Ex series

Delta Species and Unseen Forces were probably my faves.

Emerald flat out sucked except for a few cards. Hidden Legends wasn't that great either.
Are you kidding me???? ATM, Desert ruins, and the amazing amount of playable holos??? And emerald had 3 major contributions: 1) Medicham ex, which I will not defend...let its record speak for itself. 2) Battle Frontier...Still found in serveral decks and a main reason why mewtric won worlds. 3) Deoxys ex, which gave mewtric a chance to win against safeguard pokes...Delta species is by far the most over-rated set ever.
There were a couple good exes in HL and the trainers like the stadiums and steven's advice, but I really didn't care for many of the pokes aside from Jirachi.
I am a Delta Lover :p

I Like

1. DF DF has many delta pokemon and good EX's and Rare's!
2. UF UF has Many Ex's plus nice Rare's!
Ice Pokemon Master said:
FireRed LeafGreen IMP is not that good, just the Pidgeot and Charizard ex...

Charizard Ex Sucked. Some of the Good cards were: Pidgeot, Nidoqueen and Blastoise Ex. Let's NEVER Forget LBS and Queendom
If you mean EVERY ex series imo TRR was the best cause it had all the old dragtrode stuff (before holo engine)
and had swoop pow and admin which gave mewtric it's power (not including swoop) and other decks