Expert Belt the big Hype

Do you think Expert belt is good.

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Why does everybody think that Expert Belt is so good when I do not think that it is. I never really played with EX Pokemon and when I did it was the year that they went out.

Here are the Translations for the card. From the Beach.

Expert Belt
Trainer - Pokemon Tool

The Pokemon this card is attached to has its maximum HP increased by 20. When the Pokemon this card is attached to attacks, it does an additional 20 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon. When the Pokemon this card is attached to is Knocked Out and your opponent takes a Prize card, your opponent takes 1 additional Prize card.

To use a Pokemon Tool, attach it to one of your Pokemon. It can’t be attached to a Pokemon that already has a Pokemon Tool attached to it.
20 more HP and 20 more damage from attack? Sure, there is the extra prize downfall, but you have more HP and can deal more damage. Hopefully, you can KO your opponent's Pokemon before they KO you.
Like most cards, you have to use it in the right deck for its benefits to really shine. Turbo Shuppet can greatly abuse this card. Doing an extra 20 damage and not giving the opponent a second prize (as Shuppet goes back to the hand) is awesome. Using this card with a tank that doesn't die (Butterfree comes to mind) is also worthwhile.

In some decks like AMU, this card is terrible. However, in decks like Turbo Shuppet, it is near-broken.
People are overhyping this card though. Ofcourse in some decks it's tha bomb but in most decks it will hurt more than it will help you.
The extra 20 damage is nice making easier to knock out your opponents pokemon and the extra 20 hp can also allow you to survive an extra turn depending on how much damage your opponents deck can deal.
Fairly little Pokes can abuse this extra damage. But the ones who can will surely reap the benefit from it, yes. And yeah people are overhyping it, why even mention that? People overhype every other novelty-like card.
I don't think it's being over-hyped at all.
obviously in some decks it will work wonders (turbo shuppet, Luxray AoA tool trashing, etc), and in some decks it would be a major no-no.

you can totally abuse the upsides of this tool while ignoring the downsides with some decks, and with other decks it would put some pokemon completely out of the OHKO marker. like Adding it to a high HP pokemon like Rhyperior or Dusknoir LV X.
Think about the potential!! If you have Expert Belt attached to your Pokemon. Then you play a Buck's Training and a Plus Power. That is +40 damage to your Opponent's Pokemon. I know it may not happen often, but if you play at least 3 of each of the mentioned cards, that is a LOT of Damage!
I believe that if a deck can fit one in, then it should. To have an extra 20 under a specific circumstance may have great potential. Heck, a Pachi can easily OHKO a Palkia G LV.X out of the blue... not that anyone techs a Pachi... >_>
IMO, I think this is a pretty good card. In some decks obviously this would be a bad card to use but in general, this is pretty good.
I believe this is hyped because it's really one of the only good cards that's coming out of AA. Think of it this way. It's like two PlusPowers that never leave the Pokemon. It allows tanks and Pokes with high HP to have even higher HP. The only drawback is the two Prize thing, but if you play it right, you could get two before they get two. It should be able to win matches late game when you need that extra push. Not to mention all the types of decks that can take advantage of this. Sure, it is more useful in some decks than others, but still, it's a great Tool.

dmaster out.
It will make shuppet/uxie/starmie decks better. There is no drawback because they go back to your hand
With my Leafeon/Shaymin Deck this will be THE BEST!! 110HP+40 from Shaymin LvX+20HP from Espeon+20HP ExpertBelt= 190HP Tank that can do MASSIVE DAMAGE
^Torterra tanks better IMO.

Terra X (160 HP)+Landmin X (+40 HP)+Expert Belt(+20 HP/+20 Damage)=
120 Damage for the attack on the X and 220 HP with a +30 weakness.
Torterra says 'sup to that. Torterra + Shaymin + Torterra X + Sceptile + Expert Belt =

220 HP tank that can deal 120 damage each turn for 2 energy, or even more depending on which Torterra you use.

EDIT: Lolninjad.
it won't help every deck and it especially won't help sp decks (since they're more interested in energy gain). in fact it is quite dangerous to sp pokemon since they are generally times two weakness, which will really add to expert belts usefulness in the right matchups. anyhow, versatile, variable damage is always welcome in a deck.
Carl buys Torterra X off ebay for a buck.
Now here's a question will Diamond and Pearl after just avoiding the rotation again see a revival for something other than DP Dusknoir?
Also does anyone like the idea of wailord with this card? Now that's a tank.
Adding HP and damage is nothing more than just that. A 220 HP Lord is not much harder to take down than a 200 one if they both have sucky attacks that go with it. Look past this empty-minded idea of a tank please.
This could see the return of scizor/cherrim especially with the new cherrim -10 for each cherrim out buffer 40 if over 60 damage plus 120hp and 90 for 2 energy, if you hit the 60 mark then they'd need to manage 100 for a kill next turn 2 cherrim would mean they need to hit 120 ( and i don't think much is doing that consistantly) now we just need away around dialga G
This card is just a double Unown E with a double PlusPower which don't go away. Do you need that constant PlusPower? Probably not. Do you need that (extra) HP boost, probably not. Chances are you aint gonna reach that OHKO (especially not if you opponent's also plays Expert Belt) and you will still get THKOd. Now, is it worth it to give your opponent a double prize? No.

And let's not forget that it IS a tool. Which means you can't attach an Unown G which will hurt alot in some matchups, you can't attach an Energy Gain if it's an SP-Pokémon and you'll be a victim of Pachirisu, Mismagius, Relicanth and Electivire LV.X.

Now I think of it, I'm going to love this in Beedrill. After three Beedrill (With 130 HP! Blaziken can't just 80+30 for the OHKO) you'll lose, but that means you can actually enjoy the 3 Night Maintenances (instead of missing a few late-game) and let's you hit for 140 :]