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Fairy Big Basic for States


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate/Veteran

  • 3 Xerneas XY
  • 2 Xerneas Ex
  • 2-2 Aromatisse XY
  • 1 Tropius PLB
  • 1 Virizion Ex
  • 1 Mr Mime PLF
  • 1 Zekrom LT
  • 1 Terrakion LT
  • 1 Victini Ex
  • 1 Mewtwo Ex

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Bianca
  • 1 Skyla
  • 4 Max Potion
  • 3 Fairy Garden
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Town Map
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Computer Search

  • 5 Fairy Energy
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 2 Rainbow Energy

Standard big basic deck with fairy support. Build more defensively with 3 stadiums, 4 max potion, and 3 tool scrappers. It is built to help deal with DarkraiGarbodor, that is sure to be played.

Xerneas is the ideal starter. With even just 1 energy, it is possible for this deck to survive by accelerating energy while drawing dead for a few turns.
Xerneas Ex is the main attacker of the deck. With Break Through and muscle band. It hits 80 to the active and 30 to an ex on the bench. Then when the Ex comes out. X Blast with Muscle Band hit for 160 more and a total of 190 damage to knock out most Exs, since nothing resists Fairy yet.
Aromatisse for energy transfer.
Tropius to late game return to draw cards and to help counter Blastoise/Keldeo.
Virizion for Status Effects.
Terrakion for Darkrai, Zekrom for Yevltal, Victini for extra energy acceleration and for VirGen.

There are a few things i would like to add if i could manage to find space. Though idk if i would want to cut anything for...
-Another Mewtwo Ex
-1 Professor's Letter to skyla for.
-1 Rayquaza for Black Kyurem Ex or Rayquaza Ex.

Any suggestions?
I'd take out a Tool Scrapper and a Bianca for 2 more Rainbow energy; you just need all te energy you can get in here.
IMHO, Xerneas EX isn't needed for this deck. You don't run LaserBank or Laser in general, so mostly you will do 140-160 damage to the defending Pokémon with a band.
I see that you are trying to find one of each pokemon to put into the deck, I will list what I found to be useful.
- Tropius and Virizion EX both don't work well together. Your supporter line is pretty decent, so assuming you are playing this against blastoise why would you want to promote it active just to draw cards? Your opponent would knock you out next turn most likely. You can maybe play Genesect EX as a counter, but I would just stick with the Virizion EX. He can do 140 DM with his attack with a band if you really need to, and it only costs 2 energy.
- Mr. Mime isn't as needed as you need most of your bench space and you run max potion anyways. Yes it may suck to heal 30 HP from a bench pokemon, but it is worth it sometimes.
- Personally, I would rather go with Emolga EX or Rotom PLS, but Zekrom is understandable.
- Also I'd go either way on Landorus EX or Terrakion, both are good choices to me. Also I might consider Terrakion EX, I think it is like Geomancy but with 90 damage...I'm not sure though bc I don't play him.
- Honestly Mewtwo EX is not a Viable attacker anymore. Yes, he's good against Deoxys, Mewtwo...and what else? He is undershadowed by Yveltal EX nowadays. But again, I know you want all the types. I would run 1 Yveltal EX, 1 Palkia EX, and 1 Sigilyph. All are 3 types you need. Palkia covers Dragons matchup and Sigi is good for stalling/stopping powerful EX attackers.
- Fine with Victini EX. Also a consideration is Entei, but I also like Victini better.
- You might want to take out a max potion for another supporter. When I have 4 of an item card I tend to discard them often off ultra balls or Junipers.
- Replace the Bianca with a colress and have ^card also be a colress. They come in handy when your bench is generally full.
- Lose a tool scrapper, 2 is enough.
- I'd run Dowsing machine in this deck. There is always a lot needed that is discarded and I feel that searching your deck for a card which may not be be there is a higher risk then finding something you know might be in the discard.
- Up the Ultra Ball count to 3/4, you have many things you will want to search for in this deck.
- I don't run Town Map, but I see how it could be useful.
- Up your Rainbow energy to 4. They help when using max potion and are able to be put on Aromatisse...it helps late game.
- If you want to use Geomancy or Turbo Energize, why would Professor's letter help? Yes, you can search your deck for 2 energy, but that decreases your chance late game for a surprise Geomancy. As I assume you are a talented player make sure to check the energy limits in your deck before you take 2 fairy, but I might even consider energy search in this deck over P's letter.
- Fairy Garden/ Darkrai? I like Darkrai better because you don't have to worry about discarding energy later when stadium wars come out. If you switch then you have 1-2 new open spots...FYI.
- If you want, you can run another super rod. It helps a lot when you are low on resources/about to deck out/need that 'one' tech against your opponent and is discarded.
Thoughts/Opinions? I hope you agree with some of these.
I find tropius to be a big help. There are times when i am drawing dead and i need return to help me get something useful. I've played around with it a lot with my beedrill deck. And i am usually fine sacrificing it, if it can help me refresh my hand. I usually run 2 of tropius if i can fit it in the deck with the right energy. But i just find that Xerneas is just a better starter than tropius. Being able to charge my bench is much better than being able draw more cards early game.

As for Xerneas Ex. I had my doubts about it as well. But it helps so much in the Darkrai/Garbodor/Sableye. The person who usually wins the tournaments here, is planning on running that Darkrai deck. With a band it can knock out a sableye with breakthrough and do 30 damage to a bench Ex that i am assuming is going to come out eventually. Then with a Muscle Band and X Blast, it knocks it out. For the same reason i choose to run 3 tool scrappers. Since the abilities of bench barrier, verdant wind, and fairy transfer are so important vs that deck. With garbodor being such a threat to my deck already, adding darkrai for its ability isn't a good choice imo. Plus Fairy Garden can be played over virbank city to mess with the poison damage. With both abilities and fairy garden being really helpful to my deck. It takes a lot of cards for Darkrai decks to completely counter my deck.

Zekrom is in the deck for both the Yevltal/Lugia counter, but allows me to drop Rainbow energy and actually benefit from the damage with outrage. All it needs is 5 damage counters and a muscle band for a OHKO on those pokemon without risking my special energy.

I thought about multiple super rods. But its just not super important. The pokemon dont usually get knocked out super easily. Especially with max potion. But when things start getting OHKO, i will be in trouble.

As for your pokemon suggestions for the types. Sigilyph makes sense, as it can just ignore ex pokemon and smack them. Though the Palkia as my dragon type isnt ideal. Since its mostly used to counter dragon types. It is also weak to what it is attacking, making it a poor choice to just give my opponent a fair prize trade, rather than using Rayquaza and only give up one prize.

I innitally used mewtwo as my main attacker, before i pulled the Xerneas Ex. Being that it can attack even if i get special energy blocked. I currently dont have any Yevltal Ex to use, and dark is not a hugely useful attacking type. That and people are going to be teching for it, as it is hugely popular. Electric attackers are going to be dead cards against my deck.

I will never use colress over bianca, unless its an empoleon deck. I just hate having that card be my early game supporter and be completely terrible. If i had another shauna i would use her over bianca, but i dont so meh.

For professor's letter. It servers multiple purposes. Both for searching for an energy that my only skyla can target if needed. Then it could be played or be used as discard fodder if need be.

Anyway, your post was helpful. As it did make me consider dowsing machine again. Since most of the time i just ended up getting comp search early and going for spiritee, instead of something super helpful. It will also allow me to drop a tool scrapper and still have "3" in my deck for garbodor.
im getting back into the tcg and i wanted to make a deck that used the fairy type. do you still agree with this decklist? or is there some changes that need to be made because im thinking of buying the singles to make this deck
its okay. its a little slow. But you might need a blastoise counter. I almost want to say to play 1 frozen city. I only lost to blastoise. Also there might be too much tech for garbodor. But, it might be worth it if you run into garbodor. I just only played against 1.
would you consider running more fairy/rainbow energy in this deck? i found that if one of your pokemon gets knocked out with 2-3 energies on it and you dont have your super rod, you get energy starved. i havent playtested it much so maybe this doesnt happen often
Idk you can run more. Probably 4-2-7 is better. It depends how you play. I like geomancy. So i liked having more fairy energy. If not you can run 4-4-5 or something to have more special energy. I just found i wanted more tech and only could get rid of energy.

I didnt do much testing before states either. If i had i would have probably ran 4-2-7. it seems a little better. Also put in 2 fairy garden 1 frozen city to counter blastoise. Late game after they burned all their tropical beach. you can lock in frozen city and watch them squirm.