EX Extinction(dead:mods please close)

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Golem King

Im back from the dead :D!
This set is done R/S style with D/P Pokemon, just like EX: Holons Revenge also done by me. E stands for extinct and M is for Mummified (its kinda like Delta species). E will make them more powerful and combined with steel, and mummified makes them more powerful and combined with Dark. Just like Delta Species, it doesn't interfer with the name (example: Beldum d can evolve int o either Metang d, Metang M, Metang E, or plain Metang) Artists: Extinct Pokemon are skeletons and Mummified Pokemon are bandaged, like mummies. Check out EX Holons Revenge for rules. For doubles, be specific (example: Aerodactyl E (holo), Aerodactyl E (rare)) Event cards are like Stadiums, but rarer. Remember: be creative!

Tagline:They want REVENGE!!

Holos, EXs, and *s
1.Kabutops E
2.Omastar E
3. Aerodactyl E
4. Armaldo E
5. Cradily E
6. Rampardos E
7. Bastiodon E
8. Charizard M
9. Infernape M
10. Snorlax M
11. Dialga M
12. Palkia M
13. Lucario E
14. Typhosion M
15. Blaziken E
16. Blastoise E
17. Feraligatr E
18. Swampert E
19. Empoleon M
20. Venusaur M
21. Meganium E
22. Sceptile E
23. Torterra E
101. Kabutops E ex
102. Omastar E ex
103. Aerodactyl E ex
104. Rampardos E ex
105. Bastiodon E ex
106. Armaldo E ex
107. Cradily E ex
108. Regice ex
109. Registeel ex
110. Regirock ex
111. Absol E ex
112. Jirachi M ex
113. Mew M ex
114. Mewtwo M ex
115. Flygon E ex
116. Salamence E ex
117. Dragonite E ex
118. Tyranitar E ex
119. Garchomp E ex
120. Arceus M *
121. Mewtwo M *
122. Golem *

24. Kabuto E
25. Omanyte E
26. Lucario M
27. Mew E
28. Mewtwo E
29. Munclax M
30. Aerodactyl E
31.Vibrava E
32. Shelgon E
33. Dragonair E
34. Pupitar E
35. Gabite E
36. Lileep E
37. Anorith E
38. Sheildon E
39. Cranidos E

40.Kabuto E
41.Omanyte E
42. Vibrava E
43. Shelgon E
44. Dragonair E
45. Pupitar E
46. Gabite E
47. Lileep E
48. Anorith E
49. Sheildon E
50. Cranidos E
51. Charmeleon M
52. Combusken E
53. Quilava M
54. Monferno M
55. Wartortle E
56. Crocnaw E
57. Marshtomp E
58. Prinplup M
59. Ivysaur M
60. Bayleef E
61. Grovyle E
62. Grotle E

63. Riolu
64. Bagon E
65. Trapinch E
66. Gible E
67. Dratini E
68. Larvitar E
69. Charmander M
70. Chimchar M
71. Torchic E
72. Cyndaquil M
73. Bulbasaur M
74. Chikorita E
75. Treeko E
76. Turtwig E
77. Squirtle E
78. Totodile E
79. Mudkip E
80. Piplup M

Trainers and Energy (87 and 88 are fake fossils to evolve into the D/P fossil Pokemon. If anyone knows the real name, PM me.)
81. Dome Fossil
82. Old Amber
83. Helix Fossil
84. Dark Tomb (stadium)
85. Root Fossil
86. Claw Fossil
87. Pachy Fossil
88. Flat Fossil
89. Ultimate Fossil Find
90. Fossil Digging Team (supporter)
91. Potion
92. Pokeball
93. Fossilized Grounds (stadium)
94. Pyramids of Hoenn (stadium)
95. Extinct Energy
96. Dark Energy
97. Steel Energy
98. Mummy Energy
99. King Tutonpokemon (supporter)
100. Paleontologist (supporter)

Box Toppers
123. Dialga * (thank you Darkness Generation)

124. Ancient Pokemon World (stadium)
125. Egyptian Pokemon (event)
126. Ressuretion (event)
RE: EX Extinction

Blaziken E (Holo) 120hp

poke power: fire Vortex
if the defending pokemon is burned put 2 damage counters on one of your opponents bench pokemon.

(M)(M)(C) Steel claw 70

(F)(F)(F)(C)(C) Overheat 150
the defending pokemon is now burned and discard 2 fire energys on Blaziken E

Rt. cost 4

Combusken E 70hp

(C)(C) sky uppercut 40

(F)(F)(F) fire ball 60+
if the defending pokemon is burned this attack dose 60+20.

Rt. cost 3

Torchic E  50hp

(C)(C) peck 20

(F)(F) burn 30
the defending pokemon is now burned

Rt. cost 1

I dont know if they are to powerfull you said they shoud be stround if they are E
RE: EX Extinction

Lucario M (Holo) 100hp

(D)(D)(C) shadowball 40+
this attack dose 40 + 20 for each dark energy the defending pokemon has in play.

(R)(R)(R)(C) Earthquake 90

Rt. cost 3

Riolu   60hp

(R)(R) double kick 20+
flip two coins add 10 damage to the attack for each heads

(D)(D)(D) shadow punch  50

Rt. cost
RE: EX Extinction

riolu, The Riolu isn't mummified. And I will count your Lucario M as holo. Be specific next time.
RE: EX Extinction

Darkness Generation said:
Box topper: Dialga *

That would be:

Dialga *​
(M) 180HP​

Steel flash

[/b]Metal destruction[/b]​
Dialga* does 90 damage to itself, discard all energy card attached to all your Pokemon, if you do not, this attack does nothing.​
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