RE: For Sale: RH TV Reporter Dragon!
It's just one box.
I don't have any dicebags right now.
Please give me a link to your trade thread so I can check which RHs I have.
From HGSS I have the following in RH:
2x Clefable
2x Gyarados
1x Hitmontop
2x Noctowl
1x Quagsire
2x Raichu
2x Shuckle
1x Slowking
2x Ampharos
1x Ariados
2x Farfetch'd
2x Feraligatr
2x Furret
2x Ledian
2x Meganium
2x Persian
2x Pichu
1x Sandslash
2x Tyrouge
2x Weezing
1x Bayleef
2x Blissey
3x Corsola
2x Croconaw
1x Delibird
2x Donphan
1x Dunsparce
1x Flaaffy
3x Heracross
2x Iglybuff
2x Metapod
2x Miltank
2x Parasect
2x Quilava
2x Qwilfish
1x Skiploom
3x Slowbro
3x Starmie
2x Unown R
3x Wigglytuff
2x Caterpie
1x Chansey
1x Chikorita
2x Cyndaquil
1x Drowzee
1x Eceggcute
2x Girafarig
2x Growlithe
1x Hoothoot
2x Hoppip
2x Jigglypuff
2x Ledyba
1x Magikarp
1x Mareep
1x Marill
1x Meowth
1x Paras
1x Phanpy
2x Pikachu
2x Sandshrew
2x Sentret
2x Slowpoke
1x Snubbull
2x Spinarak
2x Staryu
1x Energy Switch
2x Full Heal
2x Moo Moo Milk
2x Poke Ball
2x Poke Gear
2x Prof Oak's Theory
2x Switch
1x Rainbow Energy
Tristan said:Is the lugia ho-oh box two differnt boxs or just one
Do you have any dice bags?
What RH from HGSS do you have?
What RH from SV and Pa do you have on my trade thread I have my list listed of what I need for the Pa and SV but for HGSS just show me because I don't have alot.
It's just one box.
I don't have any dicebags right now.
Please give me a link to your trade thread so I can check which RHs I have.
From HGSS I have the following in RH:
2x Clefable
2x Gyarados
1x Hitmontop
2x Noctowl
1x Quagsire
2x Raichu
2x Shuckle
1x Slowking
2x Ampharos
1x Ariados
2x Farfetch'd
2x Feraligatr
2x Furret
2x Ledian
2x Meganium
2x Persian
2x Pichu
1x Sandslash
2x Tyrouge
2x Weezing
1x Bayleef
2x Blissey
3x Corsola
2x Croconaw
1x Delibird
2x Donphan
1x Dunsparce
1x Flaaffy
3x Heracross
2x Iglybuff
2x Metapod
2x Miltank
2x Parasect
2x Quilava
2x Qwilfish
1x Skiploom
3x Slowbro
3x Starmie
2x Unown R
3x Wigglytuff
2x Caterpie
1x Chansey
1x Chikorita
2x Cyndaquil
1x Drowzee
1x Eceggcute
2x Girafarig
2x Growlithe
1x Hoothoot
2x Hoppip
2x Jigglypuff
2x Ledyba
1x Magikarp
1x Mareep
1x Marill
1x Meowth
1x Paras
1x Phanpy
2x Pikachu
2x Sandshrew
2x Sentret
2x Slowpoke
1x Snubbull
2x Spinarak
2x Staryu
1x Energy Switch
2x Full Heal
2x Moo Moo Milk
2x Poke Ball
2x Poke Gear
2x Prof Oak's Theory
2x Switch
1x Rainbow Energy