EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 3 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Wow, you ppl are outspeeding my set!
Suggestions for the spoiler makers:
Capitalize the cards correctly, use real cards (preferably new also) to help you word your grammar.
Also try to write pokemon like this: Pokémon If you need to you can copy the word from my post and paste it into the spoilers. If you fix up the capitalization, grammar, and write Pokémon correctly, you will prolly get more help making cards...hint*...hint*
Thanks SubZero, anywa, here is omanyte:

Omanyte (w) 70HP
Stage one, evolves from mysterious fossil.

Poke body: Ancient shell.
All attacks done to omanyte by your opponents pokemon ex do 10 less damage to Omanyte.

(w) Slap 20

(w)(c)(c) rising lunge 20+
flip a coin. if heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage.


Exploud ex or tekarit, can you do omastar and omanyte.
Diddn't you do the Ormanite already?

Omastar ex
Hp 150
Type (W)

Poke Body : Tough Tentacals
Any damage done to Omastar ex is reduced by 20.(before applying weakness and resistance)

(W)(C) Shell Spin 40

(W)(W)(C) Tentacal Crush 80
Flip a coin, if heads, discard an energy card attached to the defending pokemon.

Weakness (L)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)

Hp 70
Type (W)

(W)(C) Water Spear
Choose 1 of your opponent's pokemon, this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon.(don't apply weakness and resistance to bench pokemon)

(W)(C)(C) Hyper Splash 50+
If the defending pokemon is a pokemon ex, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 damage.

Weakness (L)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)
Ok, then you up for some more? Lets do some commons, hows about doing houndour, i think its the last spoiler!!!
Woops, houndoom hasn't been done either, ill do him:

Houndooom : 70 hp (fire)

(c) Tackle 20

(f)(c)(c) damage burn 40+
If the defending pokemon is already damaged, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage.


So now houdoom is the last card i think, Exploud ex, you can have the honor of doing it.
There's still Sceptile and Swampert.

Hp 50
Type (R)

(C) Tackle 10

(R)(C) Smokescreen 20
During your opponent's next turn, if your opponent's pokemon attacks Houndor, your opponent flips a
coin, if heads, that attack does damage.

Weakness (W)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)

What about Houndoom?
Houndoom is above, and sceptile and swampert were also done, in fact, sceptile is already a card!
OH, if you mean ex, you can do them.
Uh... now? What do you mean by when, whenever you have time, its ok whenever you do it.
I mean when was the Sceptile made?

Sceptile ex
Hp 150
Type (G)

Poke Power : Solar Power
You may attach as many energy from your hand to your pokemon, if you do, put 1 damage counter on
on the pokemon for each energy you attached.

(G)(C) Healing frenzy
Flip a coin, if heads, remove 5 damage counters from qne of your pokemon.

(G)(G)(C) Solar Flower 100
Discard all (G) energies attached to Sceptile ex.

Weakness (R)
Resistance (W)
Retreat Cost (C)
Ages ago, when I told you to do treecko gorvyle mudkip and marshtomp, you said what about swampert and i said i want to do it!
Oh, now I remember.:D
Hey, only 10 pages and we're done with the spoilers.:D
Oh yeah, :D.

Swampert ex
Hp 150
Type (W)

Poke Body : Dual Aura
If Swampert has any (F) energies attached to it, Swampert is now both (W) and (F).

(W)(C) Tsunami 40
This attack does 10 damage to all of your opponent's bench pokemon.

(F)(C)(C) Earthquake 80
This attack does 10 damage to each bench pokemon.(Both yours and your opponent's bench pokemon)

Weakness (L)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)(C)

Oops! almost forgot to put the Weakness , Resistance and Retreat Cost.
Please read this thread before you comment, i have asked nintendo jr to edit the card, stop saying its broken!