paradise Dragona


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Espathra and Flittle have been revealed from the Japanese set Paradise Dragona, which releases in Japan on September 13th. We expect most of its cards to become part of our Surging Sparks set in November.
Flittle – Psychic – HP40
Basic Pokémon
[C] Splashing Dodge: 10 damage. Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent’s next turn, prevent all damage from and effects of attacks done to this Pokémon.
Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 1...

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Now I miss using Aerodactyl in Zoroark Box... that was actually great because its damage could KO the small basic after devolving.
Wow, a Stage 1 with it's main attack worse that TM: Devolution lol.
yeah very weird balancing. you litterally have 0 advantage playing this over tm devolution. it's both longer to setup and weaker

Now I miss using Aerodactyl in Zoroark Box... that was actually great because its damage could KO the small basic after devolving.
aerodactyl was a fossil, that's why it's stonger I guess

Wow another crappy card from paradise dragona. This set is extremely underwhelming hopefully supercharged breaker can save the English set
yeah and the news are sooo slow. I can't even imagine the unrevealed cards that tends to be weaker ...
Why does every Espathra other than the ex have to be filler garbage? Can we just have 1 decent one, we have so many… ok I guess we have the Paradox Rift Espathra, that’s not the worst thing ever. But still
TM: Devo is just better in every aspect. Sure, you didn't get choose with it but it devolves everything so you don't have to choose
Honestly I'm glad not every new card or set is power-creeping the previous ones. That being said, I feel like it might even see a spot as a rare one-off in Espathra ex decks if Rare Candy decks become viable again
It wouldn't have been enough to make it better than TM Devolution, but they could have at LEAST made it discard the evolution card instead of putting it back into the hand...
Why does every Espathra other than the ex have to be filler garbage? Can we just have 1 decent one, we have so many… ok I guess we have the Paradox Rift Espathra, that’s not the worst thing ever. But still
The one that stalls (Tulip one) is actually decent. What else do you want? You have the single prizer and the ex