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Thank you EvilHamster!

¤ .... Sensational trader! Cards arrived quickly
¤ ... and well-protected. Thank you EvilHamster!.... .... +1 Ref !

* EvilHamster rushed out his side of the trade to help me get a card for tomorrow's City Championship... It got here in time and I am SO happy!
+1. Great Trader. Threw in extra cards. Thanks.
+1 ref...everything came as specified, too a lil' longer than usual, but after contacting him, all was explained...items were well protected...good trader
Trade was a bit slow (he said he would ship on Saturday, and they came not the following Monday but the next), but cards did arrive safely. Would have liked to seen a toploader for the cards, but otherwise no problems.

Rating: Positive (+1)
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Pretty good contact. Told me everything I needed to hear.
Description of Cards: Came as described.
Shipping: Top loader with card in a sleeve.
Overall: Thanks for the Darkrai EX!!!!!
Rating: +1
Buyer/Seller/Trade: Trade
Communication: Great
Description of Cards: Good. Weren't good as new. But nothing worse then near mint.
Shipping: Pretty fast. Were packaged well.
Overall: Great trader. Would definitely trade with again sometime.

(Reference .. 19 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative – omahanime)
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