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FairyMetal (Aromatisse / Klinklang)

Ryan Sinclair

4-2-2 at my first Nats, 33rd/151
Experience: Veteran

Pokemon - 15
  • 2-1-2 Klinklang
  • 2-2 Aromatisse
  • 3 Cobalion EX
  • 2 Registeel EX

Trainers - 34
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 N
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Heavy Ball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 4 Max Potion
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Tropical Beach

Energy - 11
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 Rainbow
  • 3 Fairy

Pretty straightforward - Klinklang gives EX immunity to my attackers, Aromatisse arranges Energy to allow quick setups and Max Potion shenanigans, Cobalion is a brilliant attacker with the ability to discard the opponent's Special Energy and also a shred-effect attack. Registeel is to tank hits and spread damage with Triple Laser.
I've picked Tropical Beach over Fairy Garden because I'd rather a consistent build for fast set up than an aggressive one. I have the Float Stones in there if I do need to retreat.
RE: FairyMetal

This looks like a great list, I'm not sure how it could be improved because it looks really really tight. The only thing I have to comment on is the supporter line; is 3 Colress truly neccesary? I would say 3 Skyla before 3 Colress, or even better, add another level/heavy ball.

What is the order that you try to set up in usually? I was about to say that you have no non-ex attacker, but Cobalion doesn't care about that. The only other thing I -might- say is Verizon or Keldeo or something, because lasers are the only thing that can really mess with you.

I'm curious as to how this has done in tournaments.
RE: FairyMetal

Also, your deck seems to be missing 4 cards, if I'm not mistaken. You only have 31 trainers in there.
RE: FairyMetal

OblivionDvdr said:
Also, your deck seems to be missing 4 cards, if I'm not mistaken. You only have 31 trainers in there.
Ah! Thank you very much, you'd think being on a maths degree would mean I could count past 30!

With the new found spaces I'm thinking
+1 Skyla
+1 Virizion EX
+1 Heavy Ball
+1 Float Stone

I personally like playing high Colress numbers because being able to draw into 6-10 after T2 is massively useful, often even more useful than Skyla searching out the one card I need.
As for setup, I'd like to open with Cobalion and have both Spritzee and Klink benched by T1. I think Klinklang is the priority support, but it won't be difficult to get Aromatisse out as well.
To be honest, the list is untested as of yet, I wanted to get my list right and ready before going out and getting the cards for it. I don't want to pick up 3 Cobalion only for them to be dropped later, right?
I've been messing around and playing with this deck, and it actually has a lot of options:

Virizion EX- When I say option, I mean just about mandatory. This thing is just incredible in here.

Skarmory EX- This guy is nice to have as maybe a 1 or 2 of, his first attack is good (especially for the Genesect matchup; see- G-Booster). His second attack is reasonably powerful too, so he makes a nice card in here, I would highly reccomend running 1 at least.

Darkrai EX- This guy makes it so you can have free retreat on your pokes, and since you have tropical beach and can't use fairy garden, it's a nice ability to have in here. On the down side, he takes up precious bench space, but I'd say he's worth it.

Jirachi EX- This guy is here pretty much because there's a lot here that he synergizes well with a lot of cards in the deck. Level ball searchable, metal type, and for the odd chance that you attack with him, he can't be put to sleep because of Virizion. His best purpose is really to allow you a bit more elbow room when it comes to your supporter line. Again, he's gonna take up precious bench space, so I'm not entirely sure of his inclusion.

That's pretty much all I've gotten for now. This is definitely something you're gonna have to tinker with till you find the right list that works for you.
MisaMouri said:
Doesn't Aromatisse only move fairy energy though?

Rainbow and prism energy both state they provide every type of energy but only one at a time so they provide fairy energy and thus can be moved by aromatise
I think you could spare to drop a few pokemon search. In the OP you have like 6 pokemon searching cards not including skyla to search for them and computer search to grab any card. I used a fairy deck with tons of tech and got away with just 1 level ball and 3 Ultra balls. Being able to slim down your pokemon search could open a few cards in the deck.
Ivy_Profen said:
I think you could spare to drop a few pokemon search. In the OP you have like 6 pokemon searching cards not including skyla to search for them and computer search to grab any card. I used a fairy deck with tons of tech and got away with just 1 level ball and 3 Ultra balls. Being able to slim down your pokemon search could open a few cards in the deck.

With the version you ran, all you needed to set up was the aromatisse. The Pokemon just sort of came to you after that. Setting up both an Aromatisse and a Klingklang is vital to this deck, and his search line is yours with 2 heavy ball added in for Klingklang. If anything, he could only really afford to drop an ultra ball, an, as a very, very reluctant maybe, a heavy ball.
Unfortunately, Virizion EX does nothing for this deck. Emerald Slash looks for Grass energy, but Prism and Rainbow energy are Colorless until attached.
ravetrade said:
Unfortunately, Virizion EX does nothing for this deck. Emerald Slash looks for Grass energy, but Prism and Rainbow energy are Colorless until attached.

Virizion EX is in here so that his pokemon don't end up with status conditions on them. In short, you only use Virizion for the ability, not the attack.
I think this really needs muscle bands to be able to 1HKO Pyroars, unless you plan to not battle anyone that plays that.
Cortel II said:
MisaMouri said:
Doesn't Aromatisse only move fairy energy though?

Rainbow and prism energy both state they provide every type of energy but only one at a time so they provide fairy energy and thus can be moved by aromatise

Thank you. Thats useful clarification! :)