Ruling Faint Attack, Accelerate


Questing for perfection
Hello everybody,
(hi Dr. Nick) <-- for those who don't watch simpsons... I'm sorry you won't get this.

I was playing Pokemon yesterday and this is what happened. I was using Scizor I attacked with the 1st attack (Accelerate) and KOed the defending pokemon. My oponent had on his bench Honchkrow lv. X with and 4 (D) Energies attached. He also had a Darkrai Lv. X on his bench. He makes the Honchkrow lv. X his active pokemon. He then attacks my Scizor with Faint attack which does 80 damage (40 for the attack and 10 x 4 energies since the Darkrai's poke-power).

wow... that was long.

I argued that since Accelerate was used 1st the effect of that damage shouldn't be able to happen since the effects of (Faint Attack) would have been prevented.

My opponent says that the damage doesn't get affected by Accelerate since Faint attack's effect modifies the damage before it's applied.

What should have been the result of the attack?
No, nothing should happen to Scizor since "all effects of and attack including damage" are prevented, so he wouldn't take any damage.
Thanks for you help. I am still unsure because on Faint attack it states... Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokémon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokémon. The attack's damage isn't affected... so it seemed to alter the attack's properties. Do you know where I could get an official ruling on this?
Actually, Faint Attack will go through it no matter what. Effects of attacks are covered in the attack's text, which means, ultimately, nothing can stop Faint Attack doing exactly whatever damage it wants to do.
Compodium said:
Q. Would Misty's Stayu's (the one that does damage regardless of Weakness/Resistance/Pokémon Powers/effects of attack) do damage to a Raichu/Rapidsah/Seadra/Fearow/Blaine's Ponyta that got a heads on Agility? Cause Agility says prevent all effects of attacks, and the game text of the Staryu's attack IS an effect.
A. Yes it would still do damage, it ignores the effect from the Agility as stated on the card. (August 17, 2000 WotC Chat Q165)

Replace Swift with Faint Attack and Agility with Accelerate and you've got the same deal.
Thank you very much Blaine. You even included a quote for the ruling. I tried going on pokegym but the site doesn't work... or my PC won't let me access. Thanks for helping me clear that up. Take it EZ ^_~
I had similar problems, but LH is right. Pokemon really should make rules more clear.