ex or Lv X?

You can still use some Pokemon EX, they just have to be from Holon Phantoms or sooner expansions.
I hate lvx for two reasons:
1.- they need to be active to evolve.
2.- they count as the same pokemon due your 4 limit.

I prefer taking 2 prize cards rather than this 2 drawbacks.
YEah OMG I hate Lv X cause it maeks the match so slow pretty much its like adding a forth evolutions. With EX it was way better, Cause DRE and Scramble were spammed so much...
Scarfcario said:
You can still use some Pokemon EX, they just have to be from Holon Phantoms or sooner expansions.

actually I think its September 1st is when the new season starts, So as soon as the new season starts is when The EX sets get banned...
I love the ex saga more than now. :>

Despite me actually getting more Lv.X than ex, I still want ex more since the diversity of the decks before. Besides, my n00b deck before(Typhlosion/Walrein ex) PWNed everyone. O_O
Once the EX sets do get banned, it will be a sad day for like four cards in my deck. Not really that life threatening.
British Columbia, Before Christ, Buizul Card, Boyish Charm, That chick who was a dude in Vandread, take your pick. ^__^
lv. x cards can use the attacks and effects of the cards under them which i think makes them really cool, it does suck though that it is like a fourth evo.

but as far as "cookie cutter" decks go, that's why ultimately i like playing unlimited cause you can create decks with strategies that would never have been played by anyone using only modified cards. (plus, don't tell me that everyone wasn't using haymaker decks way back in the day and then sneasel and clefairy decks, so there will always be many ppl with the same kind of deck)

but all in all i think i like the lv x cards better but that may be just cause i've never really used any ex cards that i particularly liked all that much.
Ahhh the Sneasel deck takes me way back to when you didn't have these fancy-pants decks with Lv X's and ex's. Ah, memories.

Beat Up was awesome.
I like Level xs better. EXs always do lots of damage, but level xs do cool stuff (Garde's Bring Down, Garchomp's Restore, Darkrai KO Attack). The old days were fun, but DP has plenty suprises.[/font]
I like the variety of the EXs a lot more, and there was more room for surprise with them than with the LV. Xs
Ex's have Lv. X's in numbers for now. After a while the Lv. X's will outnumber Ex's. Just give it some time.
i dont know which i like better.lv x's do all these cool things,like shatteranatora said.but ex's were soooooooooooooooo strong and had so many strategies with other cards(which lv.x's also do). ex's were more common than lv x's.And lv. x's come in the tins(which annoys me because i like my deck to be origonal)in almost every set.the only lv x that ive ever pulled out of a pack was gardy x but ive pulled about 10 ex's.
EXes Where The HITTTT!!!!!!
EVERYONE had CREATIVE decks people have thought of Lv xes are USELESS and everyone had the same deck too do not dis The EX Era because it was 100% the best.