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[EX-Ruby&Sapphire-ON] Reshiphlosion - Need advice!


Aspiring Trainer
In my city's arena we play EX-Rubby&Sapphire set onwards.

I'm building a Reshiphlosion Deck so that I have more flexibility if I want to play in a HGSS-on arena when I go to university.


4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales (Roast Reveal poké-power)
2 Uxie (Set-up)


4 Roseanne's Research
4 Prof. Oak's new theory
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
1 Celio's Network
2 Engineer's Adjustments
3 Junk Arm
2 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Expert Belt
3 Plus Power
2 Broken Time Space
1 Defender

Energies: 13 Fire {R}

The cards I have minded for this deck but don't know if I should use them and what to take out:

1x Broken Time Space (faster Set up)
1x Snowpoint Temple (+20HP for the reshirams)
1+ Defender (took one out for expert belt)
x? Potion (to heal the damage from typhlosion's afterburner)
x? Twins (more flexibility if made a misplay)
x? Seeker (recover a damaged pokemon to the hand)
x? Switch (...)
1 Unown G?
More Celio's network than pokémon communication?

Other suggestions are accepted even though I may not have the cards!

Thanks for your attention,

wow RS-on...just go with porydonk :)
No reshiplosion is going to do much in EX-RS on since Reshiplosion is a Modified powerhouse not a deck that is designed to be used with Sableye/Pory/etc.