Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustraitors!!!!!!! 27 cards done

Do you think i'm in over my head with a set so huge?

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RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

Ohh LV, all of this for that, if someone before you tells me that, I will change it, I never know of where Rick founds the images.

Here my final cards (I can't do more, I a thief, LV will try to help you doing cards like Angel Eevee, using Ken Sugimori Art in the wrong way and using backgrounds such black with two stars):



And if Rick don't see:



Rick upload the first page or you and me will got to the jail.
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

Yeah, LV chill,u could of told me, Alchemist_Almighty found most of the illustraitions for his set on the net, and he didn't give any credit at all.

BTW nin jr did u finish Totodile yet?

if u did then plz post it,and if ur up to it then here:

Flygon d 110HP( M )

(Poke-Body) Frequency Jam
As long as Flygon is your active Pokemon both you & your opponent cannot play any Trainer cards other than Supporter cards.

( C ) Shrill Shreik 10
Flip a Coin. If heads, The Defending Pokemon is now Confused. If tails, The Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed

( M )( M )( C ) Steel Wing 60

& Here is the picture,keep everything but if u could,plz remove the logo in the bottom-right hand corner,ok?
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

No I don't do it still, who is the "real illustrator" of Totodile and Flygon?

Because both will go to the jail, if do the same crime twice (sarcarsm)
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

JAIL!!!??? no idea who the illustraitor is, just put Anomyus, that way we can't get in trouble.

BTW The Secptile is also Aragonbird's...we have to give credit.
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

Here the lovely Totodile with the art of Anonymous and with the background edited by me (also I made the fire aura of Totodile):


And if anyone don't see it:

RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 11 cards done!!!!

GREAT,nin jr...r u ready with Flygon???
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Yes I will do it, but wait because I need to edit some of my cards.

Hey Rick try to check the contest, don't let the contest go down.

Ohh I afraid that I won't edit the Sceptile and I don't do yet the Flygon, I will do the two things in a couple of days, please forgive me, I was things to do with my set.

If you don't trust me, here is the latest card that I made for my set (DP Shining Forest) and obviously with my art (this time plastiline like art):

58-Berobelt-Colorless Stage 1 Rare, Art by Nintendo Jr.
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Nice i like it, it's ok take ur time...

But i'd like for u to edit Sceptile before LV gets angry again...
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Plz edit it before I report you to Aragornbird for art theft. (again)
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Ok i told nin jr would edit it,would u chill, no need to get soo serious, i picked up the pics off of Google, not from his site, i didn't know they had a law...
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Well here is the Sceptile d edited with the right illustrator, I psot quickly before LV starts to cry:


If someone don't see it:


Uff, never I can't relax
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Here is Flygon d with the anonymous art:


If you Rick don't see it:

RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Hey Rick any card tha you want me to do?
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 12 cards done!!!!

Awsome CARD!!!!!

& yes:

Machoke d 80HP( R )

( C ) Steady Punch 20+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage.

( R )( R )( C ) Rolling Kick 40
Flip a coi. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

Weakness: ( P )
Retreat Cost: ( C )

a nice mountain background plz?? here is the pic: by Aragonbird,before LV yells at us!!!

Hey nin jr the Flygon's Poke-Body is spelled "Frequency" not Frequenzy!!!

& it is Shrill Shriek, not Shreik

plz fix both???


  • machoke.png
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RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 13 cards done!!!!

Under Illus. plz put Aragornbird. (then I'll shut up about it.)
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 13 cards done!!!!

Duh, i know now, i told nin jr to put it....k???
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 13 cards done!!!!

ok in the time between cards here are the last 3 Trainer Spoilers:

Adventure Pack

Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for 2 Pokemon Tool cards and put them in your hand. If tails, search your deck for an Energy Card put them in your hand.

Holon Harbor(Stadium)

Whenever you discard an Energy Card, flip a coin. If heads, search your discard pile for another Energy Card(Not the one you discarded) and put it in your hand. If tails, draw 2 cards.

Time Capsule

Flip a coin.If heads, take any 1 card out of your discard pile and put it in your hand. If Tals take any 2 cards out of your discard pile and shuffle them back into your deck.

there done;)
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 13 cards done!!!!

Hold on!

I will edit Flygon d and I will do the Aragonbird's Machoke d, I will do in a couple of days.
RE: Ex Delta Frequency (My New Set) Dire need of Experianced Fakers & Illustaitors!!!!!!! 13 cards done!!!!

Sorry to dissapoint but I only edit Flygon d:


If someone don't see:


I only edit Flygon d because I have some problems with my computer and others things to do in other forums :p
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