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In Search Of [EU-WW] Fuel my Wingull/Pelipper Addiction (and other things i´d need)


Seagull Overlord and Business Entrepreneur
Hello everybody,

I set myself the goal of having an complete Wingull and Pelipper Collection. Both Holo and Regular. In total i have 10 out of 38 so far but S&M i ordered a booster box so i should be gucchi there. Language i dont care at
the moment. Just one of each. Maybe i make it a thing to have each in every language aswell at one point.

Here is a little FAQ:
-"Wingull and Pelipper are you serious?" - Yes
-"Thats not hard to do / expensive / rare" - Depends. Also this isn´t only for the "normal" cards that go for 3$ each max. Also for more rare and obscure things people might have. Maybe Missprints. Cards i don´t even know about yet. Special old boxes. Other merch. All that good stuff.
-"Are you a collector?" No. I like to buy and open and own diffrent cards but i don´t collect. Mostly i try to be "Pro" TCG Player.

So what i need:
-Every Wingull and or Pelipper you can offer. Best would be many together so it's cheaper on the shipping. But on rare ones i don´t mind.
-Jap Wingull and Pelipper would be especially cool to have.
-Any Wingull, Pelipper, Spinda or Teddiursa Merch you have you might offer
-Max Elixir
-VS Seeker (in any edition) ( maybe only as addition to one of the other cards as it´s not that pricey)
- more to come possibly

I don´t mind importing cards if it makes sense to do so. That´s why i put "world wide" in the title

What i have:
Current List of my "collection"

What i can offer you:
Most of my Cards are in german. I do have an english Skyla FA but thats about it for valuable english cards.
If you want something german for your collection i am your man. I have quite a lot of cards and i can possibly get them easier for you if i don´t have them yet.

For everything else. I´m going to pay. We´ll fix a price incl. shipping.

I don´t really have any reputation in this or any other trade forum. Not even ebay. But i got a bit of an "reputation" of myself of beeing a sincere guy. Also most of my friends are on the internet and im active in the TCG community. And i don´t wanna have a bad reputation in either.
So you can trust that i will deliver to my promises to the best of my capabilities.

Also if you don´t have said cards. But maybe know a guy where i´ll possibly able to buy multiple from one place so i can go low on shipping. Feel free to send me a DM. I only used cardmarket eu so far and that´s a bit of a mess.

So i hope i didn´t violate any rules (as i am kinda scared of that :s) and i wish you all a pleasent day even if you can´t offer me anything.
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So I updated my list because i noticed that there is a card called Mr. Briney's Compassion which has a Wingull in the foreground so i count that towards the Collection.
Also if you know about more cards for it i missed. Let me know.

But now i NEED the help of my Merican friends. I might notice there is a card on the list called "Mr. Briney's Compassion (World Championship Card)". Which is a Promotional Card featured in the WCD 2005 Deck "Queendom" deck with a custom for that made Cardback. It also features a grey border and a Signature of the player who won with it.
Problem beeing with me beeing german that i will have a really hard time finding it here due to that Deck beeing 1. US exclusive (i think). 2. Kinda hard to find due to it´s age and 3. I can´t find anyone in Europe selling it on it´s own nor the whole deck due to it beeing a very specific card.
I found a website in the US who sell's it but i don´t think it´s worth for me to just order one card from there. So here is where you come into play. If someone actually has this card or the whole deck it came with. Message me please. Also i´ll possibly ask you to combine that with some stuff i´d like to have to US Pokémon center website. Bcs they don´t ship to Europe. If you just wanna send me the card. That´s more then enough.

So this is second thing after Reeses Penut Butter Cups we don´t have in Germany that i really want. Or any Penut Butter filled sweets for that matter
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