Ruling Espeon Majestic Dawn


Aspiring Trainer
Does its Pokebody allow its HP to stack up to, i don't know, eternity? My friend has this card and whenever we play, he puts in in his bench for a long time until its HP is high enough to last long. I really don't get this card. Is it:

a) Add 20 HP to Espeon and other -eons every turn disregarding their max HP
b) Add 20 HP to Espeon and other -eons every turn until their max HP's are full
c) Add 20 HP to Espeon and other -eons only on turn played

If this isn't how it works, please do tell. Thanks.:D
I'm not 100% sure but I'd check out the section on the forum entitled Card Rulings or strategies
Actually it doesn't work any of those ways. It means that every pokemon that evolves from Eevee gets an extra 20 HP points. For example: MD Umbreon has 80 HP to start, if you have Espeon in play then Umbreon's (and Espeon's) HP goes up to 100. You don't add 20 every turn.