Ethan’s Typhlosion Illustration Rare from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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Ethan’s Typhlosion will be getting an Illustration Rare in Heat Wave Arena!


The set will release in Japan on March 14th. Its cards will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.
Ethan’s Typhlosion – Fire – HP170
Stage 2 – Evolves from Ethan’s Quilava
[R] Buddy Blast: 40+ damage. This attack does 60 more damage for each Ethan’s Adventure card in your discard pile.
[R][R][C] Steam Artillery: 160 damage.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

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Budew IR when? If they make one I hope its more the style of the pidgey from obf than the hyperrealistic ones. Thick lines, no shading, few colors.
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Really wish the attacks were deck-worthy because this art is absolutely phenomenal and perfectly captures why people love Typhlosion.
Can't be sure yet there are two spots between Psyduck and rotom

2 of

Staryu, starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras, feebas, milotic, buizel, floatzel, dondozo, water pon, Electabuzz, electivire, pichu, electrike, maectric,

Dondozo & Electivire are exes, so they're out of the picture. Safe to eliminate Water Pon too, no way it gets an AR when the others are confirmed not to have one.