Pokémon (18):
- 1 Xerneas Prism Star (beatdown)
- 2 Alolan Ninetales GX (searches)
- 2 Alolan Vulpix SM7b (evolution)
- 2 Alolan Vulpix SM2 (evolution)
- 2 Gardevoir SM7 (beatdown)
- 2 Gardevoir GX (beatdown)
- 2 Kirlia SM7b (evolution)
- 4 Ralts SM7b (evolution)
- 1 Tapu Lele GX (search)
Trainer (30):
- 2 Diantha (retrieval)
- 3 Sightseer (draw)
- 3 Guzma (control)
- 3 Cynthia (draw)
- 3 Lillie (draw)
- 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
- 3 Choice Band (beatdown)
- 3 Rare Candy (evolution)
- 1 Field Blower (control)
- 4 Ultra Ball (search)
- 4 Nest Ball (search)
Energy (12):
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
- 8 Fairy Energy
Start with either Ralts or Alolan Vulpix and use the search items to bench some additional Basic Pokémon. Use Beacon to search out Alolan Ninetales GX and both Gardevoir. Evolve Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales GX to search out Rare Candy and evolve Ralts into Gardevoir and Gardevoir GX. Use Gardevoir GX to fuel the entire team and attack with either Gardevoir or Xerneas Prism Star.
Would like to fit one Pal Pad into this deck in order to recycle Diantha but have no idea what to take out to make room for it without compromising the consistency of the deck.
This deck has the potential to be incredibly strong, but I don't think you're playing to your advantages here. I have a number of suggestions, but I'll l go through them all individually just to elaborate more.
The 4-2 Alolan Vulpix Line.
You will not need a 4-2 Vulpix line, especially not a 2/2 Vulpix spilt. A 2-2 line (or perhaps 3-2 if you wish to rely on Ninetales more) should suffice, due to the fact that your opponent will not try to target Alolan Vulpix as they have bigger fish to fry, such as taking down your Ralts. Also, as you
need your first attack to be Beacon, I would advise against playing the SM7b Vulpix, as getting the Gardevoir and Ninetales into your hand for a T2 evolution is critical to this deck's strategy. I would cut 2 Alolan Vulpix, one for another Tapu Lele GX (explained below) and one for a Pal Pad as per your request.
The 4-2-2/2 Gardevoir Line and Xerneas.
Let me lay this bare: If you're playing a Gardevoir GX deck, you need at least 3 Gardevoir GX, as it is your main attacker and if you play any less than 3, you may struggle to get it down and attack with it. However, 2 of the non-GX Gardevoir is also kind of necessary, as you can almost guarantee that you'll get one down each game. This will not only force your opponent to play the 7 Prize Game, but it does do the job Xerneas is meant to do for the same damage output, only with a more manageable attack cost ([Y][C][C] as opposed to [Y][Y][Y]). Although Gardevoir is a Stage 2, and Xerneas is only a Basic, Gardevoir can attack twice in a row if need be, and offers a consistency attack as well, should you ever need it. For this reason, I would advise you to drop Xerneas. It would probably be the 61st card in the list, and I would have no qualms if you wanted to put it back in, but I myself would keep it out just to aid consistency.
Moving back to the Gardevoir line scenario though, a 4-2-5 line seems a little top heavy, so I would include a Ditto Prism Star to give you a 5-2-5 line and a better chance of getting your Gardevoir down. Now that we have a chance to get more Gardevoir on the field, we could think about including a Super Boost Energy, but I'll save that thought for later. You can add the Ditto Prism Star and the third Gardevoir GX by dropping the Xerneas Prism Star and the third Choice Band, as two should be enough because Gardevoir is able to ramp up damage pretty fast when you have multiple in play. You could also include another Kirlia if you wanted as well, but I don't have any cards in mind I would cut for it.
1 Tapu Lele GX.
In order to aid consistency, which is your main focus in Stage 2 decks such as Gardevoir, I would add another copy of Tapu Lele GX so you find it easier to access your draw supporters as you do not play Zebstrika in this list.
3 Lillie.
After T1, Lillie does become quite a dead card, so I would cut two of these Lillie for two copies of Copycat as they are a very good card against the Zoroark matchup, with which Gardevoir tends to struggle a bit sometimes.
2 Diantha.
2 Diantha seems a little bit too heavy, as it is quite situational and there are other supporters that would fare you better when it comes to retaliation. As Gardevoir already has quite a few recovery options, I would consider cutting one of these for a Tate and Liza, again for the consistency. Don't worry about discarding it early game though, as I have found space to play a Pal Pad, and in most cases you should be able to get it when you need it
Super Boost Energy.
It just feels right to play Super Boost Energy in Gardevoir, and now you can get 3 Gardevoir down at once with greater ease than you could before, why wouldn't you play this great enhancing card? Cut the 8th Fairy Energy for it.
So, in summary, here are my thoughts.
-1 Xerneas Prism Star
-2 Vulpix (SM7b)
-1 Diantha
-2 Lillie
-1 Choice Band
-1 Fairy Energy
+1 Ditto Prism Star
+1 Gardevoir GX
+1 Tapu Lele GX
+1 Tate and Liza
+2 Copycat
+1 Pal Pad
+1 Super Boost Energy
I hope these suggestions helped, and that they'll be put to good use!