Ethan’s Typhlosion Illustration Rare from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

Can't be sure yet there are two spots between Psyduck and rotom

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Staryu, starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras, feebas, milotic, buizel, floatzel, dondozo, water pon, Electabuzz, electivire, pichu, electrike, maectric,
I'd say feebas, magikarp, water ogerpon, dondozo and electabuzz all seem unlikely. My guess is pichu AR and Buizel AR
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Really wish the attacks were deck-worthy because this art is absolutely phenomenal and perfectly captures why people love Typhlosion.
This one is rather decent. The first attack deals 40 + 60 x the amount of "Ethan's Journey" card in your discard pile. If you're playing an Ethan deck, you're definitely playing 4 copies of it, so it could hit for up to 280 for just 1 fire energy. It's probably not going to be the build around strategy (Ho-oh and Magcargo are better at that job) but bringing 1-2 copies of Typhlosion to close out a game is absolutely valid.
Eh, it’s fine. I prefer the more artistic landscape style of IR commonly found in the first two years of SV. Stuff like the IRs from 151, and most of the IRs from Paradox Rift, where the Pokemon is not the highlight compared to the rest of the art. Recently we haven’t gotten much of that. Again, I don’t dislike it, it’s just not for me
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Yes!!! I was seriously hoping Typhlosion would get one and it looks gorgeous. Guess I'll look at singles from this set after all :p