• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

ExplosiveInferno Deck (First Deck!!)


21 Pokemon altogether
1x Arceus (Platinum Arceus AR6)
1x Magmortar (Diamond & Pearl-Mysterious Treasures 12/123)
1x Magmar (Diamond & Pearl-Mysterious Treasures 54/123)
1x Magby (Diamond & Pearl-Mysterious Treasures 88/123)
1x Charizard (Diamond & Pearl-Secret Wonders 3/132)
1x Charmeleon (Diamond & Pearl-Secret Wonders 46/132)
2x Charmander (Diamond & Pearl-Secret Wonders 82/132) and (Jungle 46/102)
1x Arcanine (Jungle 23/102)
1x Growlithe (Diamond & Pearl-Secret Wonders 89/132)
1x Dark Magcargo (EX Team Rocket Returns 38/109)
1x Slugma (EX Unseen Forces 73/144)
1xExeggutor (Mysterious Treasures 24/123)
1xExeggcute Mysterious Treasures 82/123)
1xSkuntank (Diamond & Pearl 15/130)
2xStunky (Diamond & Pearl 102/130)
1x Alakazam (Diamond & Pearl-Mysterious Treasures 2/123)
1x Abra (Diamond & Pearl-Mysterious Treasures 69/123)
1x Gliscor (Diamond & Pearl—Legends Awakened 5/146)
1x Gligar (? 67/105)

27 Energy
8x Fire
6x Leaf
4x Fighting
4x Dark
3x Psychic
2x Electric
12 T/S/S
TV Reporter (EX Dragon Frontiers 82/101)
1x Pokemon Breeder Fields
1x Switch
1x Bill
2x Energy Search
1x Potion
1x Pokedex
1x Energy Switch
1x Double Full Heal
1x PlusPower
1x Super Potion
THANKS!!!! (W[/font]ill post strategy when I have more time!)
Nearly all of your Pokemon and Trainers are rotated, so you can't play this in tournaments...
Your deck lacks any real focus. It's just a bench of different pokemon shoved together plus you're playing all these 1-1-1 lines which means something will get prized plus it makes drawinto into it very hard which is not good for you seeing as you play no trainers or supporter cards that can search for pokemon.

Choose one pokemon and focus around it. who would you prefer your main attacker to be
What hes saying is that if you go into a tournament, you wont be able to play with this deck. Because once so many sets come out some sets get rotated.
Such as when Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out (Were on Triumphant)
everything Below Majestic Dawn got taken out. So that left us with 11 Playable sets.
So If you want to make a deck do the following.
-Like many above said, focus on a main attacker.
- Use cards from the following sets
Diamond And Pearl: Majestic Dawn
Diamond And Pearl: Legends Awakened
Diamond And Pearl: Stormfront
Platinum:Base Set
Platinum:Rising Rivals
Platinum:Supreme Victors
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Heartgold and Soulsilver Unleashed
Heartgold and Soulsilver Undaunted
Heartgold and Soulsilver Triumphant
-Most importantly have fun
Actually, a deck 1-1 pokemon deck could be a extremely good deck... when you know how to use it. I have a multi tech deck that works wonderfully.

Your deck looks like a bunch of random cards put together (like the new pre-made decks, seriously, WT"Beep"). I am willing to help you a lot (as my deck has the same squeleton) if you tell me a little about your strategy.

Get redshark (pokebeach main page) and you will know more about sets.