RE: EX holon union- Just a normal set!
Sure, anyone can help!
Well, I guess MOT6K is the winner!
Here are some more cards:
Dustox d-90HP-Fire/Metal
Evolves from Cascoon
PokePower-Burning Dust
Whenever dustox retreats, put two damage counters on the defending pokemon.
[c] Speed Boost
During your next turn, dustox's retreat cost is zero.
[r][m][c] Mega Impact 80
Dustox does 20 damage to itself.
Evovles from Silkoon
PokeBody: Family Figure
For each Beutifly, Dustox, Cascoon, Silkoon, and Wrumple in play pay one less [c] to retreat.
[m][c] Mecha Blast 30
Does 10 damage to two of of your opponents benched pokemon.
[w][c][c] Underwater Ram 50
If the defending pokemon is a water type, this attack does 50 damage plus 50 more.
Evovles from Wrumple
PokeBody: Prickly
Whenever Cascoon is damaged by an opponents attack, put one damage counter on that pokemon.
[r] Tackle 20
Evovles from Wrumple
PokeBody: Silky
Whenever Silcoon is damaged by an opponents attack, remove two damage counters from Silcoon.
[w][c] Water Rebirth
Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for [w] type pokemon. If tails, search you deck for a [w] type pokemon.
Wrumple d-50HP-Fire
[r][r] Mini Flamethrower 40
Discard an [r] energy attached to wrumple.
Wrumple d-40HP-Water
[w][c] Water String-Shot
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now asleep. If tails, the defending pokemon is now paralyzed.
Kabutops d-110HP-Grass/Metal
Evolves from Kabuto
PokePower: Energy Slash
Once during your turn, you may look at the top card of your deck. If it is an energy, discard it. If It is a trainer or pokemon, put it into your. You can't use more than one Energy Slash Pokepower per turn.
[c][c] Slash 30
[g][m][c] Blade Hurl
This attack does 40 damage to one of your opponents pokemon plus 10 more for each energy attached to that pokemon.
Evovles from Mysterious Fossil
PokeBody- Battle Armour
Any damage done to Kabuto is reduced by 10.
[g] Claw 30
[m] Multiple Scratch 20x
Flip three coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Omastar d-110HP-Fire/Metal
Evolves from Omanyte
PokePower- Ancient Flame
Once during your turn, If Omastar is your active pokemon, you may count the number of Kabutops, Omastar, Arodactle, Cradily, and Armaldo in your discard pile. Put that many damage counters on one of your opponents pokemon.
[m][c] Bite 50
Put one damage counter on omastar.
[r][r][c][c] Inferno Spike Shot
Put seven damage counters on one of your opponents benched stage 2 evovled pokemon.
Omanyte d-70HP-Fire
Evovles from Mysterious Fossil
PokeBody-Mini Shell
Any damage done to your Omanyte and Omastar in play is reduced by 10.
[r] Wrap 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now paralized.
Evolves From Mysterous Fossil
PokeBody- Myserous Light
Once durin your turn, you may search your deck for Mysterious Fossil and put it into your hand.
Sure, anyone can help!
Well, I guess MOT6K is the winner!
Here are some more cards:
Dustox d-90HP-Fire/Metal
Evolves from Cascoon
PokePower-Burning Dust
Whenever dustox retreats, put two damage counters on the defending pokemon.
[c] Speed Boost
During your next turn, dustox's retreat cost is zero.
[r][m][c] Mega Impact 80
Dustox does 20 damage to itself.
Evovles from Silkoon
PokeBody: Family Figure
For each Beutifly, Dustox, Cascoon, Silkoon, and Wrumple in play pay one less [c] to retreat.
[m][c] Mecha Blast 30
Does 10 damage to two of of your opponents benched pokemon.
[w][c][c] Underwater Ram 50
If the defending pokemon is a water type, this attack does 50 damage plus 50 more.
Evovles from Wrumple
PokeBody: Prickly
Whenever Cascoon is damaged by an opponents attack, put one damage counter on that pokemon.
[r] Tackle 20
Evovles from Wrumple
PokeBody: Silky
Whenever Silcoon is damaged by an opponents attack, remove two damage counters from Silcoon.
[w][c] Water Rebirth
Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for [w] type pokemon. If tails, search you deck for a [w] type pokemon.
Wrumple d-50HP-Fire
[r][r] Mini Flamethrower 40
Discard an [r] energy attached to wrumple.
Wrumple d-40HP-Water
[w][c] Water String-Shot
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now asleep. If tails, the defending pokemon is now paralyzed.
Kabutops d-110HP-Grass/Metal
Evolves from Kabuto
PokePower: Energy Slash
Once during your turn, you may look at the top card of your deck. If it is an energy, discard it. If It is a trainer or pokemon, put it into your. You can't use more than one Energy Slash Pokepower per turn.
[c][c] Slash 30
[g][m][c] Blade Hurl
This attack does 40 damage to one of your opponents pokemon plus 10 more for each energy attached to that pokemon.
Evovles from Mysterious Fossil
PokeBody- Battle Armour
Any damage done to Kabuto is reduced by 10.
[g] Claw 30
[m] Multiple Scratch 20x
Flip three coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Omastar d-110HP-Fire/Metal
Evolves from Omanyte
PokePower- Ancient Flame
Once during your turn, If Omastar is your active pokemon, you may count the number of Kabutops, Omastar, Arodactle, Cradily, and Armaldo in your discard pile. Put that many damage counters on one of your opponents pokemon.
[m][c] Bite 50
Put one damage counter on omastar.
[r][r][c][c] Inferno Spike Shot
Put seven damage counters on one of your opponents benched stage 2 evovled pokemon.
Omanyte d-70HP-Fire
Evovles from Mysterious Fossil
PokeBody-Mini Shell
Any damage done to your Omanyte and Omastar in play is reduced by 10.
[r] Wrap 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now paralized.
Evolves From Mysterous Fossil
PokeBody- Myserous Light
Once durin your turn, you may search your deck for Mysterious Fossil and put it into your hand.