European Challange cup at an end...


The hurler will soon become the hurlee..
Not many hours ago the european challenge cup in the Netherlands, containing hundreds of positive and talented players, ended its final rounds. Steven Mao from Germany ended up winning with his Luxchomp build, beating Andrea Ceolin, utilizing the new and exciting option Lostgar. Another Luxchomp came 3rd, and Machamp ended up grabbing fourth.

But what does this tell us about the changes in the international meta as of the release of CoL? What do you think?
Mandibuzz is gonna be the best LostGar counter.

Mandibuzz – Darkness – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Vullaby

[D] Sneak Attack: Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon that already has damage counters on it, and do 50 damage to that Pokemon.
[D][C][C] Punishment: 40 damage. If your opponent’s Active Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon, this attack does an additional 60 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Mix in Crobat G and you've got a LostGar killing machine.

And this is why I believe LostGar won't make it to the top tiers, unless it happens to be incredibly hard to play (although it requires just 1 Darkness and 1 DCE)
A. You don't even need a Crobat G; just load up the bad boy and OHKO it.

B. Well, Mandibuzz won't come out until Maaaaybe the first BW set, and that isn't until after States and Regionals. From what I've heard (on PokeGym, mostly), LostGar had little to no impact (out of 180+ decks, only 5 were LostGar and they were poorly constructed apparently). I expect to see way more LostGar here stateside; for ex. at Cali States there might be 300 Masters and at least 15 LostGar decks.
I'm expecting LostGar @ our states, namely Chris Fulop @ CC's was saying how he got it to work good. I know i won't play lostgar though :p
It may not have made an impact, but I am sure people still teched for it. Any crazy techs that you saw?
@ DanJem Well so i saw, but thought they cleared it up and agreed that he played Luxchomp? Well, I might have been mistaken... Regardless of that, Luxchomp was still the winner, which leaves us excactly where we were at the beginning of this season... Well, not entirely, behind LC, a lot has changed, but my wish of a new dominant deck that has the ability to compete with it, has not come true... Maybe we'll have to wait for RRon/HGSSon, before Lostgar becomes a real threat?

As for techs against Lostgar, I believe this format hosts several already. Absol G X, Honchkrow SV and Weavile G are all decent and playable options. after what I heard, the latter was a predominant tech in many LC-builds over in the Netherlands, due to the outrageously massive hype of the little purple ghost...

@CFOURCOLTSFAN Well, If anyone can get the deck to work in todays format, that would be him:)
Actually almost all LC Builds in seniors ran Weavile G.
@ the ECC. While only 1/2 Lostgars showed up in seniors.
Well, I have double-checked the standings for this tournament - and as earlier posted, I was a little mistaken - apologies for that! In order to get this straight, here comes the correct results:

1. Luxchomp
2. Lostgar (!!!) With Gengar SF-tech, not a Vilegar-build!

So congrats to Andrea from Italy for almost grasping a victory with this entirely new deck-idea! Seeing as I mistook his deck for a usual Vilegar-list, I didn't see the implications of his marvellous result... We've actually got a working Lostgar! This is highly interesting, and suddenly changes my personal opinion of the deck... Might try testing it with Gengar SF-tech now;)
Now puts Weavile G into deck...
i really don't want lostgar to show up b/c it does trade "prizes" w/ LC relatively easily IMO(at least my build does)I've been using the SF Gengar tech from the begginning and not surprised to see it used but i just find that is RIDICOUSLY easy to stall out for 30 minutes+ 3 turns w/ LC and beat gengar :p
Yeah, stalling out a Lostgar deck that only has a half-good start is pretty easy... Judges all over the world will have to be extra allert when it comes to noticing when a player obviously stalls on purpose.
even if it has a good start stalling can only be called at 35 seconds(i had that confirmed a couple of days ago) and i mean for LC it's easy to have a turn @ say 30 seconds(noticeable difference) to then take a 5 minute easy even longer if it's actually a good turn. not too mention that as long as the lc doesn't keep multiple pokes in hand then lostgar can't get "ahead" on the "prize" count(Lost zones to prizes)
Yeah, I suppose... I'll definitely attempt to use as much time as I legally can during the upcoming tournament when facing Lostgar. My personal strategy (apart from legal-stalling) will be to rapidly load a scizor prime with enough energy to OHKO a Gengar every turn, something that's fairly easy with a skarmory start. If I can do so without falling too far behind on the prize-count, I dont think the opponent will have much hope, seeing as he or she can't play lost world the same turn he or she hurls into darkness for the sixth pokemon, thus giving me one last turn for knockout:) Also, I expect little recovery to be run in the Lostgar-lists that I encounter, making it difficult for my opponent to come back after losing his or her gengars...